who knows

who knows

A Poem by Joey Martinez

it seems the ones who offer the most amount of hands 
Are the ones who are in desperate need of help to stand 
Crash landing in a pit of despair 
But offer to assist those who are still in the air 
I would assume that helping those who are struggling to bloom
Would consume the negative thoughts that fill the room 
I guess its not enough to eliminate the rust forming around their soul
Looking for a high to escape the pit but there's no weed to roll
But no matter how deep the pit of despair has sunk
They will climb out just to give those on the way down some spunk 
So now when i see the biggest smiles
I wonder if its real or stitched together to disguise the denial 
I'm in this state of confusion because being happy is becoming an illusion

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on July 23, 2017
Last Updated on July 23, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
