J. Cole KOD

J. Cole KOD

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Here I am watching people chase after materialistic desires.
Mimicking those in the industry who sold their souls to the queen of fire.
Treating women with no respect but you know they'll chase you anyway when you cash that check.
No one takes the time to know one another.
Everyone is just f*****g around and calling themselves "lovers".
What's the point of having a heart if you keep tearing people apart.
What's the point of having a brain when you drug yourself up to increase your dopamine.
Can't handle the depression you're in.
So in order to feel heavenly you have to sin.
This generation is becoming one to remember.
We all want to drink the purest water but we love to touch the ember.
But who am I to tell you what's right and what's wrong.
I'm just another man who took to many hits out of the bong.
I'm realizing it's time to grow up.
But I can't do this alone I need you to show up.
I want the smiles of truth without doing the rebellious acts of youth.
It's easier said than done because I live in a world where sin is associated with fun.
Maybe one day I'll be pure.
Maybe one day I'll become mature.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

My Review

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Very well done and unfortunately you are right about the times we live in. There are those that do for others but so many that do not. Compassion, empathy, sympathy all so important to our survival yet, when will we refocus our efforts from how much we can buy to how much we can give? I don’t know. You did a great job getting your message across.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 13, 2017
Last Updated on April 24, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
