![]() A Dream JournalA Story by Jonathan Failla![]() I wrote down these dreams from 2005 for you.![]() 2005 March 10 I dreamt that I had gotten more powerful. I had in the recent past been in a show and an astronaut at my school that made me really popular. The only down side was that I kept getting letters from my school, which schedule appearances by me for different places, and, like in reality, I did not like to travel. One place they scheduled me was at Northfield Mount Hermon, where I was to play the role of the astronaut again. I was to be there in a couple days, and on a Northfield napkin the date of my appearance was written with black-marker ink. I had gotten in this in the mail, and I found myself much more popular. We were in like a pod, which was attached to a kind of escalator which was going up and down in the mall-like area. We were talking about something. I wanted to get off the pod, but I was not sure how to do it. At one point we passed some young women, who, because I had been popular, were really attracted to me and I to them. I got quickly off the pod, but I had gotten off wrong. Then we found ourselves dumped into the ocean with maybe a few other people with no boat or anything. I screamed that I could not swim, knowing how terrible a swimmer I was. I made it to the shore, but the new water I was in was not too nice. I did, however, see a girl run by. She wanted to be introduced to me. She was in this land though she seemed a bit ashamed of this. She was a kind of sage there sitting at a table kind of like a fortune teller. I talked to her brief. I also dreamt that I went out to some place. The journey through the concrete jungle was tough, and I felt kind of exhausted mentally. It also looked like it was going to rain. My girlfriend then came by on her bike to take me home before it rained! March 18 I dreamt that I was in the middle of a nuclear war between England and the United States. I think that I was in England at the time. Nuclear bombs were being dropped left and right. I was in a building trying to find a relatively safe place there. I suddenly found out that there was a nuclear bomb dropped relatively nearby. Me and about six other men crowded into the room and shut the doors. The orange foam, which might have represented fire of the nuclear bomb was slowly made its way around the room to our terror. I found myself outside, and I noticed all the nice English mansions near me. They would all be destroyed soon I reflected. Near me two United States airplanes hovering low dropped a bomb. I mourned that the bomb would be so close to me. I fled. I ran down a hill. I umped off of a mountain and used my parachute to land below. However, the land below was not safe. My mission was to tell about this war to some people in the land beyond the land I landed on. I had to get through this hellish land before I got to my destination. The land was full of powerful, evil men who would try to capture me and keep me there as a prisoner. The land was awful. I ran as fast as I could to escape it. I finally escaped from this land. I reached the land where I was to tell people of the war. I ate part of a cookie there, but I leaned that the cookie’s contents would expand in my stomach so I only had a small piece. If I had the entire cookie, I would be killed. I found myself in a place like an outside drive-in movie theater. The many people there were exhausted from their day and began watching a movie. However, the movie was filled with demons with fire all around them. The people watching began to catch fire themselves and thus were beginning to turn evil. I quickly put in a music tape and pressed the play button. Suddenly their fires disappeared, and the people were refreshed by the music. They no longer were evil. Suddenly, landmarks began to sprout out like colleges, and high-technology electronic equipment showed up leading them to a higher level of civilization since they became much better people through this music. I was responsible for their change, as I had brought to them peace finally. March 22 I dreamt that my future was told to me, where I would live and what I would do on March 8, 2023. At first the future looked bright, but then I was shown the big house I would live in out in the country. The house was quite big and modern. It was quiet out in the words where it was and very cold. My cousins Taylor, Benjamin, and Christopher I saw driving my three nice Lamborghini Countaches. They said that they were “quite” happy driving them. I saw a few nice mountain bikes on racks in my front yard, which was cool. Then I was by the woods where a dog was. The dog was on a leash, but somehow got loose. Right away the dog was attacked by a bear. This signified that my future would be different than the one, just showed that it would be a worse future. I despaired at this. It turned out that I would live in a small house. I would work at an ice skating or roller-skating rink earning not much. So, my future now did not look so bright because the dog was injured in the foot, and, moreover, maybe killed by the bear. I reflected sadly on that. I dreamt that I was in a mental hospital because, “Medicaid was privatized.” I was in the hospital because this occurrence of Medicaid being privatized whatever that meant