Clean up on aisle 5

Clean up on aisle 5

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Working a dead end job but those dreams are keeping you alive.
Reality makes her appearance once again, clean up on aisle 5!
You just want the fame but you can't find the spark to ignite the flame.
Using Marijuana to tame the demons of depression that are calling your name.
Organizing products on the shelf while trying to find yourself.
One spill away from calling it a day.
But you need the money to smoke the demons away.
You just want someone to see the potential you have.
But those with cash see the uniform you wear and laugh.
Now your mood begins to alter.
Those dreams begin to falter.
The confidence begins to shrink.
Now you're just another clerk who's best friend is the sink.
You can't let those who rose from putting people down continue to dig your ambitions to the ground.
You're still young, you still have time.
The past is done, you can't rewind.
But you can change what's ahead.
Those day dreams aren't dead.
I believe in you.
We believe in you.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on May 16, 2018
Last Updated on May 16, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
