![]() Humans in SpaceA Story by Ben![]() This story takes place in the same shared universe as many of my other stories. This one details some stories about the humans and why our history seems disconnected from the rest of the world's![]() The world
of the mind is a dangerous place. Everyone exists in the world of the body, or
the physical world, with their spirit trapped within a living body. Their
brain, however is not truly the control centre for the body. Simply, each brain
is a highly complex machine facilitating the existence of a tiny portal to the
world of the mind, where a person’s consciousness resides. Unlike the gravity
portals between planets, or even each planet’s portal to the world of the
spirit, the only portals to the world of the mind are those which exist in the
brain of every sentient being. The first people to discover these portals were
a group of humans. Hidden deep in the mountains thousands of years ago was a
small monastery with its own humble cluster of monks. They practiced meditation
and sought the greatest possible self-awareness, and in this moment a group of
them were together in a room, surrounded with religious symbols, when one of
them disappeared. Some immediately reacted with shock, but so focused were they
that others could not be interrupted until they too found themselves pulled
into the world of the mind. When a sentient being finds itself pulled
physically into the world of the mind, they gain power beyond any magic the
strongest could ever hope to garner save perhaps the legendary Go’oth, creator
of all things. They possess a portal in their mind to the power of the very
world they exist in, and all the machines necessary to control that power. This
power will therefore manifest as the thoughts and emotions of any being who
physically steps into the world of the mind, and such is the case for our group
of monks. No one remembers what they were called, for shortly after entering
this world, they manifest fanciful, magical creatures none the likes of which
had been seen outside of the most imaginative tales the men told themselves
huddled around a fire, or when they could not get to sleep at night. But of
these creatures, the one that mankind would come to fear the most would be the
snake. Hundreds of feet tall but possessing the ability to grow and shrink to
any size at will, with twenty legs beneath it, each a different color and one a
color mere humans with our weak eyes cannot even perceive, the beast felt
strongly the emotions that the monks tried so hard to stifle in themselves.
Fear, greed, anger, and above all a tremendous hunger. Out of their own fear
the first monk wished for a way to escape this place and in doing so created a
portal back to earth, but that did not stop the creatures which they had
created from following the monks to their home. From here many of the creatures
dispersed, some even going so far as to travel to other planets, but the
serpent remained. In its terrible hunger it devoured entire species, devastated
ecosystems, and could very easily have brought mankind to its knees. But there
was a trickster; some believe him to be the first of the trolls, while others
claim he was merely a skilled baker’s son. He promised the snake something that
could appease its hunger, and if he could not produce this in a single day, the
snake would be free to devour the earth. He took a gamble with the lives of
everyone that lived on this planet, and when 24 hours had passed, he came
before the snake with nothing but a single loaf of bread. The serpent consumed
this and was still hungry, and so he lashed out in anger, growing to tremendous
size and wrapping his cosmic jaws around the earth, but it was then that the
snake reached his limit. He could not grow larger than the scope of everything
the monk he’d been spawned from could imagine, and he could not stretch his
jaws quite far enough to fit around the planet. Still, he thought, he could
force the planet down his throat by pushing at it; but no matter how he
wriggled and thrashed, the snake could not get the earth down its gullet. Then
the snake had another idea; perhaps it could bite the planet into chunks and
consume them one by one, and so he bit off the largest bite he could from the
planet, but it was the last bite he would ever take. The chunk of earth got
stuck in his throat, and try as he might he could not get it free. The snake
required no breath to survive, but it was unable to consume any more food with
its throat clogged, and eventually succumbed to its hunger. Over the next few
thousands of years, dust and asteroids would be attracted to the massive
snake’s body, and it would curl up under its own gravity with these rocks
forming a shell around it, eventually becoming the moon. The snake during its
life shed its skin only once, and it is said that all manner of reptiles,
serpents and dragons alike were born from its cells. With all
of the serpent’s thrashing, it had managed to move the earth quite some
distance; hundreds of millions of miles from the other planets before being
caught in the gravity of another star that we would come to call our sun. And
so the earth grew up, its populations developing their own cultures and
technologies far away from the other planets, but it seems they could never
truly be outside their influence, for somewhere under the surface of Tir Na
Nog, a hu baby was born with an extraordinary planetsense, far beyond what had
ever been seen before. She had a life force affinity, and upon being born was
immediately observed to be able to see things happening far beyond what was
normal. As she grew older, her family discovered that she could even sense what
was happening on other planets. While still only able to view what could be
traced back to her through life force, she one day noticed something she could
sense very faintly off in the distance, and went to ask the village guide about
it. Most hu villages have a guide, the title given to a hu who can use portal
magic and assist in transporting its villagers to far off places they might
need to go. The guide told her he knew nothing about this, but was curious
about what she was sensing. He of course knew of her ability to see all four of
the planets, and wondered if perhaps what she had discovered was a fifth one.
