Devils charm

Devils charm

A Poem by Joey Martinez

You're watching people do wrong and get rewarded
Living in a distorted reality where the good barely get supported
Maybe its time to sell that soul to the woman down under
Join the fun in the sun instead of wallowing in the thunder
You're a man of faith but a lover of stability
God hasn't answered your prayers so you question his abilities
Coming to the conclusion that your beliefs are nothing more than a fools illusion
The devils charm is wicked
Seeing others succeed has you livid
Life is one twisted ride but if you keep control you'll be sent to the skies
You're lost in the wheels of confusion
Driving In a reckless pattern
The devil asks for your hand in marriage and hands you the ring of Saturn
Do you dare betray the man above?
Take part in adultery with evil and leave love behind?
Well? What will it be?
Greed or possibility?

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on August 19, 2017
Last Updated on April 19, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
