Let em go

Let em go

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Trying to find the good in people who claim to be misunderstood has me retracing her steps.
She can't erase the past so She'll just add them to her list of regrets.
But She doesn't have the heart to cross them off the list and let them go.
Even when the curtains close they will still be apart of the show she was once in.
Damn it feels good to do good but it feels great to partake in sin.
Maybe She'll grow older mentally and let them be.
Or perhaps She'll drown with them in my sea of regrets.
Only time will tell.
She just wants to create my own heaven with the fun of hell.
Stuck in the spell of delusion mixed with a sprinkle of confusion.
Scared to be alone and face reality without the contacts on her phone.
Bad friends and bad decisions.
But inside these people lies a heart with precision.
Aiming to be good but temptations are far too exquisite.
A girl has her chance to be a woman but will she grab it or miss it?

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Forever life lesson in this poem

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 18, 2018
Last Updated on June 18, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
