Vol 4

Vol 4

A Poem by Joey Martinez

People trying to offer me a piece of mind
I guess you can say I got tired of what was being served and put the plate aside
I respect the opinions being offered
I understand you would like my habits to be altered
But this who I am
A complicated man looking to simplify a plan to survive
But for now I take it day by day and pray I don't die
Although you can't avoid the reaper
I'm trying to dig myself out a hole that lies 6 feet deeper than a casket
All these mistakes I made you can't mask it
And don't try to persuade my ways hoping it leads to better days so I can die knowing my soul will go towards the sun rays
I wanna live my life that was given to me
I wanna do what I want I wanna choose who I can be
I don't need religious consent
I don't need to worry about where my time is being spent
It's my life and I will continue to live it under the sun
Soaking up its rays until the curtain closes and the roses shower the floor while the light we supposedly see during death shines no more
This is who I am
A writer with a few tricks up his sleeve but no concrete plan

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on June 18, 2017
Last Updated on June 18, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
