Night woman

Night woman

A Poem by Joey Martinez

She's a lover of the night because the past extinguished the light on her path to greatness.
Crash landed in a pit of despair while her colleagues reside in the Oasis.
What was once a woman of many faces now becomes the mask of hatred.
Jealous of others destinations but chooses not to work towards the exit of her location.
She stays at ease and sleeps until the sun is at its knees.
A lover of the moon rises from her cocoon of doom.
Gazes outside her window to see nothing but darkness.
A lover of the harness it provides.
She never wants to be seen so she wears the shadows as a disguise.
Self Esteem lower than earth.
A prize possession becomes worthless.
Rotting away.....
Rotting the day.....
A heart is broken while the mind decays.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on May 21, 2018
Last Updated on May 21, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
