![]() Flesh Wounds Chapter 1 (Blood O'Negative)A Story by Jonah V. Syx![]() The infected have made it's way onto the ship. How will this group of friends survive this flying death trap?![]() Drake and the others gather around each other to discuss the new situation they have been forced into without a choice. They all stood in took in what was going on. They could not believe after two years they would be faced to deal with the worlds infected population alone, just the four of them. Drake: So... What do the rest of you think?(Scratching his head) Laron: What do I think?......I think the s**t is not funny anymore. Look at us. We look like we are about to shoot a goddamn movie!(pointing at a mirror reflection of them) Matt: Well what other choice do we have? We all are already walking around with some damn enhancement we know nothing about.(rubbing his neck) Aiya: Matt is right, we know nothing. All we have is what options they gave us.(Arms folded) Laron: Which was none by the way!(Throwing hand across) Matt: Drake? What do you think? To be honest, you have been leading us this whole time.(Sheathing his sword) Before Drake could answer a loud ringing sound went off. The room lit up with the flashing red and orange pattern. The four was startled and confused and immediately ran out the door to see what it was that set it off. They ran down the white hallway and turned left crashing into the hazmat officer from before. The hazmat officer was badly wounded on his right arm and could barely breath. Drake: Alright lets get him up and some place safe and figure out what's going on here.(Picking up the H.O.) They all took part in moving him to another room just around the next walkway. As they went in, they place the officer onto a table and removed his helmet. His face was pale with dark purple veins coursing all over it. His eye pupils turning pink while the scleras were turning grey. His breathing calmed, but got slower and slower in time. He began to mutter something them. H.O.: The...(Coughing) infection is on the(Gasp for air)...ship. You ha...(Gasp)ve to get out. Aiya: How?! How did it get on the ship? Laron: Just f*****g great!(Throwing up his arms) Not only are we fucked with stopping the infection ourselves! We have to survive the ship first to do it! Drake: Laron! Please. We need you man. Stay calm. Laron: I'm... I'm sorry. I just feel a Little over the edge.(Rubbing his face) There is a male doctor running down a red hallway with an all white door. He stumbles. Not falling he continues to run towards it. He has a tight grip on a clipboard with the blood type O'Negative written on it. His face full of sweat as he burst through the door with fear in his eyes. The inside is quite small with monitors all around the desk. All the monitors display people running and being attacked by undead. Behind the desk is a woman, mid thirties, short brown hair, blue eyes and large breast. Doctor: Dr. Grey! We have a serious problem! Dr.Grey: With all these monitor you think one would not see that. So by all means what did you do to cause all this rucas?(Leaning on desk folding her hands) Doctor: Peachwood. He's O'negative. Dr.Grey: And you fools gave him the enhancement!(Slamming down on the desk) Doctor: We didn't know. We assumed they were all O'Positive. Dr.Grey: There is a god damn saying I heard growing up about assuming! Do you not know what this will do?!(Throwing the clipboard) Laron paces back and forth sweating heavily. Everyone else is aiding the officer they had placed on the table. The officers breathing is going to stop soon. No one know's what to do that will help. They know he will die there on the table and before long become infected. They need answers on how to get off the ship. Matt: Hey; we need to know how to get off the ship?(Talking softly). Can you help us? H.O.: Secret....(Struggle) Safe room...(Coughing)second Floor. Don't let them(Coughing harshly)Bite him.(Last breath). The hazmat officers dies out from his infected wound. Aiya turns away holding her heart. Matt, with his head head low could only shake his head. Drake steps over to laron to see if he was doing okay. His behavior was not normal since the injection of the enhancement. Drake: Hey; are you okay man? You been a bit tense.(Placing hand on Laron's shoulder) Laron: Yeah. I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.(Looking up at drake) Drake: I think I can name an enhancement.(They both chuckle) C'mon lets get to that safe room. They all began to walk out. As laron passes by the dead hazmat, he looks and asks matt. Laron: Hey; what did he mean by don't let them bite....(Grabbed).... (Yell) The hazmat has risen from from the dead sleep his was in. He grabbed laron biting deep into his arm that had no protection chewing away at his flesh. Everyone froze for a minute. Fear filled the room and the souls of each one of them. No one could move they stood in seconds that felt like hours. With no more hesitation Matt pulled out his sword and rushed the undead hazmat. Laron fell down to the floor holding his arm. Aiya rushes to his aid as drake follows behind her. Matt: Die you son of a b***h!(Hold up his sword) Matt, sitting on top of the undead hazmat, pulls up his sword. It glowed bright with the will to protect in matt's heart. He brought down the with such force and power. The sword went right through head into the ground down to the very end of the blade. Leaving a topless corpse brains covering the floor and the wall in front of matt. Drake: Alright thundercat lets go!(Picking up laron) Matt: Right!(Grabbing sword) Matt leads as drake and aiya carry laron behind them going down the hallway. Laron's wound is healing very fast but he looks in bad shape. They don't know if this enhancement is going do what it is suppose to. As they make it to the elevator they hear roaring coming down behind them. They look to see five undead rushing towards them. The elevator shaft is not moving fast enough. Aiya: We're not going to make it! Laron: Looks like death is coming early this year.(Chuckles evilly) Drake: Not if I can help it.(Looking determined) Drake leaves laron with aiya and matt to run down towards the five undead. His speed was faster than ever before. In moments drake was one step from the undead few in front of him. Drake stops and does a heavy mid jump kick knocking down the lead zombie, using the kick a*s momentum to leap high over the three in the middle. While mid air he pulls out his pistols sending a barrage of neon powered bullets to them. The barrage tears them to shreds leaving nothing as he lands down with his knee heavily on the head of the fifth undead crushing it on the ground. Looking back he turns around sending the last final shot through the brain of the first zombie he knocked down. Matt: Ho..ly s**t. (Ding)Elevator door. Drake: Alright get on the shaft! Move! Aiya and matt move laron onto the elevator. Drake then proceed behind them. Once the shaft door closed they check with the condition of laron. Nothing seem to be physically wrong but he still doesn't seem like himself. His gear is turning red, blood red. They are unsure what that could mean and try to help laron up now that the doors have opened on the second floor. Laron: Thats okay guy's, I think I can kill from here.
© 2013 Jonah V. SyxAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() Jonah V. Syxchicago, ILAboutI love to write stories that are filled with what I call creative fiction. Each story is different and unique in it's own way. No two stories are the same, well at least i don't think so. I have tons .. more..Writing