

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Allergic to the advice given from others.
She rather partake in a vice behavior that resembles her mother.
Her addictions created a path for those who helped but couldn't last.
On the highway to hell unaware she's about to crash.
They've tried it all.
Helping her stand but she just loved to fall.
So now shes heading down the same route of regrets and tragedy.
It seems the crown of self destruction has a new majesty.
Up the nose to her brain.
What was once a high becomes a routine to keep her sane.
Living a life with an early exit in sight.
Hoping she can get black out drunk to avoid the light.
The sanity begins to fade so out comes another row of cocaine.
But the curtain begins to close.
Dozens of roses come to her toes.
The casket falls to the ground.
Dead from an overdose who wants the crown?
The majesty of tragedy has passed.
She joins the former queen known as her mother who also couldn't last.

© 2018 Joey Martinez

My Review

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This poem is so brilliant! Raw, honest, story of the never-ending cycle of abuse and addiction. A daughter addicted to cocaine, alcohol and high risk behavior like her mother, ignoring all warnings. Walking the "F**k up"-tightrope until she slips and inevitably falls. Evocative, real language and imagery. "The casket falls to the ground" until the next Queen is crowned- R.I.P. Excellent work!

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 6, 2017
Last Updated on May 2, 2018


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
