Move on

Move on

A Poem by Joey Martinez

People love to look at your past mistakes and hand their judgemental views on a plate to your face despite being full from all the bullshit you once ate.
Serving a dish you despise while they can't realize the menu has changed.
You kept your range from the deranged person you once were.
But people love to live in the past while pretending the present is a blur.
I understand some mistakes are unforgiving but moving on is apart of living.
If people can't see the change you made then it's time to fade away from their view.
Life's too damn short to feel glued to the past.
Either move on or sit in last place with the others who don't realize we all make mistakes.
Don't bother coming back for them either.
Let em burn with your regrets like ether.
There's many individuals who will appreciate what you've become.
There's many individuals who will look at your past and choose not to run.
Why? Because they see the growth.
They appreciate the oath that was made.
These are the people who give light to your shade.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Awesome and on point. I totally agree that we all make mistakes, however, we cannot allow those mistakes to hinder our growth or progress. Move On!!!!! There are some people who will never let you forget about your past. You are right that we must distance ourselves from those judgmental and PERFECT people.

Posted 6 Years Ago

I agree what your poem telling about move on.Everyone can make mistakes in their lives and if you are regretting it and willing to change it and never do it again then why not give you a chance right?Yeah don't let others feel you are an unworthy person just because of your past mistakes.maybe not all will give you a chance or believe that you will change for good but still believe that there are people wants to give you another chance.sorry for my bad grammars.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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Thanks for writing this Joey

Posted 6 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 20, 2018
Last Updated on June 20, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
