

A Poem by Joey Martinez

We live in a age where people rather record than take action.
The likes on instagram are worth more than a fraction of someone's life.
No one wants to be the hero, but just the spotlight of an internet zero.
So much violence is taking place but we don't race each other to help.
We just want to be the first to record the damage that's been dealt.
Day by day I witness humanity take steps towards the wrong direction.
I believe our phones are becoming nothing but an infection.
A disease aimed to please instead of calling the police to help stop the bleeding.
Humanity is in dire need of reconstruction.
Technology helps us rise but we use it for destruction.
Lives can be saved but instead we record the process of a soul making its way towards a grave.
Don't record.
We have enough stupidity we don't need more.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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I do agree with you, Joey, Rise above the technology and get out and live life for the moment. And also humanity is crumbling and no one cares. Because of their own worlds and lives they live. They are blinded to other all around them. Society is dying. Bit by bit by bit. No commandery, no love. Just destruction all around.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 23, 2018
Last Updated on June 23, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
