

A Poem by Joey Martinez

I know there's more good than evil but in today's generation there's a lot more deceitful material controlling those with feeble minds.
Good deeds go unnoticed while the spotlight shines on criminals who do heinous crimes.
Intellectual mentors are being taken away from those with souls that have been decayed.
Heaven on earth is slowly turning into a playground of hell where many love to play.
Most of us know right from wrong but there are those with fragile minds who get lost in the lyrics of a song proclaiming to show anger and end it all.
We went from hot wheel toys to drug deals and guns that deploy a full clip in a matter of seconds.
But the brain still remains the strongest weapon.
It's time to shine the light on those who cause peace so we can avoid the fame we give to the losers who choose to decease for the glory.
The world needs to change before we become the saddest story.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on June 21, 2018
Last Updated on June 21, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