caused me to be there. I was horrified to find myself there. The dream started with me there, and a person was trying to put a tube down my throat out of which would come some strong sedating medicine. I obviously did not want this medicine. March 29 I dreamt that I was at Trinity College, and I knew that I was dreaming. I got caught up in some white string. I found myself asking if there was anyone who has not done drugs. There was a nice high school young man, myself, who had not done them. I saw his face in a graphic, and he talked to me. He said that he went to the Riverside School. Then the scene changed to the school. I said that the school looked familiar and asked if it was near The Masters School in Dobbs Ferry. He said that he did not know. The school had huge old buildings that were very majestic, and I asked him why the school was not more famous. He said that the buildings were kind of scary. Indeed, the towering buildings were kind of scary. It was out of pride when I magically knocked like a wrecking ball into the lower part of a building. I went up to this place, and out of the knocked-out piece of the building a big monster was trying to emerge. This monster I could tell was very dangerous, and I was afraid that he would kill me. So, I said the word Excalibur and put my hands together. Suddenly the sword appeared before my hands. The sword this time was flexible Excalibur had a hard in destroying the monster. I chopped at the head of the monster who resembled like an ogre. Even Excalibur had a hard time in destroying the monster. So, I ran away. I ran to a room where there was a magician in the middle of practicing a spell. I talked to him, and we went in one of his magical vehicles where he was practicing magic. I told him that I was neutral. So, we went to three powerful magicians to find out if this were true. The first we went to was a very evil one who lived in hell. When I first approached him he wanted to have me as a colleague, but then he saw that I was neutral and got angry and did not want me anymore. So, with me and my magician we went to the second now. This magician I thought was a neutral figure because he had big blue eyes. It turned out, however, that he was evil, and, therefore, I turned evil because I associated with him. Next we went to a good magician, who said that I was evil, indeed he called me Jonathan, which made me cringe. So, I had thought that I was neutral, but it turned out that I was evil. I thought that the good magician would accept me, but he would not because he was good and thought that I was evil. Next I found myself at a kind of party. I was to be matched up with a young woman I was compatible with. Through this time I thought that I was evil. It took some time to mate me with someone, and everyone though evil there was merry at the party. Suddenly, a man came up who brought the news from the Red Cross that I was indeed neutral. Upon hearing this the party was broken up, and the evil people were disappointed. I was elated. I knew that I did not have to hang out with evil people anymore. I dreamt that I was in a meadow of strange flowers. Everywhere I went they were around me. I was not sure what to do, what my quest was. I made it to a house where my Trinity College Latin teacher Martha Risser was. She was with two other people, and we were all sitting down in a room. From the flowers I was covered with things all over my body that looked like blisters, so I was very concerned. Martha said that they would go away in time. The people I was sitting with were covered in blisters, too. I guess that they owned the land with the flowers on it and the house we were in. I reflected there that I was in like a social situation, that I was like in the society of the people around there. I did not feel comfortable in society, though. Later I saw Martha mixing a potion, and putting some white flakes in it. I reflected that she was trying to bend the laws of nature, which was not a good thing to do. She wanted to give it to a young woman on a couch nearby. I guess that the potion would make one live forever. I found myself in a place where I was given a sword, which was supposed to be a demon sword. However, I made it clear that I was neutral. So, the sword turned from that demon sword to a demon killing sword. So, it turned into its opposite since I was neutral not evil. April 15 I dreamt that I was being tested to see if I was good or evil. The results would come up on the wall. If I was evil, then there would be a big red mark on the wall, as red stood for evil. If I was good, then part of the wall would turn white. Well, the wall alternated between these two colors. I was always hoping that in the final analysis the wall would be white. It was not only the wall, though, as there was a graphic of like a skull. If the skull was white, then I would be good, if it was red I would be evil. As I thought more pious thoughts during this time, then it would tend towards good. If I thought some bad thoughts or was lazy with my thoughts, then it would turn towards evil. In the end, the wall was read, I think. As an analysis of who I was it said that I was even super human and that I could create things in this world. I was, however, evil, and this hurt my feelings. It was said that since