Thank you Chester

Thank you Chester

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Felt like I was in the wrong from the start
But it all changed when I heard of a band by the name of Linkin Park
Thier lyrics sparked a fire in my heart
Chesters voice was a true work of art
He was the man under God's plan to help the youth understand to never fall and help those who have, stand
He was the voice that always listened
I believe healing was his only mission
Helping those who were on their toes in submission due to lifes crooked visions
Chester was a brother to us all who had no adult supervision
I would do the unthinkable to wish him back
Because he was the big brother who had my back
He gave us his all so we wouldn't fall or even crawl
He gave us hope, he gave us balance so we can walk on the tight ropes of life
Chester was that imaginary friend who protected us at night
Chester inspired and helped ignite the fire for my desire to write so I can also help those in need
A follower of Chester I am but today's the day I lead
This isn't a poem it's a letter of appreciation
Not many people can say their words healed a nation

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on July 20, 2017
Last Updated on July 20, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
