

A Chapter by Johnzo

A little background before we get started.


I've always been a fan of episodic fiction written in blogs like this, and although I have been working on my own work of fiction for sometime now, I wasn't sure how to bring to the web.  Echowake Journals is a bit of an experiment; instead of chronicling one point of view over a series of events this blog will feature 3 individuals in the same world, living in similar circumstances, but each view differs greatly reflecting the personality of the character.  The 3 characters featured in Echowake Journals are:

Maej (mage):  Maej has recently discovered that he has a strange power burning within himself.  He leaves his home and becomes a nomad wandering the lands in search of some meaning to his new life, though he relishes the fact that he is now more than just “normal.” 

Oudrine (owh-dreen):  As Oudrine approaches adulthood, she realizes the time as come to leave her home.  She feels her destiny calling her, and although she does not know what’s in store she knows she must move on from her current life. 

Tenowon (ten-oh-one):  Tenowon finds himself awake in a cave when the sun shines in one morning, but he is surprised when he realizes he has no memory of any experience that happened before he awoke in the cave.  He decides to travel in search of answers. 

Check back often for more postings and the continue stories of Echowake Journals. 

I thought it might be beneficial to add in some information about the history and the lands of the world of Echowake. Check it out:

Echowake takes place on a large continent on a planet that appears to have gone through some apocalypse about 500 hundred years ago. Not much is known about what happened, but much of the land is ravaged, making it extremely difficult or impossible to traverse on foot. The only safe means of travel is on the backs of flying whale like creatures, or air whales. There are a few cities on this continent that act as major centers for the different groups. There’s a merchants guild responsible for maintaining accurate migratory patterns of the air whales, and making sure the cabins on the backs of these whales are safely secured. Every major population center has a merchant (sometimes pronounced merkant) coordinator that manages the trade and commerce with other areas. Those that are in business outside the guild are referred to as “freetraders” which is meant as a derogatory term, synonymous with “low class”, and “untrustworthy”. The Cytech guild (inventors guild), though secretive are always on the look out for those that show great promise and a keen mind for inventing. The Cytech guilds flourish mostly in the cities, and have a primary base of operations in the city of Sedenza. Cities may have some technological advancements, these are purely built and maintained by the Cytech guild. The government in these areas is very loose, and their authority is second to the guilds.

I'll post more background and history information periodically in between other journal entries.  

© 2009 Johnzo

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Added on August 29, 2009



Bridgton, ME

For more info on my little world, visit: -Latest post: 2nd Draft Preview My favorite stories are usually ones that have a bigger world behind them, a story behind the story that.. more..

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A Chapter by Johnzo