![]() C-man part 4A Screenplay by Ben![]() The story follows average college student Sergei and his adorably insane roomate Carl around on a series of lovable antics. This is the fourth episode of a series.![]() Jesus sees the phone
is ringing and picks it up Jesus: Hello this is Jesus Christ speaking Straight up super Mario: pause R… Really? Jesus: Super Mario? Star of super Mario teaches typing and super Mario dance dance revolution? Mario: Y-yes. A-yes! Yes-It’s a me, A-Mario! Jesus (a little bit excited but still chill): Wow I’ve always wanted to meet you this is so exciting. What are you calling about? Mario: Well, I a-recently got a-recruited to work at a-one of the fastest-a growing financial companies in a-the world and I a-wanted to offer you a position. Jesus: Wait are you trying to recruit me to a pyramid scheme? Mario: I mean if I a-say no, would you-a believe me? Jesus: Um… Probably? Mario: … Jesus: … Mario: I mean, I’m-a not going to a-deny it. Theme song Carl, Sergei, Jesus, Shäd, and a new girl who looks about 17 all awaken tied up and gagged in Carl and Sergei’s living room. I is seated on the new girls’s shoulder, and rubs his head against her cheek. Dr. Smitehrbutt enters the room after they all struggle against their bonds for a minute or so, except for Carl who seems comfortable Dr. Smitherbutt: So, today you’re all finally scheduled to go on your tour of the league of superheroes corporate headquarters. Carl (Now untied and ungagged, to Shäd, who is still tied up and gagged): Hey, you didn’t tell
me that you guys had a building Shäd struggles with his
restraints for a brief moment, then suddenly disappears in a flash of light
before coming back in through the door Shäd:
That’s because every time someone brought up telling you about it, the building
mysteriously caught on fire. But now Dr. Smitherbutt decided to just go ahead
with it, and no one really knows how to make him change his behavior in any way
as he’s kind of like a god that took way too much LSD, so we just all had to go
along with it. Dr.
Smitherbutt: What do you mean kind of like Carl:
Jogothy, Siiiit Dr. Smitherbutt sits down on the
floor but growls at Carl like a dog Carl:
Oh, I guess we should probably untie Sergei. He gets really uncomfortable in
these types of situations also he’s gay Shäd
(To Sergei): I get it man Carl takes out Sergei’s gag Sergei:
(To Carl) you can go f**k yourself, (To Dr. Smitherbutt) you can definitely
go f**k yourself, and (To Shäd) Sorry, Carl likes to just do
and say whatever he wants. You kind of already took the god metaphor, but I’m
not gay Shäd:
it’s okay just give it some time New
girl (also free from her bonds, as is Jesus): that’s a bit worrying Everyone stares at her for a few
seconds Carl
(unacceptingly): Who the f**k are you? New
girl: I’m Sila? Dr.
Smitherbutt: But why are you here? Carl:
Yeah, which one of us invited you over for sex? Sila:
What the f**k? None of that! Mr. Shäd said I should come here for my tour of the building where
I have my internship Shäd:
Oooooh that was you I texted. Yeah sorry I meant to text that to Adolf Sila:
So I shouldn’t be here? Sergei
(kind of in the background): Your friend’s parents named him Adolf? Carl:
no, but why leave now when there’s free donuts . I am aware that it should be
“there are free donuts.” Carl is not Sila
(hesitantly): Oh. Okay I guess. Carl does not give Sila a
doughnut Sila
(after a moment of waiting expectantly for Carl to give her a doughnut): Can I
have one? Carl:
No they’re mine Sergei:
Yes, you can have one. Carl:
Nyooo I want them Sergei:
Carl, siiiiiit Carl drops the donuts and sits
on the floor Sila picks up a boston cream
donut and takes a bite Sila:
Hey this cream tastes funny Sergei
(in his usual disappointed tone): Wow wait to go for the low hanging fruit
there Carl Carl:
Aha so you figured it out. I filled the boston cream donuts with rasp-berry
filling! Long-ish pause Dr.
Smitherbutt: Oh I expected- Carl:
And semen Sergei:
There it is Sila:
You’re not serious are you? Carl:
Hey another one Carl gets up, walks over to a
whiteboard labeled “questions people have asked Carl that they really don’t
want the answer to” with four tally marks under that, and adds a fifth one Carl: I
like adding the fifth tally mark Dr.
Smitherbutt: Who’s Mark Sergei
(dejectedly): It’s one of my four middle names Jesus:
It’s okay buddy, none of us have normal names Carl: I
do Shäd:
My name is normal where I come from Sila:
My parents told me my name was normal Dr.
Smitherbutt: honestly, Jesus isn’t really that weird of a name either Sergei:
Didn’t you guys have a tour to go on? Dr.