While the hu generally remain isolated from the surface populations of their
planets, most peoples are at least vaguely aware of their existence, and so the
hu guide decided to send up a messenger to a bookkeeper he knew of on the
wildlands, asking about a possible fifth planet, and despite the seemingly
strange appearance of the hu, this messenger ultimately managed to obtain a
story from the gombs telling of the existence of a fifth planet. With this
insight, the guide devoted himself to creating a portal to the fifth planet
(this of course being earth) that the young girl had discovered, and after a
few weeks of trying, he managed to do it. Finding this world’s underground
relatively uninhabited, various hu began to travel there to form their own
villages on this new unconquered and resource-rich world. Eventually, these
villages were discovered by humans, who treated the hu with more or less the
same distant indifference that they’d come to expect from other intelligent
creatures. Thousands
of years passed of human history, and of this you probably already know, but
there came a time, a few years beyond what you might be aware of, that an
epidemic began to spread across the world. This was a deadly virus that was
transmitted through sound. Once a person was infected, they would continue as
normal, manifesting no symptoms, for three to five days. During this time,
anyone who spoke with this person, or even just heard their voice, would become
infected with the virus. After a person was infected to a sufficient degree,
the virus would then attack the muscles and organs in areas of the body with
the most nerves, and would stimulate the pain and speech centers of the brain,
causing the victim to scream and beg others to help them. Of course any who
heard these screams and cries would become infected themselves, and eventually
the infected would die of organ failure. This virus had no vaccine, and no cure
or form of resistance to it was found. Humans had far less exposure to magic
than did the other races, and so they knew nothing of its form of disease
control. Within only six months, billions had died, while billions of others
were already infected. The best humanity had come up with was a way to detect
whether a person was infected or not, and so the remaining 2 billion or so
uninfected people turned to the hu for help. Due to their vastly different
physiology, the hu were unaffected by the virus; and living underground they
did not care much for the surface world, but nonetheless some of their guides
offered to show the uninfected humans how to use portals to escape to another
world. The humans, with no other choice, created hundreds, thousands of portals
and fled en masse unto the wildlands. The gombs were generally gracious. Their
religious heads supported the expansion of life and the sharing of all
resources, and so the human refugees were welcomed onto this planet, but they
knew it was best they not overstay their welcome. The gombs were kind, but they
were not powerful, and so the humans turned first to the angels for help. The
approached the angelic gods asking for their help in creating a new world to
live on, but they were refused. Why should we help you? Said the angels, it is
the law of nature that the strong should outlive the weak, so why should we,
the strong, give the power we’ve worked for to a weak species like you? The
humans turned next to the fairies for help, but again were denied. Why should
we help you? Asked the fairy godparents, When we have our own people to worry
about. The humans turned next to the elves, but were again denied. The elves
were too weak, they said, they could never accomplish something like this. And
so finally, the humans turned at last to the demons. When they
journeyed to Hell, the human representatives were greeted with a grandiose
golden city, and within it they were told of the greatest devil to ever rule
over the country of Stophel. They journeyed to the palace, and they requested
an audience with the king. One of the devil’s idiot sons tried to stop them,
telling them to know their place and laughing off their request for aid, but he
was silenced when his father appeared at the door of the palace. He told them
he already knew of their plight, and that he even had the necessary tools to
help them, but they would have to pay a price. Humans,
over the course of centuries and in a time beyond the history you know, had
developed technology that allowed them to select from the millions of possible
combinations, the single strongest gene combination of an egg and sperm. There
remained a few purists, who considered the technology to be unnatural, but most
people embraced the technology, as a way to guarantee their babies would never
have to suffer genetic illnesses and would always be the best they possibly
could. The human race in just a few centuries grew notably stronger, faster,
smarter, and better equipped for a harsh world. Humans had also been slowly but
surely mastering the art of life force manipulation, more colloquially known as
magic, and even most children were able to perform a few basic spells. The devil
demanded as a price for the construction of a new home planet for the humans to
live on, that they seal away this power. In addition to granting him access to
the life force of many, the humans had to revert to how they had been hundreds
of years ago, and give up their ability to use magic almost entirely. Only a
few humans, through years of training and by meeting very specific conditions,
would be able to use these powers again, and they would come to be known as
potential. In addition, they must always remember that when no one else
extended a hand to the humans, it was the demons who helped them. The
humans readily agreed. © 2020 Ben |
Added on March 16, 2020 Last Updated on March 16, 2020 Author