Real friends, how many of us?

Real friends, how many of us?

A Poem by Joey Martinez

How many of us truly believe in our friends and the passion they express?
How many of us are cowards who can't speak the honest truth that is trapped in our chests?
Do we secretly enjoy watching a man working his way towards defeat?
Sharing years of love but keeping our evil discreet.
A friend doesn't believe in false hope.
A friend tells the truth even if the man can't cope with the language of honesty.
There's a lack of comradery but a rise in opponents.
Are you the one who is stopping us from having our moment?
What if this theory is true?
What is the meaning of trust if I can't have assurance in you?
Prove me wrong.
Do I pick up my dreams or do I pick up the bong?
Am I on the right path towards my aspirations or am I headed toward my expiration?
A lot of false friends enter a man's life.
Guarding your back while holding the knife.
We were born alone so who's to say I can't take on the world on my own?
"I'm not your enemy" is a phrase my enemy would utter.
I'm on a path to greatness but you yearn for me to stutter.
Real friends, how many of us still exist?
Real friends, are you real or just a myth?

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on April 29, 2018
Last Updated on April 29, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
