Nothing More Than Superfluous Bullshit is not shock for the sake of shock value. The forth-coming volume is aimed at the complacent because for far too long people have not had their convictions confronted. I am not the vox populi – I am simply a black sheep. Hoping at one point that your beliefs are accosted.
A memorable scene from the classic 1976 film Network has Howard Beale, played by Peter Finch, urging the viewer “to get mad as hell.” I’m planning to berate everything that you place allegiance in. So feel free to admonish your humble narrator [shameless A Clockwork Orange reference], for I have always been a staunch advocate for criticism. This manifesto of sorts is meant to solicit a reaction. I insist that you respond, whether in the form of emails, letters or texts. No one form of communication is preferred over the other.
Nothing More Than Superfluous Bullshit is a collection of my ideology and my repugnance of issues that seem to be prevalent in today’s society. Be it trivial matters that really carry no significance or topics that have been disputed for decades and even centuries. This exordium is the genesis of many things to come. But for those who have read so far, adversary or ally, I extend a simple danke.