![]() Chapter 22: Beauty of the IceA Chapter by CzatoftheMoon![]() *The group of team rosarade prepared themselves to leave for the Sacred lands. Ellia still thinks of Itaria's quick leave but at the same time focuses on meeting him.*![]() *Ellia changed clothes all the while thinking on Igar but Itaria as well* (*Ellia: Itaria has some knowledge about Igar.. but what does she know about him.. its bad enough she kissed him..) *thoughts of Igar kissing Itaria went into her mind as she growled and yelped looking as she dropped her bracelet* Ellia: ah!.. *it rolled until it was stopped by Reim who had changed already. She picked it up and handed it to Ellia smiling* Reim: you look like your thinking too much. Whats the matter. *Ellia shook her head* Ellia: uum well.. nothing really. *Reim smirked* Reim: is it Itaria or is it Igar? *Ellia blinked and looked to her* Ellia: how did you know? wait.. drat! *Reim laughed and shook her head* Reim: dont let that get to you, you can ask Igar about everything right? besides Itaria is playing mind games with you, if anything im sure she was trying to trick you. *Ellia looked a bit away worried* Ellia: b-but.. she describe his kissing.. *Vira growled walking out of the bathroom changed and clenched her sword tightly* Vira: for his sake she had better be lying! what not ill cut out his treacherous tongue! *Ellia shook her head blushing* Ellia: n-no! dont be mad at Igar, it must have been Itaria that did it. *Lania nodded poking her head out of the other bathroom* Lania: yep had to be! Igar wouldn't kiss an ogre unless he was forced! Hes an ogre slayer not a handsome gentleman. Kyahh! *she jumped on the bed changed and kicked the air* *Reim sighed and looked to Ellia* Reim: well whatever his reasons we should more focus on getting to him first. *Ellia nodded and stood up* Ellia: yes.. your right! we will know.. or else he will tell us some way! *she quickly moved past Vira and went into the bathroom closing the door as Reim nodded and shrugged* Reim: I think she meant either way.. still I have a bad feeling about all this.. we should prepare for the worst just in case.. *Vira looked to Reim seriously* Vira: do you sense it too? Theirs been gem aura's activating all over. Even in the restaurant. I thought it was just that raging fool Itaria at first but I felt a cold chill too.. it was strange when my food got cold. *Reim blinked* Reim: hmm.. who was closest to us besides Itaria? *Vira shrugged* Vira: it was an equally square table right? it could have been anyone. *Reim shook her head and thought for a moment* Reim: the table was equal sided.. but I felt the cold too.. more than that.. I think I saw it lean a bit. The weight was off. *Vira blinked and shook her head* Vira: so? the weight was off doesn't mean much. *Reim shook her head* Reim: no it means more than you think. The four teams at the table their was only one group with two members missing. *Vira blinked* Vira: crap! how come I didn't notice it before?! its them Lord Caelin's team is after Igar! *Reim nodded* Reim: its easy to think so. I think my father knows this as well and hes handling it but.. *Vira growled* Vira: Then we have to go now! *Reim blinked* Reim: h-hold on Vira I said that dad was handling it besides Ellia isnt ready yet! *Lania looked to them* Lania: of course shes not ready she forgot this! *she pulled a white bra from underneath a pillow as Reim and Vira blinked* Reim: L-Lania! thats.. *Vira growled and jumped at Lania but she hopped off the bed causing Vira to land face first on the pillow. She laughed at her as Vira growled and started to chase her around the room* Vira: get back here! gimme back my bra! dont go stealing peoples undergarments from their rooms! *Lania laughed and waved it in the air* Lania: its yours? wow you like white too? thats a surprise I thought they'd be purple and black and yellow like the other ones. *Vira growled and lunged at her falling off the bed* Vira: im gonna kill you! Laniaaaa! *Reim sighed and shook her head* Reim: thanks for breaking the serious tension.. Ellia! you might wanna hurry because Igar might be in more trouble than we thought. Ellia: what?! *Ellia walked out of the room looking to her then blinked looking to Lania and Vira struggling to take the bra from her* Ellia: what are you doing? Igar is in trouble lets go! *Lania blinked* Lania: Hes in trouble? when did that happen? *Vira quickly took the bra away and softly smacked Lania's head* Lania: oww! *Vira huffed putting the bra in a drawer* Vira: didnt you hear Reim? of course not you were playing keep away with my undergarments! Igar is being targeted by the Caelin house. *Ellia gasped* Ellia: what?! them? I thought that it was