Chapter 15: Painful Existance

Chapter 15: Painful Existance

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

The night falls in over the land of Lyre the sky is clear and the moon full.. The night is eerily calm..


(I slept softly interupted by nightmares... a flash in them.. one of a gun trigger pulled right at Sari.. another of Tyre laughing.. and deep deep hate and sadness forming in me I hear her scream in my dreams and call out to me as her blood ran down her leg.. I woke)

Vain: ....??!!

*I shook and looked around in the nest of grass that I made with Sari. She looked to me perking her ears up*

Sari: Vain? whats wrong?

Vain: .....Sari..

Sari: Vain? what is it?

Vain: he is calling out.. hes getting stronger.. Im afraid he may use me to kill you..

*she stood up and looked now deeply in my eyes*

Sari: no I wont let that happen Vain. He cant do anything to us dont you realize that?

Vain: no your wrong... hes trying hes getting stronger and hes.. hes really causing me

trouble... he knows that the time of awakening is near... he knows he can be


Sari: Vain calm down dont let him get you.

*My hair stood up and my fangs grew out more my tail started to swish.. I started to hear Veerhah's laugher in my head.. my claws grew out more.. I could feel myself being blinded by rage.. but it wasnt me..*

Sari: Hey Vain! hey listen to me!

*she moved to place her hand on my shoulder and I pulled away lowering my head*

Sari: ...that feeling!... Vain stop! snap out of it! dont give in!

*I looked to Sari with one eye red and one eye blue*

Vain: what if he wants to give in?! what if he wants to look to the fate of death?!

*She snarled*

Sari: D****t Veerhah! go away! get lost!

*I could hear Sari's voice in my head.. but it was all fading I could only see through my

eyes I couldnt control my body..*

Vain: Dont talk to me like your the controller child! I am the god you will pray to!

*My skin started to turn dark and my hair transformed into a pure dark color*

*Sari gasped*

Sari: No! damn you you peice of garbage!

*I hopped out of the tree and down to the ground walking away*

*Sari hopped down and stood in front of me*

Sari: I wont let you go!

Vain: ...uhg Sari..

Sari: Vain?...

*I roared to the sky and slashed across her face she dodged quickly but coudnt avoid one claw and started to bleed*


Vain: get away from me Sari!

Sari: no Vain dont let him do it!

*I roared more as a black arua circled me and rain begain to pour*

*I heard Veerhah talk to me in my head*

(Veerhah: Ill kill her for you Vain allow me)

(Vain: no you win okay! ill...ill do it)

(Veerhah: hahaha you have no choice Vain!)

*I had tears in my eyes as I regained control of my body*

Vain: S...Sari..

*She looked to me walking close*

Sari: its alright Vain.. im here for you please just let me..

Vain: Stay back! or ill kill you!

*She paused*

Sari: Vain? dont run away again.

Vain: ....dont you dare come after me.

*I started to walk to the edge of the city*

Sari: I wont let you go ill fight you!

Vain: you will die!

Sari: ill win!

*I transformed into a full dark cat with red eyes roaring out at her and waving my tail in
the air*

*She roared back at me transforming into a large purple cat her head still beeding as she roared and lunged at me pouncing on me and biting my neck*

*I kicked her with my back feet scratching her belly with my claws and digging my claws
into her front legs*

*she yelped and pulled back as my skin started to heal quickly and the aura grew darker.
rain began to pour*

Vain: I wont lose you have no chance you had better stop.

Sari: shut it you peice of garbage!

Vain: hmm?!

Sari: your just trash to give up so easily! well I refuse to give up!

Vain: you idiot theres no way to fight him! I have no choice!

Sari: moron! cowardly fool! where the man who said he loves me?!

*She raced up to me quickly and transformed then swung hard and deep into my side. I
could feel a rib crack as I roared in pain and stumbled*

Sari: hes dead huh? you want to die so badly? fine.

*I turned and eye fiercly at her and snarled showing my teeth and raced up to her biting
into her arm and kicking her side*

*she screamed and swung me off then rushed transforming and pounced on me holding me down and looking at me. Her eyes filled with tears and a snarl on her face*

Vain: S..Sari...grr why?!

*She cried softly and looked down to her chest. My claw was deeply in it*

Vain: why did you not give up?..

*She pulled off of me yelping as the claw slid out of her chest and stumbling back
bleeding and transforming back. She breathe heavily looking at me filled with blood.. and
still crying.*

*I had tears run down my cheeks as I transformed and pulled back from her. She
stumbled towards me holding out her hand*

Sari: Va..Vain...

