

A Poem by Joey Martinez

I'm becoming much more appreciative of memories as i begin to age
Looking back at a specific moment of joy helps counteract the rage that life deals to me on a daily basis
It's hard to avoid the feeling when living in a world filled with rude ignorant homophobic racists
But I continue to wear a smile
While residing with others who are in a state of denial
I refuse to let tears fall and form a Nile river
But at the same time I don't look for an escape like abusing alcohol into my liver
However I may partake in a nicely rolled blunt or two
That's my weapon of choice but every person has the option to choose
What can I say
I like to smoke some Marijuana and remember certain events from certain days
Reminiscing is a ploy that brings me joy
Concerts are a memory of choice that bring nothing but rejoice
Those are moments I live to tell
Those are the moments where happiness takes over this reality of hell
And no matter how stoned I am
I will always remember the memories that made me a proud man

© 2017 Joey Martinez

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Added on May 31, 2017
Last Updated on May 31, 2017


Joey Martinez
Joey Martinez

Paterson , NJ

Poetry in motion more..
