

A Poem by Joey Martinez

I don't know the coincidence with my mind and 4am.
But the thoughts are overflowing and it doesn't seem to end.
My mind is racing while I keep pacing for the right song to go along with my mood.
Trying to calm the fued between my mind and my heart.
Painting pictures with my paranoia, my face displays the tragic art.
Although most scenarios are unlikely.
My mind persuades me to believe it will arrive nightly.
Will I die in my sleep?
Will I go to heaven or will my soul fall deep below?
Will I ever see the peaceful doves or will I dance with satanic crows?
It's scary to not know what tomorrow has in store.
I'm watching time soar while my mind rides with it.
Sometimes I love the night but recently i have been livid with its vivid descriptions of crooked visions.
So here I am once again.
All alone while my friends sleep in peace.
But it makes me happy knowing they have counted enough sheep to rest at ease.
I'm lost at 4am.
All I can do is wait until my mind and I make amends.
Tick..... tock...... tick...... tock

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on August 17, 2017
Last Updated on April 24, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
