

A Poem by Joey Martinez

She's aware of my past path that was leading towards self destruction
But she was there with tools on hand already in the process of construction to avoid obstruction
Throughout the self inflicted damage I caused
She never hesitated to leave me, she never paused
This woman kept pushing through
Always telling me it's okay and I will always love you
I never landed on my knees because she will always be there picking me up with ease
And still to this day I make the wrong choices and listen to the wrong voices
But she chooses to stay
Never looking the other way
Or choosing to go away
How did I get so lucky
And how did she get so unfortunate
I feel guilty as can be
Because all she sees is destruction
How the f**k can she think of being with me until the end and possibly take part in reproduction?
This isn't a poem
This is an apology
I'm sorry for being a child
I'm sorry for you always taking the extra mile to help
I'm sorry for the pain I cause you and myself
I apologize I really do
But as you say, I will always love you

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on June 4, 2017
Last Updated on June 4, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
