

A Poem by Joey Martinez

The Muslim culture and the black community
Ridiculed with scrutiny from lunacy who can't see them living humanly amongst those with whiter skin
I'm tired of hearing these cultures being associated with sin
I believe we are all the same race no matter the skin color, or form of the face
We are the human race and it's sad to see cultures being apart of this racial war because people refuse to look more into what their feeble minds perceive
ISIS spreading false belief in the middle east knowing they depict the wrong message because the Quran to them never ceased to exist
The Muslim culture despises these acts of violence so please don't affiliate them with those cowards alliance
And being from Paterson where many people of color tend to stick together like brothers who show nothing but love for one another and especially to their mothers. So dont cross the street when you see colored people in threes because they can end up saving your a*s before you turn the other cheek and cross the wrong street to Rosa Parks and end up deceased over wet feet from fear of color
There's angels in disguise
Don't judge a book by its cover, open it and see what lies my brother

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on July 12, 2017
Last Updated on July 12, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

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