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One shot (need to save)

A Story by CzatoftheMoon

Spiral Neo
Edward Einstien Robotnick

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the past

Long ago there was a world for all races to exist on known as Marami
this planet had a prosperous and kind friendship and longevity with many races
mostly the hedgehogs humans and echidnas. The three were known as the roots of
Marami. The leaders of each tribe were also the wise council as well and they
had successors and gaurdians as well as Callers. Callers were unique in that they
could call upon the Chaos Emeralds from anywhere around the world. There were only
two from the Hedgehog clan one from the human clan and many from the Echidna clan.
There was a strong balance created by the Roots of Marami and for each race a duty.
The Hedgehogs were known mostly as gaurdians of humans while the Echidnas were gaurdians
of the sacred Chaos Emeralds the humans were the life givers of the entire planet. Though
frail and weak at first they all began to prospher by this until one day.. dark machines
were found..

The Dark Machines were possesed with incredible power and dark magic as well. They could
fuse onto any being and even become their host. At first it was a blessing to many tribes but soon
the dark Machines began a rage of uncontrollable attacks on humans. One particular tribe of the
Hedgehogs, the Protectors of the roots were wiped out and mutated because of this. They had to be
seperated and broken off from all other tribes.. in the end forming their own tribes known as Doom.
The clan suffered enormously at this but one child of the protectors and gaurdians was found alive.
His name was Spiral. Being both a Protector and Gaurdian the Roots of Marami gave him a full title as
well as a gaurdian role. he was the Dark Gaurdian protector assinged to protect the only child of human
who could Call the Chaos Emeralds Cathrine. The two at first were distant but began growing close quick.
Spiral already and outcast from many of his new tribe as well as known a curse by others found a sort of
peace in being with Cathrine as Cathrine being the only Caller of her race was worshipped and protected by
many but not talked to or anything by them at all. Both were considered outcast and both began a bond that
never could be broken.. or could it? The Roots of Marami beleved that all the Protectors of the roots had died
however this was not true.. the King of protectors known as Kharlan still existed and made himself known. With him
deep inside was dark machines he had claimed he tamed. He soon held power as his clan did in the past and discovered
about Spiral... one day..

Kharlan: oh so you must be spiral ive heard alot about you.
Spiral: k-king Kharlan!
*he bows down*
Kharlan: no you dont have to be formalities with me.
Spiral: it is an honor to meet you sir.
Kharlan: as it is you Spiral. Ive heard you were both protectors child and guardians child.
Spiral: ..I am sir.
Kharlan: I see thats quite incredible.
Spiral: my lord?
Kharlan: yes?
Spiral: is it true you tamed Dark Machines?
Kharlan: it is child of two. I have both tamed them and made them my slaves.
Spiral: that is amazing sir.
Kharlan: think nothing of it.
Hedgehog soldier: Lord Kharlan!
Kharlan: yes?
Hedgehog soldier: professor doctor Edward wants to see you sir.
Kharlan: hmm I understand. This is probobly about the Dark Machines in me. It was
a pleasure meeting you young Spiral.
Spiral: t-the pleasure is all mine sir.
*he smirks and walks away with the soldier. Spirals eyes focus on him looking with

Spiral had no idea that Kharlan however did not tame the Dark Machines inside him and
did become overcame by its nature. However to get closer the Dark Machines went to a
long slumber waiting for its chance to destroy all that harmed it. Little did anyone know
that it was this turn of events that would ruin both Spiral and Cathrines lives forever along with

Cathrine: Spiral!
Spiral: Cathrine!
*a brown haired girl in a long dress runs to him and hugs him*
Spiral: oof! remember that you hug tight Cathrine.
Cathrine: it just means im that happy.
Spiral: im sorry I was gone Cathrine. I met King Kharlan on the way here.
Cathrine: the king? that sounds intresting.
Spiral: yes it was the king has a strong air around him.
Cathrine: id like to meet him one day.
Spiral: I will take you one day Cathrine.
Cathrine: thank you Spiral that is nice to hear. Do you  want to know what the Chaos Emeralds are talking about?
Spiral: hmm what are they saying?
*she looked to the emeralds floating around and empty altar*
Cathrine: their saying a master is going to be made soon and their happy.
Spiral: A master?
Cathrine: im not sure what they mean but its a Master Emerald.
Spiral: a master emerald?

