Chapter 16: Two Week Requests

Chapter 16: Two Week Requests

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

(*flashback*) (in the round table room the four dukes and three representatives of each country sit)


???: Are you serious?! Him!? Star clan?!

Duke Tolhm: I will not repeat myself Aros of Pamellia, He has the qualities.

*another man growled*

???: our king killed all of the star clan ALL of them!

*he looked to the man*

Duke Tolhm: then what would you call the child Egin of Deinvart?

*one man huffed sitting in his chair*

???: I see no reason to beleive this Duke Tolhm, the boy just got lucky thats all.

*Duke Renning spoke*

Duke Renning: if it was by luck then dont you want to see how far it goes Argent of Siruce, Falder.

*Egin growled standing up and shook his head furiously*

Egin: IF he is one, then he should have the mark of the clan somewhere on him, Fetch him! Let me see the mark!

*Duke Val shook his head*

Duke Val: We cannot allow that, you would try to hurt him wouldn't you? we still need him for the elegant Royale.

*Egin growled*

Egin: of course id hurt him! id strangle him to death if he was one of them! and Harboring a star clan member is an act of war!

*Duke Tolhm spoke calmly*

Duke Tolhm: an old law, That law was repealed after they were all killed. If you think you can use that law against us then you
are wrong. It cannot be brought out of retirement just as the dead cant identify their clan member.

*He glared then shook his head smirking*

Egin: grr.. humph.. then you wont mind if our Death Riders come looking for any more members of the star clan in your land.

*Duke Rosarade growled*

Duke Rosarade: I dont agree to that! I will not allow it! I dont care for the boy, but as long as the Elegant Royale is still in play, I will not
have you sending in your troops to raise terror in my lands.

*Egin glared focusing on him*

Egin: you Duke Rosarade, you are a fool, you speak to me with impunity and desperate thoughts. I should have your head.

*Duke Tolhm spoke out*

Duke TOlhm: I will allow it.

*the dukes looked to him*

Duke Rosarade: Duke Tolhm!

*He shook his head*

Duke Tolhm: we have nothing to hide do we Duke Rosarade? They can search all but the sacred shrine lands.

*He blinked then looked as Duke Tolhm smiled*

Duke Tolhm: but while their doing this, we call for a two week suspension for the elegant royale.

*the other two men blinked*

Falder: You cant be serious.

Aros: No! That is not acceptable!

*Duke Tolhm shook his head*

Duke Tolhm: you three need to agree in order for this to pass, and Egin to use his Death Riders.

*the three looked to each other. Egin glared to Aros as he panicked a bit. Falder sighed and nodded*

Falder: ill agree, but in return the Finalists of my country can stay in your lands for the two weeks, if they wish.

*Duke Tolhm nodded*

Duke Tolm: hah to observe us no doubt. Very well, but they will be on their best behavior.

*He smirked*

Falder: accepted.

*Aros shivered looking to them then growled*

Aros: ill agree but only if our finalists can stay and have protection and EQUAL rights as dukes for the time.

*Duke Rosarade growled but Duke Tolhm nodded*

Duke Tolhm: all but the big three. No lands, no power in our land and no ability to command others. Think of them as
exclusive guests.

*He growled then nodded*

Aros: Deal.

*Egin smirked*

Egin: you know my first agreement, the Death Riders are allowed to search the lands of each of you, I want one more.
That child.. I want to make him meet with the finalists of our land and for them to stay! Itaria must meet him, she will
tell me if hes one of those monstrosities of the past.

*Duke Tolhm smiled*

Duke Tolhm: thats already happening, seems she didn't listen to anyone this time and went on her own.
that being said you will be allowed to search the lands, but under disguise and hidden from the populace, NO attacks will be tolerated.
Anyone who violates that, and you'll be executed.

*He blinked as the others looked to the Duke in surprise*

Egin: You want me to put my neck on the line if something happens?

*he grinned and smiled*

Egin: Agreed.

*Duke Tolhm looked to him then to the other dukes*

Duke Tolhm: any objections?

*Duke Rosarade sighed*

Duke Rosarade: ill accept it. Remember though, no disturbance will be tolerated.

*Egin nodded as the representatives left the room. The Dukes began to talk among themselves*

*Duke Val nodded*

Duke Val: this time we have may be good. We will call this a training time.

