Woman in control

Woman in control

A Poem by Joey Martinez

You're his experiment gone wrong.
He wanted you under his control but you played a different song.
A broken heart has learned to become strong.
You escaped the wrath of a man who tried to plan your path.
You finally grew the courage to take control of the wheel before you crashed.
A girl of false sunshine now becomes a woman of thunder.
A girl of wonder now becomes a woman of certainty.
A girl who was held from class now becomes her own university.
Gone from his existence.
No longer a witness to the pain.
You obtained the brain you once lost.
The comands he implanted in you have been tossed.
Unaware your phone is filled with missed calls from the blocking of his number.
A man of Thunder now becomes a boy of blunders.
Watch out mother earth, a new woman is born.
She begins to mourn the little girl she once knew.
Now the celebrations begin for the birth of a woman who's brand new.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Very nice. Empowering. Is this about someone in particular? It feels very personal.


Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 23, 2018
Last Updated on May 23, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