Vain: .....

*She fell to the ground passed out in a pool of blood. I wanted to get close and hug her
but I cried more.. I just rushed off the side of the city*

*It was a long hard fall and I fell into trees below*

*The island floated away in the darkness as the rain fell harder and I headed to shelture

under a small tree branch. It didnt last long.. the rain passed fast as glowing spots of water shined in the moonlight. I landed on the outskirts of the forest from what I could tell but there was what seemed like a large steep cliff in front of me.*

*I smelled the air... it was full of gunpowder and explosions rang out from the cliff. I moved and crawled over to the hill still transformed in my primal mode ready for anything and peeked off the cliff. What I saw was just a reminder of all that I escaped.*

*Below me was a long drop with dead land a big long drop where the ground was all dead. It was like a giant hole but that wasnt anything it was the things inside that crater. Soldiers millions of them marching forward shooting at other soldiers killing them instantly. Tanks firing ringing out and brightening the night with the explosions of their wepons fires breaking out on boths sides and people yelling. It was true war just like before. I was at the Central Plains of Brazil the ground zero.*

*I looked upon them with an emotionless face.. the only feelings that were in me was pity for them and anger. It was as if I was staring at my past all over again and it gave me a cramp in my stomach just looking at it. I turned away and curled up wrapping my tail around me and snuggling close and tightly preparing to sleep but a voice called out from the trees*

???: its sad isnt it?

*I stood up and raised my tail up high looking into the trees and seeing a green haired

girl looking down at me. She was in full black with her hair long down to her arms and her dark green eyes gazing at me*

Vain: who are you?

*she looked to me confused and held out her hand*

???: im shocked Vain you dont remember me? hmm what about Terias Le Va Ouh?

remember that mission?

*Those words were familliar auctually. That was the day I was sent out to scout and destroy a hidden force of the army.. our own army that Tyre himself told me to take down. That day I met a ninja who was hired to deal with me but she and I failed. Not only were both of us bloody and broken but we were determined to win or die. That day we both had respect for eachother and carved eachothers name in our left legs as a sign of rivalry and respect.*

*I looked to my leg and saw the letters still there blurred but still there....S...O..L..E..*

*she looked at me and jumped out of the tree standing in front of me lifting up her robe revealing the letters V A I N.*

???: ill never forget my rival and the only person I was unable to kill. You who broke my ninety nine kill record Vain the Bleacklight.

*I smirked and reverted back to my human like form my ears perking up slowly as I looked to her*

Vain: I just needed to remind myself of the most stubborn only person I wasnt able to kill
Sole the Flash.

*Sole laughed softly*

Sole: hm so you remember do you? alright. What brings you to this place? As you can see
its not anything somone would merrily go walking into.

*I streached out and looked below at the fighting*

Vain: ..maybe I just couldnt sleep without the sounds of war anymore.

*she moved beside me and looked down at them moving her hair from the front of her

Sole: then we both still havent lost that feeling I guess.

Vain: I have lost the taste but never the feeling.

Sole: was that an attempt at a quote?

Vain: did you like it?

Sole: no.

*I laughed a bit*

Vain: im surprised to see you here and more surprised to see you at all.

*she looked at me*

Sole: you didnt think id be out of war forever did you?

Vain: I thought you would never be on Brazil again after that day.

Sole: id like to be one day but theres too much going on here. Its attracting the wrong people and getting more and more worse by the minute.

*I sighed and scratched an ear*

Vain: yes I know but now I have another question.

*she smirked like she knew what I was going to say*

Sole: yeah?

Vain: how did you know it was me?

Sole: like id forget you Vain. Your skin my have changed but those feelings inside of you
havent, that makes you easy to find.

Vain: feelings?

Sole: the same feelings of dissapointment at war and the cold feeling of being in it. Along with the lonelyness. The feelings I have.

Vain: hah sure. Im more betting that you have been stalking me.

Sole: well its my new job auctually.

Vain: hm?

*I looked to her and sat down wrapping my tail around my waist*

Sole: ive been hired to watch you and your companys movements.. lets just say that.

*I inched back*

Vain: oh really by who?

Sole: The general Tyre.

*I stood up and pulled back readying to fight but felt a jerk in my body from the fight
with Sari and stumbled down looking up to her*

Sole: dont worry. I wont tell him much. Im only here to make sure no one is in his way.

Vain: your working for him! you are spying on me? no you are spying on us?!

Sole: I know all about you and your friends up to the point of the hidden isle but after
that I dont know anything.

