One shot. Darkness within.

One shot. Darkness within.

A Story by CzatoftheMoon

This is A multi crossover of the best gunslingers except alucard. Put him in and its no contest who wins.


 It begins however somewhere near the end of Vash the stampede with the character Vaust, A clone of vash made from blood by doctor Geitro. Using a PLANT reactor as a test tube he created a new being the evil of Vash? or the Misunderstood killer either way the Black Typhoon has awoken.




*im... im hearing bubbles.. what.. who?.. am I?*


*the sound of footsteps.. wait.. but I cant feel my body..*


*a voice.. a voice who?..*


(Air hissed as sounds of water splashed to the ground. I felt something pull me down.. I couldnt see.. why is it so dark?)


???: This is the one. Expieriment twelve fifty three is alive. The Doc will be happy about this.


(A voice.. it sounds strange.. I called out to it)


???: h..hello?


(I felt my body drop to a hard ground. I couldnt move.. but I could feel it. It hurt but the voice seemed a bit more hesitant now I could hear footsteps on the ground)


???: Jesus! holy.. the damn thing is awake?


(another pair of footsteps.. this time these were harder.. the vibration on the floor was strong everytime it walked)


???: whats taking so long with the... what? what the hell are you doing?! be careful with that subject! hes a very valuble one.


(I could feel myself being lifted up again by something. A hand.. something pulled me up and my side was pressed against it. I heard its heartbeat but.. why was it cold?)


???: Sorry boss but this thing just spoke!


(I flinched as I heard a stomp)


???: you fool of course it spoke! the experiment was a success! Ignore the voice and bring it to the man lab room.


(I stayed silent. I didnt know what was going on.. where they talking about me?.. but what am I? what.. am I?)


(I could feel another thing grab my other arm. Suddenly I was being dragged. I became scared.. where are they taking me?)


???: man that dryhead! bossing me around like im a common android! its scary that these things talk! the last twelve fifty two gargled and groaned in pain.


(another voice.. it sounded rougher but had a wierd hum to it)


???: you said it! that blasted outdated toaster thinks were his lapdogs! pah! whatever! as long as I get paid. Well this time lets keep the bandage around its eyes. I hate staring at these things when the doctor cuts them up as it is.


(I felt a tingle down my back at those words. What is it talking about!? doctor? am I going to be cut up! no.. I.. cant.. I..)


???: please dont cut me up! please no! I dont want to die!


(I struggled to free myself from the pulls of them but they gripped tigher)


???: what?! what the hell!


(I shook more trying to get loose from their grip)


???: d****t stay still! Hurry up and sedate him or something. Knock him out!


(I shook more pulling. I pulled back trying to slip out of their grip struggling)


???: let go! I said let go!


(I could hear their screams as I was pulling harder and harder till I heard wires snap and a loud crack and fell back landing on the ground.)


???: gyahh! ugh! what the... ahhh! my arm! he tore my arm off!


(I could hear the secound voice groan in pain as well feeling my hands still in the grip)


???: s**t! grrr what the hell is this thing?!


(I need to see! I need to look!. *I pulled off the wraps around my eyes and blinked looking to the two metallic arms gripping my arms with blood leaking from the ends. I shivered in fear and screamed loud and ran down a hallway with the arms still attached then bumped into a small door.* What is this!? what the hell! get them off! get off! *The door opened and closed behind me as the two others ran to the door and banged on it* where am I? what is going on! I dont understand this! )


???: open the door! open the damn door.. Im gonna kill this son of a b***h!


*I panicked finally pulling off their arms from my wrists and looked around inside the room for a hiding spot. The door started to bend and open. I looked to the left corner and found a small closet and rushed inside closing the door as I did. I could hear the voices as they broke open the door and growled*


???: that stupid b*****d! when I find him im gonna rip his arms off!


???: hey calm down T-twelve! we need our money first! then we can rip this piece of garbage to pieces.


*I breathed heavily panicking looking around for something to defend myself with. I looked at the top of the small closet and blinked finding a large weapon. It was like some sort of.. gun.*


???: in there! theres life readings in that closet!


*they started smashing the door squeezing the metal against me. They planned to crush me? I couldnt think I just grabbed the gun and then..*


???: the doc just wanted him he didnt say how though hahahah! guwahk!


*a gunshot came from the came from the closet door and went through his skull as he bleed and fell to the ground*


???: T-twelve? holy crap! what the fu--ahhh!!!


*another gunshot came from the side of the closet going straight through his arm*


*he pulled back inching against the wall yelping and looking to his arm groaning in pain.*


*I walked out of the closet with my eyes red and pure black hair looking down at him*


???: you... what the hell is with that look? you were a wuss just now! this dont make any...


*I pulled the trigger again and shot him in the head as blood splattered onto the floor and on my feet. His body limped to the side and fell over as I walked out of the room. I saw three people in lab coats panic as they saw me and ran. An alarm went off as doors around me slowly shutted. I made my way through them easily though pushing open the doors and bending the metal walking down the long hallway. I had no idea what was going on in me.. I just felt like killing and wanted destruction. I wanted... revenge!*


???: the test subject is escaping.. repeat the test subject is...


*I shot the loudspeaker and continued to walk down the hallway as scientist fled avoiding me.*


???: oh no.. it cant be.. the Twelve fifty three is alive! its running loose get out of here everyone! call doctor Geitro! call the doc...


*I shot him in the head and continue to walk as he fell back into the wall gargling while his blood spilled out on the floor*


*I saw a large double door ahead of me as people rushed out of it aiming guns at me*


???: we cant destroy it! taser it down use the wires! Fire!