Smitherbutt: Oh yeah Carl:
To the van! By the way Sergei I bought a van Sergei:
Wait, where did you get the money for a van Carl:
Don’t worry about it Sergei:
I’m already very worried about it Sila:
I’m sorry I feel like I came at a weird time, I’m gonna go. I can reschedule if
that’s alright with you Mr. Shäd Shäd: Drops his german accent just for this line,
which will be dubbed over by a very black sounding man B***h you ain’t goin
nowhere you in this for the long haul now Sila:
This can’t be how your days normally go Sergei:
God I wish I were you In the back of the van. I is
driving, but this will not be shown in shot Full minute of silence Carl: I
think I have Stomach cancer Sila: Raises up a bit and begins to speak Sergei
(softly to Sila): Don’t 7-10 seconds more of complete
silence, cut The characters are standing
outside the van. As the scene progresses they walk towards the building, seeing
a few other cars in the parking lot Dr.
Smitherbutt: Miss Ver let me introduce you to our wonderful building Shäd:
It’s not Zoom out just a bit to show the
part of the building which has a white van with the words “Carl’s van” spray
painted in black on the side crashed through one of the walls, basically right
next to them. Carl:
Yeah I just crashed the car. I probably shouldn’t have even been driving. He’s
not a very good driver I the bird flutters up onto the
van Sila:
Shouldn’t we go in to talk to someone about crashing into their building? Shäd:
Um. I don’t see any reason to Jesus:
Yeah I’m pretty much good to just call this a hit and run Carl:
Hey do you guys wanna go get Panera Sergei:
You eat at Panera? Carl: I’m
trying to eat healthier. Y’know maybe lose some weight. Sila:
We can’t just not take responsibility for this Jesus:
Sure we can; destroying other people’s property and then never dealing with the
repercussions is like our whole thing. We’re superheroes. Sergei:
I mean, It’ll probably be fine. I hate this s**t as much as you do but they do
usually manage to somehow avoid having to deal with the consequences of their
actions Carl:
Superheroes get legal immunity. Jogothy told me Shäd:
Oh yeah, that’s not happening anymore Carl
and Jesus (like upset children): Whaaaaaat, why? Shäd: I
couldn’t find the form to submit to the government on the day I was supposed to
turn it in so they said we’d have to wait another month for it to go through Dr.
Smitherbutt: Oh yeah. Sorry about that; I shredded it Shäd:
Was there any particular reason you did this? Dr.
Smitherbutt: I couldn’t figure out how the shredder works. I needed to see it
in action Sergei
(unable to mentally process jogothy’s inability): It… has blades… that cut
through the paper… It’s like the simplest G*ddamn thing Dr.
Smitherbutt: But how do they know when to cut it Sergei:
They cut it when you press the paper against them. How was that not clear to
you? Carl:
Hey look a security camera There’s a camera that’s like
three stories up Sila
(pridefully): See, now you have to go in and talk to them; they have you on
camera Dr.
Smitherbutt: Alternatively, we could perform lovable antics trying to destroy
the camera. Maybe we’ll throw some rocks at it. Perhaps we’ll try and hit it
with a bunch of sticks we’ve taped together. Maybe we’ll even try to convince I
to try and break it. What lighthearted mischief we might get up t-? A second, identical van with the
words ”Carl’s van #2” spray painted on the side flies into the side of the
building. The entire wall collapses, and the camera flies right into Sila’s hands.
The crash happens and is heard the moment Dr. Smitherbutt stops talking Carl
(out the window of the second van): Did that do anything? Sila
(aggressively): No, no more of this. I’m taking this camera inside and you are going
to take responsibility for your actions. Shäd:
Just a word of warning: this may jeopardize your internship Sila:
I’m going to call the police Sergei:
You can, but last time I tried they just put us all on a terror watchlist,
which, all of them were already on, and then just called it day. Carl:
Wait, Jesus and I are both arsonists. Jogothy Camera shows Dr. Smitherbutt, who looks up I think we all kind of already
just assumed he was on there, but what did Shäd do to get put on there? Shäd: I
bombed a Jewish school The camera shifts to show how everyone
looks varying levels of surprised, except Dr. Smitherbutt, who gives him a
thumbs up Shäd: Pause, looks around, slight pause oh, so
when you do your things it’s all ok, but I make one attempt at racial cleansing
and suddenly I’m Roosevelt Jesus:
Wait, which Roosevelt? Shäd:
The one with Nukes and Polio Carl: Shäd Pause Please don’t take this the wrong way. I think you’re a
wonderful guy and I would not judge you regardless of any political views you
might hold, but, I’ve been wondering for a while and I feel the need to ask: cut are you a nazi? Shäd: I
am, yes. Dr.
Smitherbutt: Oh, I didn’t see you at the rally last weekend. Or the Con in
Phoenix last month where were you? Shäd:
Oh, sorry I guess I never explained to you guys. I’m not a neo-nazi. I’m
actually a member of German national socialist workers party circa 1937 Sergei:…huh.
