

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Why do we associate the darkness of the day with danger?
Being told to avoid certain streets that reside untrustworthy neighbors and troublesome strangers.
It seems as if the moon consumes the joy that bloomed and escorts doom towards our way.
It's okay to walk along the streets during the day but once the sun fades you're being encouraged to stay home.
For me and many others the night sky is a dome of peace for the mind.
But the world today has degraded the night by flooding it with crime.
The stars keep me at ease while the clouds cover the light I need.
The night brings a certain aura that attracts the truth and certain feelings that eclipse from the sun.
The best conversations rise during the time of rest.
It's as if the moon brings out all these trapped emotions from my chest.
Maybe in the future the night will once again be respected.
The moon and the stars should be appreciated and not neglected.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

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Added on August 14, 2017
Last Updated on April 30, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

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