*they all fired at once as wires jammed into my legs and arms sending bolts of electricity in me. I yelled out in pain staggering but looked to them in a rage and rushed forward unnaffected by the shocks and fired five shots at them hitting each of them in the heads and killing them instantly as they fell over. I pushed the doors open looking in the room. It was.. filled with test tubes. So many of them had many faces and looks. I looked around slowly though unconcered until I heard his voice.. *


???: Test twelve fifty three! your awake and killing I see. Wonderful.. its nice to see the programming and years of experiments failing up to you has gotten somewhere!


*I walked closer to him slowly feeling all my body on fire and gritted my teeth*


???: ....who the f**k am I?...


*He fixed his glasses and stayed where he was*


???: you are a being of my creation to do my will! no your more. Your a killing machine based off the legendary Humanoid Typhoon! A tribute to my work! you have finally risen from the bloody ashes of your Twelve hundred and fifty two brethren and became my Weapon of death to use as I wish!


*I growled more gripping the gun tightly and aiming it to his head*


???: im just a damn puppet!? not anything to you!? so im a tool!


*he smiled and pulled back against his desk*


???: Twelve hundred and fifty three! calm yourself immideately! Genocide Mode shut down! shut down now! hurrgk!


*I gripped his neck and picked him up with one arm glaring into his face and seeing mine. My black hair and red eyes reflected off his glasses as I looked and pulled away dropping him and dropping the gun falling to my knees*


???: guh.. what is this?! how did you?! my.. body.. in pain..


*I slid my hands up to my throat and felt a ring around it. I tried to pull it but was shocked as I coughed and pulled my hands away*


???: guhgh hack *cough* what... is... this!


*the doctor smiled pulling himself up and rubbed his neck while shaking his other finger*


???: ah ah ah! you cant harm master as long as your ring is in place. You are MINE! you hear me?! your my Humanoid Typhoon destined to surpass.. no destined to kill him! all you are is for that reason! you were created to kill him you are the Black Typhoon! Vaus!


???: Vaus?...


*he laughed leaning back then looked to me*


???: Yes! Vaus the Black Typhoon! That gun I made you is living proof! thats the gun I made for you! I used all my technological thought along with the mysterious pieces of metals I found twenty long years ago to make that gun! its known as the Devils Lance!


Vaus: you.. you.. you.. b*****d!!


*I pulled up and rushed toward him but fell down again in pain from the neck ring*


*he shook his head*


???: you fool! havent you learned its impossible! No matter how hard you struggle! I am doctor Geitro! the Master Scientist! I will use you to cleanse the world of the old life and make a new life out of their bodys! I will become a god!


*I growled as he laughed and closed my eyes*


Vaus: B*****d... b*****d! b*****d b*****d!


*my eyes glowed red as I rushed up and grabbed his neck again growling as I glared into his eyes. He shivered gripping my wrist trying to pull me off as he choked*


Vaus: b*****d! b*****d! bastarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!!!!!!!!!!


*the pain in my neck only made me more madder. I growled pulling on the ring tightly and finally pulled it off. It broke into pieces leaving a large ring shaped burn mark around my neck but I growled gripping his neck tighter and glared moving down slowly lifting up the gun I dropped and aimed it in the middle of his forhead. He choked more now kicking my sides to make me let him go*


Vaus: your dead!!


*As I moved to pull the trigger he was able to kick my arm back as I fired the gun dropping it barely missing  my head. I released him and pulled back in a bit of a shock as his leg was muscular but slowly shrunk to normal. I moved to pick up the gun gripping it but behind me more gaurds came in and fired shooting live ammo as the bullets pierced my back. I yelled but rushed behind cover as the doctor avoided the shots.*


???: you morons! your ruining my lifes work! cease fire!


*they stopped shooting looking to him as I took the chance and rushed into a door to the left side of the room*


???: get him! dont let him run away! get him!


*I closed the door behind me and looked to the side seeing a black uniform hanging on the wall and grabbed it quickly putting it on. The gaurds banged on the door as it started to bend inwards. I rushed more putting on the uniform piece by piece and placed the gun in a side leg pocket then rushed down the hall as the gaurds broke through and began to fire. I could see a light far ahead*


???: fire! fire! aim for the legs dont let it escape!


*they fired a barrage at me shooting my legs and making me trip. I stumbled into the doors as they opened and began to fall downward yelling. On the other side was nothing but the sky and down below seemed to be clouds. I was apparently high in them and yelled falling to my death as I looked behind me and saw the large floating machine grow distant.*


Vaus: no.. I cant die! no I cant die so easily not like this... no! ugh... ahhhhh!!!!!!


*I closed my eyes as my skin tone changed and my eyes grew red then as if automatically, grabbed my gun. It suddenly fused with my right arm transforming into a small cannon and began to glow*


Vaus: what.. what the hell is this... uugh.. what is going..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*a small beam of darkness shot out toward the fast approaching ground below me as I was pushed back and upward to the right flying into the air as I looked to the ground. The area was silent as a large dark orb engulfed the area I fired and grew outwards. I yelled looking to the dark orb in horror but slowly began to pass out and blacked out still in the air*



(...that was two months ago... I apparently destroyed an entire town called Jermena.. it all seemed like yesterday for me though... I woke up not too long ago.. five hundred miles from Jermena and buried in two months worth of sand.. I had to dig myself out.. but now.. I know what I need.. I need to kill him.. I will kill the doctor.. Doctor Geitro!)

© 2011 CzatoftheMoon

Author's Note

I didnt know how to really put it all together so i just marked actions with * and thoughts with ( or something. I will fix it all after i hear how it seems. )

My Review

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oh just love how this ends... makes me ask myself, "what next?" A follow up story to this would be great. And the story keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time which keeps the reader wanting more. Once you get the whole punctuation for the thoughts and actions down this will be perfect. I really enjoyed it. Great job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 31, 2011
Last Updated on December 31, 2011



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
