

A Poem by Joey Martinez

The highs have you fooled into believing you've been struck by cupids arrow
While all he worries about is keeping the cocaine straight and narrow
Head up in the sky but your heart is lost in the clouds
Scared to be struck with reality once the high comes down
So you take another round and drive around town with a man who views you lower than the ground
You're the stash, you're the holder, you're the suspect for when the cops boulder in
Such a waste you are because you once resembled heaven but now you emphasize sin
From wearing a sun dress full of flowers to resembling a woman who hasn't slept in hours
You've lost all the power and now you're forced to stay
It was fun at first but now those urges can't go away
But once those veins feel the frost of dawn
Once those worries stop from going on n on
You feel complete
High off your feet but in reality you're dancing with defeat
Nothing but a mere treat for this man who gets so high he plans to never land
And you decided to join the show
From his mysterious glow and lines of snow

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on August 13, 2017
Last Updated on August 13, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
