Well, the name "Athanasios" comes to mind in the sense of immortal but let's just put this all into focus, you've titled a setup, and perfectly so. "Hinges that bend so close to the earth"...I too have immersed myself in the world of hinges in many of my own as a connection. Here lies a woman of sweet memory and loss and willing to give us the metaphor, if not briefly, then crossing as deeply into the soul of the little girl who falls. For if not for falling, who are we truly and after all?
This skates the almost religious in reverence but more so a curtain rises to unveil a worship in love as here a new memory and appreciation for the lady as self. When does that ship sail? "Bicycle-shaped shadows on the wall", well, at least now I know the first tattoo I'm plunging into. I would write chapters on this but to be kind I merely will reply that I'm putting the smiles of the ragdolls along with your poetry in the trees out front to scare the little children...brilliance holds so many scars our moon has almost nothing left to give by way of reflection~
wow. this cyclone of thoughts, memories, dreams, and fantasies was enthralling. it is a bit of a headspin in a good way. i stayed with the persona as her thoughts ran like a runaway train. the writing was sharp, the simple language worked and there was a good rhythm to the text. was bedazzled.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
What a lovely things to read this afternoon in the wake of a tough day. Your encouragement lifted me.. read moreWhat a lovely things to read this afternoon in the wake of a tough day. Your encouragement lifted me. Very grateful.
This poem beautifully captures nostalgia and longing, weaving vivid imagery of childhood, love, and loss with a reflective journey toward hope and self-discovery. Good job, Joli!
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Thank you so much. I am grateful for your feedback. You're very kind.
I grew up living with my grandparents. I was a stupid kid. We rarely appreciate where we are when we're young; we're always in a hurry to get to the next day, to grow up, to be something more than just a stupid kid.
I wish I paid more attention.
But like a wavy girl through ancient windows, some memories still hang in there, even in these days when memories are difficult to track.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
We have our cameras and our words for time travel. I travel their halls more and more these days. Th.. read moreWe have our cameras and our words for time travel. I travel their halls more and more these days. Thank you, my darling friend.
3 Months Ago
I have recipes and the memory that making good food is an expression of love. Feed the ones you love.. read moreI have recipes and the memory that making good food is an expression of love. Feed the ones you love.
Have you read Emily of New Moon? Your girl in the glass is very Emily Starr but also Anne Shirley. But the girl you describe here reminds me most of Emily. There’s a beautiful, wistful nostalgia here but also a sort of clarity of watching oneself move through stages of life while also carrying forward a longing for someone important who is missing.
I like how the girl and the woman are both here, moving forward together and both are honored in their way alongside the other meaningful women and the mark they have left on the speaker. It’s a lovely poem.
Thank you. No, I've never read that. I'm looking it up. It's a pretty personal piece in a way that n.. read moreThank you. No, I've never read that. I'm looking it up. It's a pretty personal piece in a way that not everything I write is. You are so generous in your reviews, something that I'm not yet comfortable with. I get finger-tied. ;)
3 Months Ago
Both characters were “friends” to me as a girl and young woman. I enjoy your poems so enjoy the .. read moreBoth characters were “friends” to me as a girl and young woman. I enjoy your poems so enjoy the process of ‘understanding’ them. It’s part of that pathological need I have that you defined as curiosity. I am much better at speaking to poetry than to people, if that makes sense. I hope my words are not overwhelming.
3 Months Ago
Your words are welcome and appreciated, and you read with a penetrating eye and you reach out with g.. read moreYour words are welcome and appreciated, and you read with a penetrating eye and you reach out with gentle statements and questions. I know what I mean when I write something, but the moment I post, it is no longer mine alone. What you bring to it as you read is equally valid. Poetry is alive in that way. Even the author may read the work again years later and respond to it in new ways never intended initially.
That said, the moving through time of all characters is what I hoped to convey, and also that the speaker isn't in a season of certainty, but is leaning into hope anyway.
Guessing this is where we write a bit about ourselves, my least favorite thing. I prefer to be discovered in the scribbles I paste on my wall. You can call me Jo.
Briefly, I'm a Cajun gal with deep f.. more..