*Duke Renning looked to him*

Duke Renning: oh? the girls you mean?

*He nodded*

Duke Val: let them relax for a week then the next we will start stage two of our plan.

*Duke Renning smirked*

Duke Renning: oh? you sure your little girl is up for that?

*Duke Val smiled*

Duke Val: shes been up for it for years. I just haven't let her try.

*Duke Rosarade looked to them*

Duke Rosarade: I have matters to attend to, I will leave Ellia in your hands for the time.

*Duke Tolhm looked to him*

Duke Tolhm: you want to see for yourself if he is one? Sorry but not even I can find him. Seems
him and the girls have left somewhere.

*Duke Rosarade huffed*

Duke Rosarade: I have no need to check on the brats background, besides I know where they are, I
am looking into something else however..

*he pulled out a small red gem and placed a golden seal of a bird on the table*

Duke Rosarade: allow the girls to go to Savaria, take the boy to the sacred grounds. This is my
seal of approval. Ask for Ellia, use this gem in her training. She will know what to do with it.

*he walked off calmly moving to the door as a servant opened it for him and closed it as he left. Duke Tolhm smirked*

Duke Tolhm: I will put a few of the training regiments together. I suggest you Duke Renning treat them to whatever they
desire in Savaria.

*Duke Renning blinked*

Duke Renning: are you certain? your wallet will grow light.

*he smiled*

Duke Tolhm: ill be there as well of course, I just will gather what I need. Duke Val what will you do?

*he closed his eyes*

Duke Val: a test of my own.. I want to see that boys true potential. Allow me to bring him to the Sacred lands.

*Duke Tolhm looked to him*

Duke tolhm: just dont kill him, their are no others like him after all.

*he smirked*

Duke Val: the Edge of Death, thats all ill promise. After that ill let him decide if he wants to live.

*Duke Tolhm nodded*

Duke Tolhm: very well. Lets begin the plans.

(*they all began to leave as the flashback faded back to reality to the stunned group of girls*)

*Ellia blinked*

Ellia: father.. the red gem.. all of this is.. a bit overwhelming.

*Reim nodded*

Reim: my father did love to negotiate..

*Vira growled*

Vira: I want to see my father. Whats he up to.

*Duke Renning shrugged*

Duke Renning: I couldnt tell you if I knew but I do know he left a while ago. I dont know where but he will be back
by the end of the day to pick up Igar.

*Ellia frowned and looked to him*

Ellia: we just won a victory and.. to have to part already..

*Duke Renning shook his head*

Duke Renning: you dont have to worry, He doesnt like it but he doesnt mind. Isnt that right Igar?

*they looked to him as he kept his eyes closed and then slowly rose up and looked to them all calmly but seriously*

Ellia: Igar? how long were you awake?

*Lania smiled*

Lania: Igar! welcome back to the living!

*Reim shook her head*

Reim: you heard all of it didnt you?

*Vira looked to him*

Vira: you have to have some objection right? dont you?

*Igar shook his head*

Igar: all this talk about the star clan.. that doesnt really matter to me.

*Duke Renning looked to him curiously*

Duke Renning: not even the death riders after you? or how about all the work we
have in store for you?

*Igar growled*

Igar: I dont care for that! None of that matters to me. They wont get me. The only thing..

*he growled gripping his hand into a fist and glaring to it*

Igar: right now... I want power.. more power than ever.. so I can help the girls.. and so I can
defeat her..

*Ellia blinked*

Ellia: Igar.. so Itaria really did attack you?

*Reim nodded*

Reim: its safe to assume she was the one responsible for that darkness?

*Igar nodded*

Igar: shes.. shes way more poweful than anyone ive ever seen.. I dont even know how I survived..

*his mind flashbacked to the kiss and the words she spoke to him*

Igar: shes.. more than that too.. she knows alot about me.. but she wont let me know until I defeat her!

*Ellia looked to him with a frown*

Ellia: Igar.. are you really okay?

*He sighed and calmly relaxed*

Igar: I... I am.. I just want to be able to do more.. ive never felt so weak like that.. it was..

*he looked to her*

Igar: it was like when we first met.. I was helpless..

*she shook her head*

Ellia: you still saved me though.

*Igar nodded*

Igar: I know.. but I dont know if I could save anyone from her.. or if anyone could beat her.