strange they were sparkling more than usual so they were fakes! *Reim blinked looking to Ellia* Reim: wait you knew that wasn't them?! *She nodded* Ellia: didn't you know? everyone felt the cold breeze and they were shining more than the tableware! *Ellia quickly walked to the door and opened it looking to them* Ellia: hurry up and lets go! *She walked out the door as Vira, Lania, and Reim looked confused* Reim: shes pushy.. Vira: agreed.. Lania: yep! we were waiting for her. *Reim shrugged as the three of them walked out of the room and closed the door then followed Ellia who rushed out of the hotel and looked to see Duke Tolhm and Duke Renning waiting. They stopped after reaching Ellia and looked to them* Duke Tolhm: your late. Duke Renning: im sure you all understand the situation now lets go. *the group got into a car behind them and quickly drove off down the roadway. Vira looked to Duke Tolhm in the front seat* Vira: where is my father really? *He looked to her* Duke Tolhm: The Sacred Lands im sure you've heard of it. *Reim blinked* Reim: I didnt know they were here! how did the others know about it? *Duke Tolhm growled* Duke Tolhm: they must have had spies searching our lands for it. They were kept secret from everyone but the rulers of the nation. Of course they told their children though. I had figured they wanted to win the Elegant Royale but not so badly as to reveal secret information. *Vira growled* Vira: of course they did but the paranoid king must be desperate right? why else would he violate the rules. *Duke Renning nodded as he focused on driving* Duke Renning: King Perillius has always looked for an edge on everyone but more he has always wanted to stop anyone from gaining power. Hes willing to do anything to keep any advantage he has. *Ellia blinked* Ellia: what advantage does he truly have over us now? *Duke Tolhm smirked* Duke Tolhm: thats confidential. *Ellia groaned as Reim sighed* Reim: thought so.. despite that why keep it a secret from us now? you could have told us earlier and we could have stopped them. *Duke Renning shook his head* Duke Renning: we didnt think they would act so soon so we had to be sure of things. Besides that we wanted to give you all some time away. *Reim nodded as Lania growled* Lania: this doesnt mean we cant go to the fairs and parks right? *Duke Renning smiled* Duke Renning: right now its all up in the air honey. *Lania growled kicking her feet* Lania: no! no! they cant take away my fun! Drive faster daddy! *Lania's eyes flashed as she growled while Vira looked to her then shook her head* Vira: calm down lania! look were almost... *suddenly the car started to freeze as Ice covered the windshield. Duke Renning moved quickly avoiding a large ice spike that tore through the shield while Duke Tolhm quickly pulled the girls out of the way using his gem power to tie them and avoid the spike. as the car rolled to a stop the girls were released from the strings and each moved out of the car quickly along with the dukes. The car then was impaled by several spikes and frozen over breaking. Duke Renning shook his head* Duke Renning: the hotel wont be happy about that car.. *mist filled the air as the girls moved together and looked around. Duke Tolhm smiled nodding* Duke Tolhm: I see, the Ice Beauty huh? too bad your husband isnt here. *footsteps were heard approaching as Lilin in full blue with ice armor walked forward from the mist. She smiled looking to the group* Lilin: oh dont worry for him, im sure hes on his way back already with the head of your "commoner" frozen solid and ready to be given to our king. *Vira growled* Vira: you wish. *She rose her blade blinking as it glowed brigtly* Vira: what? my gem is... *Duke Tolm smiled* Duke Tolhm: looks as though you are ready to go further. *Vira blinked looking to him* Vira: stage two?.. but I didnt think I was ready. *She blinked sensing an attack and quickly cut down an ice spear that came from Lilin. The blade seemed to cause the spear to burst into pieces.Vira gasped looking to the blade as it changed into a long sharp blade with wind pulsing from it* Vira: th-this is... Aos.. *Lilin blinked then tossed several spears from her hands out at Vira. Vira reacted quickly and slashed the air sending a wave of wind quickly out of her blade cutting down the ice as it sped up. Lilin gasped and moved to pull away her arm was sliced off as she dodged. She blinked looking to Vira with a glare then shattered into ice. Her voice was heard in the mist around them* Lilin: you dont even know how to use stage two of your powers dont you? this will be too easy. Die in a hail of ice! *suddenly spears of ice appeared in all directions around the group and rained down