![]() The beginningA Story by Ben![]() This story takes place in the same shared universe as many other stories I have written. This one is fairly short, and details essentially how the universe and planets were created.![]() The world of creation possesses 6 races of humanoid beings: The demons, the angels, the humans, the fairies, the elves, and the gombs. Most of these races have a few, select members who have achieved a higher form of existence, and become known as high beings. The demons have their devils, the angels have their gods, and the fairies have their Godparents. The humans do not officially have any members of their species who have achieved the status of high being; however the human of the cataclysm, Brenn, is said to be on par in terms of power with the upper echelon of high beings. The elves do not possess any such member, but there is a reason for this. Long ago, before the creation of magic and before the 6 races were fully formed, there existed a progenitor to the elves and the fairies known as the fae. When a meteor struck their planet, the civilization was still in its early stages. The meteor separated the landmass that the fae were living on, creating two isolated groups of fae, one of which would eventually evolve into the elves and the other into the fairies. Eventually, the continents of the planet drifted together and formed the landmass we see today. The meteor also knocked chunks of debris off of the planet, which still float around all of the worlds as a layer of fine dust. As such, while the elves do not technically possess any high beings, they are closely related to the fairy godparents in numerous ways. However, there is much curiosity when it comes to the potential high being of the gombs. The gombs are the only race that still practices a religion, and some of its teachings are only told to the higher ranking religious member, though most are happy to share their knowledge. It is also the gombs who are the sole beings who claim to know the origin of the world. According to the gombic religion, there are four universal truths. These truths are not beings, or objects, or forces, or anything definable, they are simply aspects of our universe, existing infinitely and universally. These four truths are time, movement, life, and space. The length of their existence cannot be measured or understood, but it is known that life is the one of the four forces that occasionally demonstrates a will. As such, from the universal truth of life was born the primordial dust of the universe. Over countless eons, some of this dust formed together into the five planets. These planets possessed many of the same properties of their creator, and as such were imbued with the gift of life. They were also born with a strong desire to create new life, and set about forming the primordial dust into a new being, which they would imbue with life. It is unknown whether the planets were aware they would lose their lives by this process, but in breathing life into this new being, called Go’oth by the gombs, the truth of movement forced them to give the lives they had cherished for themselves unto this new being. The being Go’oth then set about individually creating each additional star, planet, and cosmic body in the entire universe, but careful to avoid his parents’ mistake and losing his life. Some sources will say that eventually he reached a point where he had simply filled the entire universe with cosmic bodies and sought a new goal for his existence, while others will claim he grew lonely and longed for companionship, while also saying that filling up the universe should be impossible if the truth of space is truly universal. Regardless, they agree that after creating all of these bodies, he returned to the five planets that had created him, and sought to return life to them. He attempted to do this with the middle planet first, wrapping his essence (for he was without any real shape) around the planet and attempting to merge with it, all the while transferring his own life force into it. While he was able to give life unto it, his attempt to merge with the planet was ultimately a failure. The life he had given however formed all life on the wildlands save for the gombs. He then attempted this on the other four planets, going right to left starting with heaven and ending with hell, each time having less life force left to give, but each time getting closer and closer to properly merging with the planet, shaping its terrain and landscapes. When he was finished with hell, he realized that while he had not created what he had set out to make, he had indeed created life, and he set his mind upon a new, final goal: to recreate the experiment his parents had created him with so long ago. He formed some more of the primordial dust into beings who would eventually evolve into the 6 races, and this time, he made no effort to stop the movement of the last of his own life force into them. However it is said that when all was finished, he had retained just enough of his life force to cling to life, living now as those he had created. He then took the form of the beings he had placed on the first planet he had shaped, the wildlands, and lived as one of them. It is said that he does not age, and still lives on today, hidden as a simple gomb, but with all the knowledge in the universe, and a more powerful form of life force manipulation than any magician could even comprehend. © 2020 Ben |
Added on March 16, 2020 Last Updated on March 16, 2020 Author