This is America.

This is America.

A Poem by Joey Martinez

This is America.
God bless hysteria.
Drug riddled areas.
Murder spreads through the towns like Malaria.
Racism is still a bacteria that's being spread and past on from the dead.
Remedies for diseases are being kept safe while guns are being drawn out from the safe to increase the rate of crime.
Weaponry is America's favorite past time sport.
Foolish immigrants continue to view our country as a resort.
Unware we live in a court where those with colored skin are associated with all acts of sin.
White American citizens are the most lethal of people.
Our symbol is a bold eagle but in reality it should be a desert eagle.
This is America.
Being force fed hysteria.
Obese from the guilt of knowing how many innocent deceased people of color go unmentioned.
The upper class all deserve detention for acting a fool to focus the media's attention on themselves.
This is America.
The most violent book on the shelf.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Nicely written! Very true and sad!

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 10, 2018
Last Updated on May 10, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

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