Pick one

Pick one

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Here we are still plotting our revenge
While the middle east continue to count the dead
Instead of aid we send a brigade of drones that destroy the innocent homes which shelter families who now live separated and alone
And sure those brigades hit the targets of terror but no one reports the errors that the bearer holds silently in his chest
Because the people of the Muslim faith are viewed like the rest and all he wants is to eliminate this so called mess that the United states have started with the press of a button
And it's not just the Muslim people, us minorities mean nothing to those of whiter skin who control the world with their government towers of sin
But people tend to forget what lies outside America
Middle east countries living in mass hysteria
Africa being struck with disease
People crawling with the flesh of their knees just to taste a drop of water
The world is going through countless slaughter while America laughs at science proven issues about the world getting hotter
Civil war, global warming, world war 3
Im starting to believe God doesn't even have the freedom to decide how the world will come to a cease
The trump card has been placed in the key hole of peace

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on August 16, 2017
Last Updated on August 16, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