*Meanwhile in the Roots of Marami palace*
???: lord Kharlan! Approach the thrones.
Kharlan: yes wise protector of the emeralds.
Protector root: It has come to my attention that you have met Spiral how does he fare?
Kharlan: I am sad to report that he has a small amount of Dark Machines in him but it is not active.
???: Not active?! just what are you saying?
*A man with a large nose and glasses walked out of a side room. He wore a lab coat and was big and had
long hair pointed outward*
???: it seems that from our findings of analyzing Spirals blood that these Dark Machines are not active but evolving.
???: oh! professor doctor Edward! please tell us your findings.
Edward: well they are evolving in deep slumber at an incredbily large rate and it seems that they are
moving to a different side of him as well and taking control of parts of him that dont seem likely to be harmful.
Kharlan: what does this mean professor doctor?
Edward: they may be trying to force themselves out of him and leave him entirely.
Protector Root: thats glorious information to hear!
???: come now Protector, There must be something behind this mutation though.
Protector Root: what do you speak of wise Gaurdian of the humans?
Gaurdian: I am speaking of the findings of the professor doctor of course. These mutations.
Edward: they are evolving into something more intelligent as they sleep sir. I shall call them Neo dark Machines.
Kharlan: Neo Dark Machines.
???: this will need to be investigated more professor doctor. I shall have somone tell Spiral he needs to go to you daily.
Lets have it disguise as checkups on his health.
Protector Root: ah a grand idea Wise Human of the Callers!
Kharlan: then I shall be taking my leave.
Protector Root: Hold sir Kharlan!
Kharlan: yes wise one?
Protector: these very same Dark Machines in Spiral run inside you as well correct?
Kharlan: I have tamed these Dark Machines my lord you have nothing to fear.
Protector: hmm. Very well then I ask you to keep an eye on Spiral from the shadows to monitor him.
Gaurdian: report back to us if he does anything out of the ordinary.
Kharlan: I will not fail this task asked of me wise ones.
*he smirks soflty to himself and walks away out of the room*
Protector Root: Wise Gaurdian.
Gaurdian: yes?
Protector: I say to keep an eye on Spiral as well.
Caller Root: wise protector?
Protector: It is just a feeling but I want them both to be watched and carefully studied. They both
have those cursed dark machines in them.
Gaurdian: I shall put my top men on it. Soldier!
hedgehog soldier: sir gaurdian?
Gaurdian: Call for Speed and tell him he is needed.
Edward: Speed wise one? wouldnt Nails of the Echidnas be more suitable?
Gaurdian: do not worry. Speed is the best of our race. His unnatraul speed will keep him one step ahead of
Edward: I understand wise one however with Lord Speeds upcoming child with lady Snow he may be distracted.
Gaurdian: do not worry Professor Doctor. Speed is more than enough and well focused even with his next succesor coming.
Edward: I trust your judgement wise one.
*he walks back to the room he came in as Speed approaches the thrones*
*A blue hedgehog approaches the thrones and bows*
Speed: wise ones! I appear to your call.

*Meanwhile somewhere hidden underground*
Kharlan: those fools! they think that they really can stop the upheval? it is destiny for
human to be destroyed and assimilated along with all the other races.
???: Destiny may be but there will be many who will try to delay it.
*A dark creature appeared on a giant screen*
Kharlan: Ah! lord Doom! it has been ages.
Doom: we have made a successful transformation as you can see.
Kharlan: I am at your service my lord the Dark Machine Kharlan is here.
Doom: it is almost time for the upheval get Spiral as soon as possible!


*Meanwhile in a different future..*
???: Hey tails!
Tails: Sonic?
Sonic: are you still in that workshop?
Tails: im almost finished with the new X tornado its supposed to be faster
than ever with two chaos emeralds as power.
Sonic: what? two emeralds?
Tails: I wanted to put in more but theres too much power in the emeralds for that.
Sonic: well take a break buddy! Eggmans on the move again.
Tails: again?! what is going on now?
Sonic: I dont know but alot of these robots have been appearing in the desert and I want to go check it out.
Tails: then what do you need me for?
Sonic: It could be useful if we caught it and made it spill its beans thats why I need you.
Tails: of course! hold on Sonic ill be right down.
Sonic: just hurry up Tails dont be too slow.
*Sonic reflects on his encounter with the past robots of eggmans arsenal*
"Sonic: they didnt look anything like the ususal ones eggman has going everywhere. and whats with those lights?"