*Reim nodded*

Reim: its understandable that you feel that way.. she fought in the wars of the past and shes a vetran of the Elegant royale.

*Vira growled*

Vira: she.. she is a monster.. my sister Taya.. was defeated by her.. at the time she was the strongest of the Elegant royale..

*Igar looked to her*

Igar: Your sister?

*the girls seemed to all know but quietly stayed silent as Vira spoke*

Vira: my sister was known as the Soundless Reaper. Her skills in the sword were so good she could cut
up anything no matter how hard it was and was too quick for eyes to see. But then... then Itaria came..
she rose above everyone but the final battle with Itaria.. she was able to see every bit of my sisters power.
She left my sister with her legs and arms broken and was ready to kill her but Itaria's father spared her.
Itaria herself only laughed as she won the Royale.. it was brutal.. my sister recovered but she left our family
ashamed she lost so badly.. I haven't seen her since..

*Igar blinked and looked away shaking his head*

Igar: thats... crazy.. shes way more powerful..

*Reim nodded*

Reim: because she won the royale she was allowed to stay in until someone defeats her. The Reining champion.

*Ellia nodded*

Ellia: ive heard she was targeted for assassination by the paranoid kings sons due to her winning, but she killed them all..
with no hesitation or mercy she took them down and went into their kingdom to deliver their bodies to his son. That made them both pass out.

*Igar shivered*

Igar: how is someone like her even possible? how the heck does she have so much power?

*Duke Renning looked to him*

Duke Renning: Well Itaria is normal all around, as a young child she was very normal and had a good life with her father and mother, but she one day
at fifteen made a strange request. She wanted to fight in wars. She led a hundred soldiers against the wise king and took the territory easily
for her father. That was surprising but not as surprising as what happened next. She apparently participated in every battle she could since then.
She enjoyed the blood and destruction, she had her birthdays in the camp with her troops and whats more she participated in the Star purge. A time when
the entire clan of the star was to be destroyed. She was responsible for most of the clans deaths.

*Igar shivered*

Igar: just.. what is she..

*Duke Renning nodded*

Duke Renning: my thoughts exactly. Shes known as the End of Destruction in many lands. The only one who can truly control her is her father and mother.
The two seem to know her more than anyone. Still ive heard a strange rumor recently.

*Igar blinked*

Igar: what is it?

*Duke Renning looked to him*

Duke Renning: shes fallen in love, with a strange boy.

*Ellia blinked*

Ellia: what?

*Reim closed her eyes*

Reim: I can only guess who.

*Vira growled*

Vira: she thinks she has the right to even say that?!

*Duke Renning nodded*

Duke Renning: shes been saying it. She will admit that she is in love with Igar even if you ask.

*Ellia shivered and growled*

Ellia: she doesn't even.. she doesn't even know the meaning!

*Duke Renning looked to her*

Duke Renning: its not like anyone can stop her.

*Ellia growled but turned away*

Ellia: I.. I cant let this spin out of control though..

*Duke Renning waved his hand*

Duke Renning: dont let it get to you.. apparently even her father doesn't consider this anything.
She may be trying to flare you all up though.

*Vira blinked and turned away*

Vira: wh-why would  I get flared from this? its not like I care its just it hurts our reputation!

*Lania laughed and pointed to her*

lania: your blushing! Vira is blushing like a lollipop!

*Vira growled glaring to Lania*

Vira: s-shut up!

*Duke Renning shrugged*

Duke Renning: at any rate.. dont bother with her until you can take her.. your only asking for death.
Whats more important is these next weeks. So i ask you Igar.. are you ready to do this?

*they looked to him for his response and he slowly nodded*

Igar: I am.. I want to show to her that she can be stopped and more.. I want her to know she cant do what she wants!

*they smiled all agreeing as Duke Renning smirked*

Duke Renning: then you all should get ready. Start packing for this.

*the girls agreed standing up and moving back to the house as Igar followed. Lania hopped out of Duke Rennings hand and caught
up with the girls. As they moved ahead of Igar Duke Renning stopped him and looked to him*

Duke Renning: Igar, one last thing.

*He looked to him*

Igar: hmm?

*Duke Renning gave a bit of a stern look*

Duke Renning: first dont do anything to hurt them, I ask that of a father.

*Igar nodded*

Igar: of course I will do all I can for each of them.

*He smiled*

Duke Renning: im happy to hear that, be good to them and youll win her heart yet.