at them . Ellia moved quickly between them and tried to form a barrier with her gem. As it activated and shined out though a large wave of energy was sent out in all directions sending them back into the mist. Lilin's yelped in the mist seemingly hurt by her attack as Ellia blinked looking to her gem. It now seemed to form a crest around it and grew forming a gold necklace in her hand. As it pulsed she looked to it surprised* Ellia: this.. is my power? does this mean I can.. *Lilin suddenly appeared from above with a sword of ice and attacked Ellia* Lilin: you shouldnt underestimate me! *Ellia blinked and quickly rose her hand into the air sending a beam of pure light from it at lilin. She gasped and suddenly was melted away disappearing in the ray of light. Ellia looked to her gem then nodded putting on the necklace. She then started to glow as a barrier seemed to expand around her entirely.* Ellia: amazing.. but I feel that theirs more to it. *Duke Renning smiled* Duke Renning: their power is evolving right before us Duke Tolhm. *Duke Tolhm smirked* Duke Tolhm: so it is, but the cause of their powers activating now is something im more interested in. *Lilin growled as the mist around them froze into solid walls and she walked out of the ice along with several more of herself until a large group of them were all around the team all of them spoke at once* Lilin: you all think your clever don't you? so you've been hiding your powers all along but with this its all over hahaha! *they all started to glow and suddenly began to burst sending waves of ice needles at the team. Lania moved in front of Ellia and smiled* Lania: you guys can go super too? whats me go super! *she suddenly glowed a deep green color and three more versions of her appeared. All at once they swung their pole staff as it grew and broke each of the Lilin ice clones in pieces before they could explode while another seemed to jump right out of Lania and blocked the needles heading toward them by spinning her staff and deflecting them back to the ice. Lania then looked as the ice seemed to melt away and Lilin appeared in the ice wall* Lilin: brat! what kind of power is this?! *Lania then rose her hand as the other versions of herself faded and smiled* Lania: copycat! copy copy copy! but thats not all! *she twisted her staff in a circular motion then pressed it on the ground as a tall woman almost similar to lania appeared. She looked almost like an older version of Lania. This version seemed serious though and readied her staff to fight. Duke Renning smiled happily and nodded as Lania looked to the figure* Lania: we can do this together sis. *The woman nodded and the two both synchronized their motions and expanded their spears to a part of the ice wall breaking it and knocking Lilin out of the wall. She stumbled falling over and looked at Lania and the woman in surprise* Lilin: thats!.. I know that face.. The finalist in the last elegant royale! Tallia Ranning! *Vira, Ellia and Reim looked in surprise* Vira: thats her.. Reim: I had a feeling that she could do this.. Ellia: Tallia Ranning.. *Lania hugged Tallia as she smiled and poked her head then vanished. Lania smiled and looked to the group* Lania: my sister is happy to see you all. She will be there for us from now on too. Still it takes alot of my super to do that.. so well im going to stick with my jubushi clones. *Reim nodded* Reim: thats a good idea Lania you should save your energy. *Lania looked to Reim and blinked seeing Lilin appear behind her and formed her arms into ice spikes* Lania: watch out Reim sneak attack! *Reim looked back and suddenly vanished as Lilin toppled over. The group looked in surprise as Duke Tolhm smiled. Next Lilin moved to get up but staggered being pulled back down.* Lilin: ungngh! what what is this.. my body feels like a rock! *Reim reappeared next to Lilin and rose her hand as Lilin yelped being lifted off the air.* Lilin: this cant be! what kind of power does she have?! *Reim smirked as Lilin growled then shattered into pieces sending ice spikes in all direction however they bounced off an orb that surrounded Lilin. Reim then rose her hand and pulled breaking the ice behind her and pulling lilin from it as she yelled surprised. Next Reim rose both her hands and seemed to push Lilin together in an orb. She tried to break the orb but each time she struck it she was hit with ice. She looked in the orb at Reim confused* Lilin: what have you done? Reim: your in my invisible barrier. Since you first set up your attack you've always been in my barrier. In fact ive formed so many of them I can pretty much go anywhere you do. *Duke Renning blinked* Duke Renning: impressive. I never even sensed her