Chapter 2: The Upheval.

*a month has passed since Spirals meeting with Kharlan. He and Cathrine are now moved to a place
distant from the emeralds but close to the wise ones throne rooms*

Spiral: Cathrine are you alright?
Cathrine: im.. im just lonely.
Spiral: whats wrong Cathrine im here for you.
Cathrine: the emeralds though thats it.
Spiral: the emeralds? do you mean that you cant feel them?
Cathrine: their worried for me and im worried for them right now too. The Master emerald is almost here
I wanted to see it.
Spiral: isnt the master emerald going to be created by all the Chaos Emeralds?
Cathrine: yes they are. its when the Chaos Emeralds generate alot of power that they cant even control is when they create
master emeralds.
Spiral: so its happened before?
Cathrine: oh Spiral the chaos emeralds are as old as the wise ones maybe even older.
Spiral: thats incredible I had no idea.
Cathrine: only I have been this close to the emeralds to where I can hear them talk.. ive heard no one else
could hear them.
*Spiral holds his side and groans*
Cathrine: spiral?
Spiral: Cathrine.. ugh..
Cathrine: let me take a look hold still.
*she moved close to him and lifted his armor up to see dark machine skin*
Cathrine: ah!
Spiral: no Cathrine!
*he pulled back still holding that side*
Cathrine: whats happening to you Spiral?
Spiral: I can control it.. I can.. I know I can.
*A large explosion is heard outside the walls of the temple*
???: Attack were under attack by Dark Machine!
Cathrine: what? there here?
Spiral: but I thought that there was no more... Kharlan.
*he pulled up and moved in front of Cathrine*
Cathrine: what is it?
Spiral: its him I know it its Kharlan.
Cathrine: the gaurdian of the wise one?
*the explosions grew closer and screams were heard*
Cathrine: eep!
Spiral: Cathrine we should head to the Chaos emeralds!
*he grabbed her hand and ran with her to a secret door and went inside*
Cathrine: Spiral?
Spiral: you may not beleve me but I have this feeling that they will protect you.
Cathrine: no I trust you Spiral I trust you with my life.
Spiral: then we have to go quickly.
*A light appeared and teleported them into the Chaos emerald Altar. The Emeralds
shined brightly*
???: you both came!
Spiral: whose there?
???: its me I am Chaos.
Cathrine: what? Chaos? are you the one who is..
Chaos: yes your right I am chaos the gaurdian of the master emerald and the emeralds.
Cathrine: a gaurdian.
Chaos: i was created to gaurd the emeralds they created me and now they are saying to await the master emerald.
Cathrine: but what do they want from us?
Chaos: you will now hear the words of the Chaos emeralds.
*the area shined brightly as words were heard in both their minds.
???: "The servers are the seven chaos. Chaos is power, Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the chaos."
Cathrine: I understand. I know.
Spiral: what do they mean?
Cathrine: Spiral hold my hand and close your eyes.
Spiral: yes.. okay.
*he held her hand and they both closed their eyes.
Cathrine: The servers are the seven Chaos.
Spiral: Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart.
Cathrine: The controller is the one that unifies the chaos!
Spiral: the controller is the one that unifies the chaos!
*the both held out their hand and opened their eyes*
Cathrine: Master emerald!
Spiral: Master Emerald!
*the light of the emeralds shined brightly and formed into one in the middle of the altair. A large green emerald was created and glowing
with power*
Cathrine: its here! Spiral we did it!
Spiral: yes!
Chaos: I thank you. Now I may rest.. I must sleep for years to come.. May the future be bright..
*Chaos dissapeared into the emerald and a spring of water formed around the master emeralds*
*claps could be heard in a dark corner*
???: very well done spiral. Very well indeed.
Spiral: whose there?
*out of the darkness walked Kharlan with a smirk with him two black machines walked out with red eyes*