*Igar blinked*

Igar: huh? who are you.. no never mind.

*He nodded*

Duke Renning: shes a little young but you treat her well alright?

*He walked off towards the house as Igar shook his head*

Igar: ...really?.. are all nobles so strange or is it just lania's family..

*he blinked then realized what Duke Renning was meaning and blushed growling*

Igar: hey! I have no intention of doing anything like that with her!

*he walked off catching up with the girls who stopped at the door along with Duke Renning who now
had a bit of a solem look on his face seeing who stood at the doorway. In front of them stood Lady Luan of
Tiade. She looked to Igar and smiled*

Luan: ive found you, now I can take you home with me Igar.

*the girls growled looking to her as Igar only looked in confusion*

Igar: huh?..

*Igar looked in confusion as Ellia stood in front and looked to Tiade shaking her head*

Ellia: your not taking anyone home with you, Hes one of our teammates.

*She sighed and looked as her sister and brothers moved to her side.*

Lira: my sister gets what she wants. As do all of us little noble.

*Turin nodded*

Turin: and we want the commoner.

*the eldest nodded*

Tain: he has no name therefore no right to be taken by any who have no real claim.
Therefore he is open for anyone.

*Ellia shook her head as Reim, Lania and Vira moved in front of Igar*

Ellia: the rules of the competition wont allow anyone on our team to be your little
plaything. Even then hes under the house of Rosarade's protection.

*She laughed and shook her head*

Luan: you think the rules of someone else will stop me? The rule of money and grabs is
in play.

*she blinked confused*

Ellia: pardon? rule of grabs? another game you made up no doubt.

*She growled*

Luan: the rule is, The one who pays the most wins the price, Ive got him and payed
your father for him as well.

*She gasped shocked as the girls did the same in surprise. Duke Renning quietly nodded*

Duke Renning: oh I see, so he has acted without our knowledge has he?

*Igar looked to them then shook his head*

Igar: if you guys are talking about buying and selling me then ive got one thing to say
to that.

*They looked to him as Luan smiled*

Luan: oh? is it you want to go with us?

*He shook his head*

Igar: not a chance, its that im fed up with your money and talk of buying. Ive got
a better idea.

*He moved quickly dissapearing from the group and appeared just away from them all in
the yard*

Igar: how about I decide my own fate? and as it is, I am going to decide your little
fathers fate as well.

*Ellia looked to him as the others did as well*

Ellia: I-Igar? what are you going to do?

*He pulled out his blade and rose it up to them*

Igar: one side of this blade is dull, the other is very sharp, Depending on his answers
ill give him bruises or cuts.

*The girls looked in a sudden fear as Duke Renning moved next to Igar appearing quickly
beside him and gripped his blade*

Duke Renning: now now Igar, theirs a better way to do this, Leave it to me. I can handle
these accusations. You should continue to where we all intended to go, namely Savaria.

*Lania yelped as everyone looked to her. She jumped and smiled happily*

Lania: Savaria?! the Paradise Park!? oh yes! its got everything! oh wow.

*Vira blinked*

Vira: there? your serious? isnt that were we go when were gonna.. ooh I see.

*Reim sighed and nodded*

Reim: thats pretty smart. I look forward to it. Theirs fun for everyone in Savaria.

*Ellia smiled a bit then looked to Igar*

Ellia: this was part of the deal right? a few weeks in Savaria.

*Luan looked confused and growled*

Luan: what? what is Savaria? tell me now!

*Duke renning nodded*

Duke Renning: Lady Luan, you have permission to stay here along with all the others. The land of Savaria
is known as a paradise. Its completely closed from the elegant royale but we use it as both a land of
peace and a training ground. Beaches stores festivals and more, its a place where only the few can go to.

*She blinked and smiled*

Luan: for real? are you serious? I wanna go!

*Duke Renning nodded*

Duke Renning: everyone is welcome. Im sure you need to discuss this with your factions.

*She blinked and nodded*

Luan: oh yes we need to talk with them about this. Lets go!

*she moved back into the house as the other two looked confused but followed. Duke Renning smiled and
looked to the rest of the group*

Duke Renning: dont worry, its easy to distract children, all you need to do is misdirect them a bit.

*Lania was still excited as the rest of the girls looked to the duke*

Ellia: I am grateful for that.. but eventually she will realize what you did.