gem activation. *Duke Tolhm nodded* Duke Tolhm: shes always had it on since she was born. Don't be disappointed too much Duke Renning, Reim herself has been using her gem. That is not even her real self. Looks, sense of smell, taste, every sense a human has can be manipulated by her. *Duke Renning shook his head surprised* Duke Renning: with all this power used excessively how come it never stops? *Duke Tolhm smiled* Duke Tolhm: my daughter is special like that, and she prefers that to stay secret. *Lilin huffed and shook her head* Lilin: this isnt even my original form and yet I can feel all that's happening to it! *Reim nodded* Reim: you can because im making your mind feel every bit that happens to you. Think of it as payback for that surprise attack, speaking of which wernt you going to stab me in the back with ice spikes? *Lilin blinked and yelled as ice suddenly appeared and jammed deeply into her back* Lilin: gahh! ugh.. the ice agh wh-what? *she felt a drip of blood from her mouth* Lilin: what?.. b-but I cant bleed this isnt really me! *Reim grinned* Reim: didnt I say all your senses were under my control? the damage that you get is as real as it gets. Your mind makes it real and dont think to block it out! only someone with my intelligence can break free. *Ellia blinked shivering as she looked to Reim* Ellia: that power.. its kind of scary.. *Vira nodded* Vira: to think that Reim was so powerful.. *Lania smirked* Lania: Reim could have been the one who peeks into Igar's room without anyone knowing. *Reim blushed and glared to Lania* Reim: I dont do that! I keep my powers in check around myself! why would I ever want to do something as invading as that?! *Lania laughed pointing to her* Lania: your blushing! you did it didnt you? *Reim growled blushing more* Reim: Lania!! *the ice walls suddenly all broke as Lilin appeared now encased in full ice armor and formed claws of ice from her fingers. She glared to the group and shook her head. Reim released the other Lilin as it shattered into ice and faded away along with her illusions and orbs.* Lilin: ive had enough of you amateurs! you think you can beat the Queen of Ice?! how dare you! lets see how you fare against the real deal! *Ellia looked to the girls as they nodded and moved side to side facing Lilin* Ellia: you really think you can take us on? after seeing what we can no now? *She smirked* Lilin: your abilities are strong but your still no match for me. Ive been able to outmaneuver you at each turn. Youve surprised me ill admit that but this is where the gloves come off! *Ellia nodded* Ellia: id hate to say it but she right, whats more we have to practice with this power more so we can avoid hurting eachother. *Reim nodded* Reim: agreed then, ill hold off on going full power but I dont think we'll need it. *the group nodded in agreement preparing for Lilin's attack* *she rushed forward at top speed, as she did three more of herselves came from mist from behind her. Lania blocked the attack on the side as Lilin vanished into thin air while Vira clashed with the other one and pushed back her attack only to swipe at a mirage. Reim crossed her arms and formed a shield in front of her as Lilin clashed with her barrier sinking her claws into it almost knocking it over and vanished just as quickly. Lilin moved forward at Ellia slashing at her and clashed with a barrier Ellia placed in front of her with sheer force. Lilins claws grew longer to push deep into the barrier barely knicking her cheek. Reim looked to Ellia* Reim: shes moving at high speeds with mirages. Its hard to find the exact one because shes moving so quick shes attacking us all. *Vira shook her head as Lilin clashed with her blade and swiped again only to miss* Vira: thats hard to understand, are you saying shes moving faster than her mirages? *Reim nodded blocking as Lilin slashed twice cutting her barrier into pieces. Reim blinked as Lilins claws swiped at her head but vanished as they hit her. She then smirked* Reim: the hits are real but her mirages are attacking us all. I finally figured her attack pattern though. Ellia move left, Lania you go forward over Ellia and Vira swing directly below Lania when I say so. *they nodded blocking Lilins attacks. Lilin quickly changed tactics and moved to a full circle around them with mirages going one way and her going another. Reim blinked seeing her feet become frozen as the other girls blinked noticing them freezing from bottom up. Ellia struggled to move but looked as Lilin quickly slashed her arm. The wound froze solid as she gasped* Lilin: dont think you can escape this! you fell for it easily! No ones going to save you, not even your parents! *Reim growled looking outside