Kharlan: Spiral youve done an amazing job at setting this stage up for us.
Spiral: Kharlan! you betrayed us!
Kharlan: im only doing as my heart tells me.
Spiral: no thats the Dark Machines telling you that.
*Spiral moved behind Cathrine and prepared to attack*
Kharlan: now now Spiral thats not like you.
*he looked to Cathrine*
Kharlan: why protect what you know we must destroy.
Spiral: guah!.. no ill never give into the Dark Machines will!
Cathrine: stop this! why does it want to destroy us!
Kharlan: well its not exactly destroy my dear human its assimilate and become more.
Cathrine: wha what?
Kharlan: join us both of you its your destiny.
*the two machines quickly rushed Spiral and grabbed him*
Spiral: get them off me! augh!
*spiral squirmed and moved but the machines held on as he was being transformed*
Kharlan: its destiny Spiral accept it.
Cathrine: no Spiral!
Kharlan: now my dear. you will join us.
Spiral: grr no.. no hrrah!
*Spiral changed and his body transformed into a metal like hedgehog form*
Spiral: Cathrine get out of here! go to the altar!
Cathrine: Spiral?!
Kharlan: whats this?!
*he pulled in front of the altar as Cathrine ran up the steps and toward the master emerald*
Spiral: you wont harm her!
Kharlan: so you are the new breed after all! your Neo Dark Machines are making you all over anew.
Spiral: you wont harm her!
Kharlan: you still intend to stop me?
*he roared and transformed into a larger dark machinelike Hedgehog*
Kharlan: you cannot stop destiny!
*Spiral rushed at him transforming into a spiky ball and breaking through him quickly*
Kharlan: no thats not.. no way.. this quickly?!
Spiral: you will be assimilated into me!
*Spiral began pulling in Kharlan and absorbing him*
*A wall bursted with several hedgehog troops along with Echidnas and Speed rushed in*
Speed: no stop Spiral thats what he wants!
Spiral: auuuuughahhhhhhH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cathrine: Spiral no!!!
*Spiral began transforming again bigger and into a dragonlike form. long whips began flurrying out everywhere*
Spiral: Ca..cathrine... get out of here...
*Cathrine ran to the master emerald and held on*
Cathrine: no please protect me.. please protect us master emerald!
*the emeralds shined along with the master emerald*
Speed: what is this? this light?
*everyone looked to the altar as Spiral began growing bigger and the room began to collapse*
*in an instant the emeralds and Master emerald were gone*
Spiral: uuuuuhhhahaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Speed: Spirals gonna collapse this place! everyone retreat now!
???: speed!
*A wall busted open to reveal a white haired female hedgehog*
Snow: speed this way we have to go! the worlds going crazy the elders have already left.
Speed: Snow! why didnt you go with them.
*she rushed to him as everyone ran out of the building. Spiral had now gotten larger and grown two heads*
Snow: I cant leave I wont leave you my love. For our son!
Speed: your a tough one Snow we have to get out of here together for sonic's sake!
*the two rushed off out of the building while it was collapsing*
Echinda gaurdian: to abandon our home to this beast! its unthinkable!
Hedgehog soldier: the elders already left us.. does that mean we were no use?
human soldier: no thats not what it was they had to go and all the women and children are gone too!
*they looked on at the building as spirals whips grew out and longer he emerged from the ruins roaring now a giant dragonlike beast*
Spiral: hurrrarrrrraahhhhh!!!!
Speed: Spiral..
Snow: the teleporters will get everyone out of here. hurry my darling.
Speed: what will happen to him?
Edward: if my calculations are correct Spiral will die with the planet.
Speed: thats horrible!
Edward: we have no mroe time to waste here.
*they all walked onto a teleporter and dissapeared*
*the planet began erupting and exploding as Spiral roared*
Spiral: rrrrhhhgghhhhrrrgggggraaaghhhhhH!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 3: The curse of Spiral

