Sign of the cross

Sign of the cross

A Poem by Joey Martinez

A woman of the church who wears the cross around her neck with such praise.
Flips it upside down during the 6 days away from the holy house of worship to partake in sinful acts of the worthless.
A woman who owns such heavenly lips begins to speak wicked scripts.
Fooling the men with no experience.
A succubus begins to prowl on the delirious.
A woman of the forbidden fruit who follows the book of truth hides the venom she uses to intrude on the purest of souls.
But once Sunday arrives, she cries tears of joy from being in God's control.
A woman who's nothing but a lie.
Wearing the cross as a disguise.
Never would I have imagined to see such eyes of demise.
However, I must admit I am a fan of her wit.
She's a double edged sword who can slit the mind while piercing the heart.
It amazes me how God can make such deceiving art.
Stay away from the woman who bears the cross of the lord.
They say Satan was an angel so why can't one be disguised as a w***e?

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on May 21, 2018
Last Updated on May 21, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
