Oh! Fool: The Answers

Oh! Fool: The Answers

A Chapter by Not A Writer

The answers to "Oh! Fool" which were questioned in the previous poem. The wise man answers his own question. What is your opinion?



Oh! Fool you boast as to what not exists
You mock those that don’t live to your standards.
Reason you say is folly
And folly is the best sort of reason,
For all is equal and there is no good or bad,
Nor is there a right and a wrong.
Everything you say is:
But examine the evil and good
It’s quite the contrary.
Everything has a standard.
This Secular Humanistic world-view relies on self,
And he himself is a god
For truth is than strengthened on “me,”
Because “me”  is a god and there is no higher Power
But that’s what fools say.
So per say,
You are wrong  
There are two fields.
You would be condemned as a fool by your standards.
Your decisions Oh! fool
Are based on your own truth,
Your own standards,
Which in itself is fallible.
Why can’t you see the err?
So what good is it to pursue folly
And run to destruction?
Answer me if you can.

© 2010 Not A Writer

Author's Note

Not A Writer
Talk, question, answer, post, reply, comment, criticize, rebuke, encourage, or anything you want. Let all see and read the replies of the comments shown below. This poem and the previous are based on my Christian perspective from the Bible.

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I'm not quite sure if this is what I had in mind. I don't think you answered your questions at all, but instead turned to well... I'm not quite sure what. The questions that you asked were: Why are the "foolish" boasting?, why has "reason" been neglected?, why is "truth" what we make it? How do the "foolish" explain emotions when they say that what is real is sensory based? If I'm wrong please correct me, but I'm not finding any answers in this new poem. Perhaps some more inner reflection is needed for you to be able to truly answer these questions. Why do you consider these people "foolish?" Under the assumption that you are speaking of athiests, what exactly makes them foolish? It is not just as, if not more, logical and reasonable to believe that no God exists? The point of my aquisition was to get you to think outside of your own box. In order to understand why others feel the way they do, or do the things that they do, it is best to try to relate to them and put yourself in their shoes. Otherwise, despite your skills in wordplay, your argument seems very biased and one sided to me. I noticed on your homepage that you have a lot of religous information and even some things on converting, but I don't think you truly know your own beliefs or why you hold them, so how can you expect to convinve others?

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Charming, absolutely beautifully weaved.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 30, 2009
Last Updated on August 23, 2010


Not A Writer
Not A Writer

Kyoto, MI, Japan

Japanese writer Into all things anime 日本万歳. どんなに頑張っても私を見つける .. more..