Vain: grr! so you have been watching us for a long time. What are his plans and where is
he? how much does he know?!

*She laughed softly and kneeled down to me looking in my eyes*

Sole: is that a order from you? you sure dont seem like you could win in a fight right now. I wonder what happened.

*I grumbed holding my wounds and looked away*

Sole: well ill tell you one of those things. He knows all about your movements on the
land. Ask for that Island I have no clue.

*I looked to her and held a hand out as she lifted me up*

Vain: so he doesnt know about the Island?

Sole: he hasnt mentioned anything about it. I have had no orders to go to it either.

Vain: I cant imagine he doesnt know. Tell me what is he doing and where is he?

Sole: I cant tell you that. If I did you would have to die along with everyone else.

*I snarled*

Vain: are you threatening me?

Sole: you know why I cant tell you. Hell im not even supposed to talk to you only
observe you.

Vain: damn him.

*she pulled me close and set me down*

Sole: in fact its time to go already.

Vain: your his lapdog now? so you would forget the past?

*she walked slowly to the edge of the cliff*

Sole: I havent forgotten anything. I intend to do things my way Vain and if it all came
down to it I wont let him hurt you.

Vain: so your feelings havent changed. Maybe you do have a heart.

Sole: well.. Ill always have a heart for you Vain my rival.

*she stood near the edge*

Vain: what are you doing?

*she smirked and dove off. I rushed to the edge as a green hawk screeched out and flew
up. It was more bigger than any normal bird. My eyes widened at it*

Vain: A Czat?! Sole your a...

Sole: Vain dont die on me okay? keep pushing him back and dont die. Look for Mika

Vain: Mika Grange?..

Sole: youll know once you find her. Get to her before the Commander does.

*she flew off above the jungle as I held my hand out to her.*

Vain:.. Mika Grange..

*I held my wounds again and fell over to my side looking out at the battlefield as I dozed off. All I could do was wait till they healed up*

*A dream again... but it was black.. there was somone embedded in the shadow.. his red eyes peered at me..*

???: long time no see Vain.. how long do you plan on resisting me?

*I pointed out to him as light surrounded the area around him reavealing a dark me stuck in stone*

Vain: Veerhah huh.

Veerhah: how long do you plan on resisting? you know you need me and I need you. We both need to be one and you have to return to the dark to survive.

Vain: In your dreams. I have a life without you that I will never...

*He laughed with a mad smile on his face and a wild look*

Veerhah: ahahahahaha! you auctually call that boring little thing a life? your living a lie trying to surpress that need to kill and cause pain. Why else did you fight so hard against

your so called love?

*I looked away*

Vain: that was different... I couldnt let you kill her.. you kept forcing me demon.

*he grinned with an evil smile on his face*

Veerhah: I did? are you sure? I dont remember doing that. All I remeber is leeking out a

bit of my power and you gobbled it up nicely and practically murdered that girls heart. It was just so tasty that I had to give you more power.

*I punched him across the face hard. He looked at me with a grin*

Vain: you damn b*****d demon! its all your fault. You did it! it wasnt me! you were the one who gives me all this pain... I cant have a life with people because of you!

Veerhah: Whine whine whine blame it all on the demon blah blah. *he spat a bit of blood out the side of his mouth* You dont need a normal life. Since when were you normal in the first place Bleaklight?!

*I growled and snarled then sighed and walked away*

*he laughed more and more*

Veerhah: sooner or later you will fall.. sooner or later you will give up. Then you will need me and ill be there to take you.. and return your true self. Once you quit living the lies and open your eyes to the only truth that im all you have.

*the dream faded out as I woke up*

*it was morning.. My wounds were healed up and I still heard the sounds of battle and looked down to see more and more fighting. It sickened me*

*I heard a rustling in the bushes.. there wer four of them they reeked with gunpoweder and their wepons clicked as they moved close*

*there was hardly any way out. I figured I would have no choice but to give up to them but just in the nick of time there was gunshots behind them. They were more concerned about it and their footsteps faded in the distance as they went to confront the noise*

*after making sure it was all clear I transformed and moved into the jungle and raced away from the sounds of war. I had to find this Mika Grange but I had no idea where to start. Ill just look at places not yet touched by war. To do that I need to go up to the east. It seemed like the east wasnt that much affected by the war and the small outskirts were not even touched. It was smack dab in the middle of enemy territory but there wasnt a sign of damage though.. odd.*

Chapter 16: The Traveler and the Hidden daughter of the goddess

© 2011 CzatoftheMoon

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Added on June 5, 2011
Last Updated on June 5, 2011



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