Pause as Sergei thinks for only a brief
moment that actually explains a lot Flashback to Sergei in his
bathroom, swastikas are carved all over everything Sergei:
Carl! Carl
(From another room): Only the ones on the toilet are mine! Second Flashback, Sergei is now
watching TV TV
woman: Censors have finally unbanned the public broadcast of the original
“Loony Toons” cartoon series, and due to an anonymous donation, our channel
will now begin a continuous showing of every episode from its first five years
of broadcast, completely uncensored and unaired since 1930 Sergei:
Carl! Carl
(From another room): I only sent them like a hundred dollars I didn’t think
they’d actually do it Bugs
Bunny on tv: I hate the Jews-doc. Blacks shouldn’t mix in with whites haha,
right dooooc? Third flashback. Carl and Shäd
are talking in a room Shäd:
Here’s a hundred dollars and a knife I use to carve those swastikas you see in
mens rooms. I don’t really care what you do with either of them. I’m going to
go do various non-illegal activities now Carl: Why
are you giving these to me? Shäd:
You’ll understand later Present Carl: I still don’t understand Shäd:
Yeeeeah I’m gonna be honest, I was just coming off of a drug binge, so I don’t
really remember any of that Dr.
Smitherbutt: You had a drug binge and didn’t invite me? Shäd: I
did invite you. You said you’d come and then just didn’t show up Dr.
Smitherbutt: Sorry Carl:
Are you? Dr.
Smitherbutt: Would you be able to tell if I was lying? Jesus:
Sila called the police while you were flashing back A police car shows up with the
sirens blaring. Two cops come out, and walk toward the group talking to each
other Cop 1:
How can you think how to train your dragon 2 is a bad movie? It was awesome, it
had the giant dragon fight, and we got to meet hiccup’s mom, and there was that
emotional moment when his dad died. Cop 2:
Watch it again. Cop 1:
I just did last night Cop 2:
Watch it again sober They finally reach the group Cop 1:
So, we got a call about a car crash Sila:
Yes, they crashed their van into the building and then tried to run away Cop 2:
It took us like 20 minutes to get here. If they were trying to run away why are
they still here? Sila:
Well, um, I don’t really know. Cop 1: okay.
Who was driving the van? Sila:
Um. Their pet bird was driving. Cop 2:
Riiiight. Miss have you taken any illegal substances recently? Sila:
No Cop 1:
Why do you even ask them that no one will ever say yes to it Cop 2:
Sometimes they do Cop 1:
Who? Tell me the name of one person who admitted to it Cop 2:
I mean… Cop 1:
I told you Cop 2:
Just because I can’t think of anyone right now doesn’t mean those people don’t
exist. Cop 1:
I’ll tell you what; if you check the records back at the station and can find
one person that admitted to using drugs when we asked them, I’ll take you out
to that nice strip club you like. You know the one that’s kinda far away that we
always have a great time at but still never go to cause there’s another one
closer and I mean ya gotta save on gas Cop 2:
Are you talking about la elephantina Cop 1:
That’s the name of it! Sorry I just couldn’t remember. I’m really bad with
names Cop 2:
Hey you wanna just go there right now. Cop 1: Checks watch I guess we are off right
now. Would they even be open? It’s pretty early Cop 2:
Nah but if you show up early you get to just hang out before, you know, just
talk with the staff and the like 2 girls that are actually there, and there’s
not a lot of other guys there yet. That’s one of the things I like about la
elephantina, you know, the people there are actually really chill if you wanna
just hang out you know. And then if you meet someone you actually like you can
get a dance later on. Cop 1:
That sounds fun actually. F**k it let’s go Cop 2:
right now? Cop 1:
Yeah, why not. To the group you guys
cool if we just leave you here? Carl:
Yeah Shäd
(Same time): Okay Jesus
(Same time): Works for me Dr.
Smitherbutt (same time): Sure Sila
(same time and very upset): No Cop 1:
Alright, tips hat have a good evening Cops 1 and 2 head back to their
car. As they walk off you hear someone say “see, the law works” it is not clear
who. The camera focuses on the cops, and the rest of the cast is offscreen.
They get in their car and drive away Sila
(Sputtering): Can they… wait like what… Sergei:
puts his hand on Sila’s shoulder
welcome to the group Sila: I’m…
I’m gonna call an uber. Carl: I
wouldn’t use your phone right now Sila: as she pulls out her phone Why? After a brief pause, during
which sila does not look at her phone, the phone catches fire. Sila then yelps,
and drops her phone Sila
(to Sergei): I’m sorry, but can you please drive me home? Carl:
ooh, cool, we can take my van Sila: The one that you crashed into the building? Carl: No, the other one that I parked right there in case of this exact situation The camera zooms out to show another van, this one with “Carl’s van #0” spray painted on it, in a spot that there was not a van when last it was shown, but which was not visible before the zoom Sila: How did you- Carl and Jesus: Ebay © 2019 Ben |