of the mirages to them then yelled* Reim: well? a little help? *Duke Tolhm shook his head* Duke Tolhm: are you going to let this woman defeat you? surely you jest! *Duke Renning smirked* Duke Renning: their are four of you and one of her, do the math, you can do this. *Reim growled* Reim: some help you are! wait thats it.. its simple. *as the ice began freezing more of the girls Reim looked to Ellia* Reim: Ellia! when I say so form a barrier right in front of you outwards. *Ellia blinked* Ellia: huh? okay then when you say so. *Reim then looked to Vira* Reim: vira slash directly in front of you and keep going no matter what. *Vira looked to her confused* Vira: what? but im not hitting anything.. oh all right. *Vira began slashing at the mirages but missed Lilin whose mirages showed her avoiding her hits.Reim looked to Lania* Reim: Lania! limbo maneuver! *Lania blinked and nodded holding out her staff as the ice reached half of their bodies. In response the mirages changed again with Lilin ducking underneath the staff. Reim then looked to Ellia.* Reim: alright.... now! *Ellia closed her eyes and expanded a barrier outwards. Lilin was heard gasping and suddenly bounced off the barrier being knocked down as the ice cracked. Lania then rushed up to her screaming and swung her staff down at Lilin bashing her painfully on her head hard causing her to pass out and fall over.* Lania: got ya! you failed the game! hahaha! *Ellia looked seeing Lilin out cold while Vira shook her head* Vira: she was so busy dodging our attacks she wasnt prepared for Ellia's attack hah! so simple. *Ellia smirked* Ellia: you'd think a woman who could move so fast would see our attacks coming. *Reim nodded* Reim: the fact is she used up alot of energy in her ambush, the whole ice wall and mirages were draining her, I saw her speed slip down slower and slower. Makes me think that if she had her full team she probobly wouldnt have expanded as much energy. *Duke Renning and Duke Tolhm clapped applauding and smiling* Duke Renning: nice job girls. Duke Tolhm: impressive, but you only won because she was all alone. *Reim growled* Reim: seriously dad? she fought like she was in a group. *He nodded* Duke Tolhm: exactly, she was imitating her groups attacks and using more energy than she should have. *Reim blinked* Reim: wait so are you saying she learned all the others skills? they could all be on equal terms of power then right? *Duke Renning waved to them* Duke Renning: id hate to break up this discussion but we should hurry ahead. Can you all sense it? *They blinked and looked around then suddenly shivered* Ellia: what!? thats... Reim: no... no way... such an enormous amont of gem power.. Lania: no.. im scared.. its really scary.. what is this? its like the final boss has appeared. Vira: its got to be somone on the level of a king... this power is tremendous. *Duke Renning nodded* Duke Renning: its a king alright. King Drygar. You girls get to Igar and Duke Val, he will know what to do once your there. *Reim blinked* Reim: wait what will you two do? *Duke Renning smirked* Duke Renning: we will.. talk with the king. *Lania looked to Duke Renning frowning* Lania: daddy!.. hes too strong.. im scared.. what if.. *he shook his head* Duke Renning: dont worry sweetie, I will make it back to you. *She wimpered a bit* Lania: daddy... *He smiled to her softly* Duke Renning: be strong Lania, you have Tallia beside you. *She closed her eyes and nodded * Lania: I.. I understand.. daddy ill be strong. *Reim looked to Duke Tolhm* Reim: father.. dont do anything rash.. *He huffed and nodded* Duke Tolhm: I know when im at my limits Reim, just keep your eyes open and remember to stay calm. *She nodded then looked to the girls* Reim: lets go everyone, we need to hurry. *they headed down the path way quickly vanishing from sight as Duke Renning and Duke Tolhm stood side by side* Duke Renning: so... hes really decided to attack. With all four of us we'd stand a chance but.. *Duke Tolhm huffed* Duke Tolhm: speak for yourself! I have every intention of winning this battle. *Duke Renning blinked* Duke Renning: im sure you do.. but we will need to be something higher than stage two to stand a chance you know. *He smirked* Duke Tolhm: I am prepared for that as well haha! *far from them walking up the road the jingle of the armor could be heard from even the distance. King Drygar walked down the road smiling and blinked then nodded* King Drygar: oh I see, so two of the famous Four Riders are here!.. Excellent. I need a warm up. *he continued walking and laughed to himself* © 2015 CzatoftheMoon |
StatsAuthor![]() CzatoftheMoonWinnie , TXAboutI am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..Writing