Woman wealth.

Woman wealth.

A Poem by Joey Martinez

The woman you love and her mental health is the true definition of a man's wealth.
You want her to be mentally sane and avoid the demons that come for her name.
A lot of men let those demons contend and watch a woman crumble before they can make amends.
Dont be one of those fools.
Let this poem take you to school.
You dont want her to feel alone.
You want to be the only source of conact on her phone.
Her rings of aid go on and on until the voice mail message fades.
Don't be afraid to invade through the reception if you feel the connection has been detached.
Her heart was made strong but her mind is about to crack.
She needs attention, she needs care.
Protect what God has gave you for she is someone rare.
Now go.
Stop reading this poem and show her love.
Give her the sunshine she craves and not the rain you pour from above.
A rare but fragile soul craves a man with a heart of gold not coal.
Now go.
She awaits your arrival.
Be the man of her dreams not her rival.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

My Review

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Having worked with the mentally ill for 27 years, I can attest that many of them do feel the kind of isolation the poet describes here. Sometimes the attention of one caring person can make a great difference for them. Also, I appreciate the use of interior rhymes shown here. I have not seen the technique in some time. Good work.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 22, 2017
Last Updated on May 7, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

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