*now in the other dimension*

Tails: whew its hot here.
Sonic: what is going on? I dont see them.
Tails: maybe they were just scouts.
Sonic: they sure didnt seem like that from what I heard.
???: you guys are here too?
*Sonic looked to notice Knucles in the distance*
Sonic: Knuckles!
Knuckes: so you think you saw eggmans robots too?
Sonic: I heard on the news they were appearing everywhere.
Knuckles: I dont know if they are eggmans robots.. I had a little fight with one
in cetral city.
Sonic: you fought one?
Knuckles: yeah I did and I destroyed it too but it just dissapeared.
Sonic: just dissapeared?
Tails: this all sounds like something I heard in mystic ruins.
*A green light shined in the distance where the ruins were*
Knuckes: that light is from the master emerald!
*he raced off towards the light*
Sonic: Tails lets go.
Tails: Sonic look!
*Sonic looked back to see a figure like a hedgehog in the distance of the sands*
Sonic: hmm? is that shadow?
Tails: I cant tell its too far away.
*A large battleship flew overhead of them with Robotnicks symbol*
Tails: its the egg carrier!
Sonic: hes the one involved in this!
*Sonic looked back to where the figure was but it was gone*
Tails: theres something going on here and eggman is involved I just know it.
Sonic: Tails is the X tornado ready for takeoff?
Tails: I have another built and ready to go at my workshop.
???: guahahahah theres no need for that.
*from above a round orb was floating above sonic and tails. Eggman appeared
smirking and grinning*
Tails: its Eggman!
Eggman: you fools are so quick to blame me for things that I havent even done.
Sonic: do you know what those machines are?
Eggman: these are the machines of Dark machine of course.
Tails: Dark machine?
Eggman: long ago there was a planet named Marami the homeland of every being.
On that planet there was also deep underground a race of machine like beings
called Dark machines. They infected an entire race and destroyed the land of
Marami however though the planet was destroyed they somehow still exist.
Tails: that meteor shower last night!
Sonic: what? what do you mean?
Tails: I saw a meteor shower last night and in the windy valley one of the meteors
Eggman: I too saw that meteor shower. After investigation of the windy valley I found this.
*he pulled out a black peice of what looked liked a machine*
Tails: is that it?
Sonic: just what do you want us to do Eggman? arnt you planning to use these things
to take over the world or something?
Eggman: open your ears Sonic! I wont sink that low to use things I cannot control!
Tails: not even you?
Eggman: we have to go to the militarys top secret base and take the files.
Tails: whats so important in the G.U.N base?
Eggman: my great great grandfathers work and research on these machines are there.
Sonic: you think they're planning something?
Eggman: of course! if they are truly what the records I have say then it can only mean
they plan to transform the entire planet to a dark machine and assimilate all kind.
Tails: we have to get everyone together on this.
Sonic: Tails im leaving that to you.
Tails: what are you going to do?
Sonic: I have to go to the mystic ruins temple.
*before Tails could ask why Sonic sped away across the sand*
Eggman: we will need more than records to deal with this.. looks like ill have
to make some calls.
*Eggman dissapeared into the egg carrier*
Tails: ive got a bad feeling about all of this.
*meanwhile somewhere near the canyons*
Shadow: hmm...
*memorys flash in his head of Maria*
Shadow: ...maria..
???: so your a protector of the roots alive?
*Shadow pulled back and looked to the voice. A dark machine like form of him appeared*
Shadow: who are you?
Nespiral: I am Nespiral the Master of Dark Machines and soon this world and every other one.
Shadow: get lost I have no idea what you want.
Nespiral: I am offering you a gift. Join us and you will have your lost one back.
*Shadow blinked and glared to him*
Shadow: no one will bring her back no magic or sorcery no technology.
Nespiral: we are gods we can give you everything back even your precious Maria.
*Shadow closed his eyes and began thinking of maria then growled*
Shadow: Chaos Sphere!
*A dagger went through Nespiral and he dissapeared*
Nespiral: you are a fool Shadow the hedgehog your entire race awaited you and are with us.
Shadow: I have no race I am the ultimate life form the only one.
Nespiral: do you really think that you were only doom and geralds creations?
Shadow: what are you saying.
Nespiral: the main part of you was created from the first of the protectors of the roots you are
the ancients life reborn!
Shadow: thats impossible.
Nespiral: search your heart you know its true.
Shadow: I have no memorys of this protector of the roots!
Nespiral: Shadow.. join us and all will be explained.
*A dark hole appeared in front of him*
Shadow: I am only doing this for my memorys I want no part of this joining.
Nespiral: As you wish shadow but eventually you will join us. Take as much time as you need.
*shadow walked into the portal and dissapeared*
*meanwhile at station square a happy Amy walks home from shopping till she notices
the Egg Carrier fly overhead*
Amy: huh hes back? but whats wrong id think he would try to attack.
*she notices in front of her a dark portal appears*
Amy: wha what is that?
*out of a portal a hand reaches and streatches at her*
Amy: ahhh!!!
*It grabbes her by the neck and pulls her in then dissapears*

© 2011 CzatoftheMoon

My Review

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Woah this would be one seriously cool one shot!! Captured me right from the get-go, i like the sudden tie-in with sonic, very clever. Awesome, keep at it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 10, 2011
Last Updated on May 10, 2011



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