my parents were evil, I was evil, too. The next dream, however, was much different and better. I dreamt that I was a good in the process of fighting the evil people. I was one of about six good people, and we were sitting in front of sophisticated computers. We were to go into hell to fight against evil. I was afraid no doubt to do this. On the screen it showed my slow descent into hell. I thought that it would be easy at first and would get harder the more I descended. At first I faced some slime, which I really did not know how to handle. I tried to avoid them at first, but that did not work, as they began to catch up with me and bunch up, and, therefore, really become dangerous. So, I had to fight them. I had some trouble with them, but I think I defeated them. I was afraid that if I died so early that the other good people with me would think badly of me. Then I faced Satan himself, which really frightened me, as I expected him to be in the lowermost level of hell. I said that I did not want to fight him now because I did not have enough experience fighting evil, and I politely excused myself from the fight. Then I found myself in a discussion with some good people about what to do if I became anesthetized, which meant, I guess, if I got put on a lot of medicine. The term used in the dream, though, was anesthetized. They said to go to New York to a place where a certain good young man was centered who himself was anesthetized. So, I found myself in this place, and the young man was there, and he showed me what to do with a device that looked like a scanner on the outside but was really a device to make one escape the anesthesia and to communicate with the stars in outer space. One had to stick one’s head in the scanner and press some certain buttons and one would get connected with the stars. This was the only way to escape one’s sedation and the evil world. I tried to tell the good people, though, that I was not in danger of being anesthetized. They seemed to agree, and they told me to just keep doing what I have been doing every day with my schedule, and I would likely be all right. If ever I became hospitalized and put on a lot of medicine, though, I would have this machine to fall back on. I found myself at Loomis, and I was explaining to the good people how the people at Loomis were nearly all evil. I explained that it was sad to see. There was, however, one place which was set apart for the purpose of keeping neutral or good people. It was a house, which would house these people. I was considered a good person in this dream, and I was deeply touched to see the people of this house and the people of this house were very glad to see me. They were deeply touched and especially Henry Eaton as he was a neutral figure. We were all huddled around the house. I knew how hard it was to stay neutral and good at Loomis. Well, Henry Eaton came up to me and shook my hand. I was really glad to see my old teacher. I started crying for joy, though, and when I woke up from this dream my eyes seemed watery. The house was relatively small, and it was located away from the general campus in the woods near the Chaffee tennis courts. I dreamt that I was in front of a computer, and I told the person next to me that my name was Seahawk, which was the name I used for my character in the computer game Ultima. Apparently, I was a legend and as a reward if I entered some secret codes, which were given me by this person, I would get many nice material goods. I also saw Steve Moran’s cousin (in real life I do not even know if he has a cousin), who, since I saved him, gave me some codes to enter in his website, and I would get many wonderful gifts from him. This cousin of Steve’s was sitting down and wallowing in despair because the world was so evil. He was much more virtuous than Steve was I could tell from his tearful eyes that glowed underneath. Somehow I changed him, though, and his body transformed right before my eyes, which was kind of disgusting, though, into a new body. I saw on the computer screen my exploits long in Ultima, and I was portrayed as a powerful magician on a graphic on the screen with a nice blue magician’s coat on. I was Seahawk in this graphic. September 20, 2024 I dreamt that I was in a mental institute, and there was a secret service caring and beautiful agent there hired by my female, and she was evil, which was the coolest. We escaped the institute at night and went to a room where my books were kept that I had given to charity. I was the only person whom the Top Gun government had sequestered to hurt me. They took my books and put them in a fantasy room, where the rules were governed by fantasy. My female was with me and excited about the fantasy room, which had transparent walls and my books in magical bookcases. The institute found us, though, and we got put in an institute forever. This room was in a rich, mystical neighborhood. It was the middle of the night, and nobody was around we were there in secret. The young lady had black hair that was not long. She was strikingly beautiful, smart, and athletic. She might not have been in the Secret Service but like was from something like that (like a secret government place).
© 2025 Jonathan Failla |
Added on December 19, 2023 Last Updated on March 5, 2025 Author