*Duke Renning nodded*

Duke Renning: then I suggest you go pack. Ask for the duke, I will speak with him.

*he looked to Igar*

Duke Renning: he will not get off lightly. You are under our protection Igar, although you have a choice to
accept that.

*He let go of his sword as Igar looked to him calmly then nodded sheathing his sword*

Igar: I guess I need to bend to the rules, but I wont let anyone take what I have from me. I am no ones
prize. The more the Duke presses me though.. the more ill prove him wrong.

*he nodded and smirked*

Duke Renning: good answer.

*He looked to the girls*

Duke Renning: I suggest you girls prepare in your own way. We are leaving later today.

*they nodded as they all disappeared into the house. Ellia looked to Igar with a smile and went
into the house. Igar sighed and looked to Duke Renning*

Igar: I noticed that you didnt mention much about me. What should I do now?

*He smiled and looked to Duke Val walking up to them*

Duke Renning: im not in charge of you really, Duke Val will tell you all you need to know.

*he blinked looking to Duke Val. His stern look to Igar made him shiver a bit. Duke Renning waved
as he headed back inside quickly. Igar gulped a bit looking to him*

Duke Val: hm your skills in swordsmanship are very strong but also erratic. Its awkward in some situations
and faced with many youd be relying on the shadowstep maneuver.

*Igar blinked*

Igar: shadowstep? whats that?

*Duke Val looked to him confused*

Duke Val: you dont know? its what youve used on your opponent and several times on others.
That technique is a beginniner skill. However you seem to have more speed than most beginners.
I guess that is due to your unique bloodline.

*Igar blinked then shook his head*

Igar: you think im uh this Star warrior too?

*He shrugged a bit*

Duke Val: Im sure you are something, but it is proven that the last of the star clan were wiped out.

*Igar frowned*

Igar: I.. know that much.. still to think that one would last.. wouldnt that be some sort of scare to the
person who wants them all gone?

*He nodded smiling then patted Igar's head*

Duke Val: Im sure by now you know that they consider you to be one though. I think however that they are wrong.
You are just a unique individual. Still the fools have used an old law to overrule us and that is why we are taking
you to paradise.

*Igar growled*

Igar: its bad enough they think im a threat but.. somewhow I think theirs more to this than their saying.. Their more
wanting me gone because they want an advantage in the elegant royale.

*Duke Val blinked and nodded*

Duke Val: your very clever, I beleve that too. This whole old law is just a rediculous way to kill you in public. However they
did not plan for us to take you away where you cannot be found. Still.. you must be careful.. you are being targeted by more than
them. Being a commoner the other teams will attack you alone. That is why I am taking you to the Sacred Lands inside Paradise.

*Igar blinked*

Igar: the Sacred lands?.. that makes me scared a bit.. but the name sounds familliar.

*he smirked*

Duke Val: you talk almost as if you were a star clan.

*Igar growled*

Igar: stop! I dont care about that! the star clan stuff is something ive never even heard of. I dont really care!

*He nodded and waved his hands*

Duke Val: I understand completely. It isnt something I will push on you. I am only here for one reason really, to train you in the basics.

*Igar nodded then looked confused*

Igar: hmm.. huh? the basics?

*He smirked*

Duke Val: you will know soon. Let us first go. come with me we will go to the lands first.

*Igar looked to the house then to him*

Igar: but what about the girls? I cant tell them?

*He nodded*

DUke Val: I think you should let them be for now. This is a chance to grow strong to protect them, why not surprise them?

*Igar blinked and nodded*

Igar: I.. yes I understand that..

*He smiled and held his hand out to him. Igar blinked and walked beside him. He nodded then the two walked out to the front yard heading for
a red car. A servant waited beside it and opened the door as the two of them entered the car and drove off. From a distance a shadowy figure watched
them leave and headed into the house*

*back at the house Duke Rosarade speaks with a few of the other royalty. Duke Renning walked in with a small smile to the others and approached Duke Rosarade.
He smirks and shakes his head*

Duke Renning: Tell me Duke Rosarade, was it your intention to sell off our best fighter to the Tiade?

*He looked to the group of royals around then nodded as they started to leave, leaving only him and Duke Renning left in the room*

Duke Rosarade: property... has always been my own buisness.

*Duke Renning laughed and nodded*

Duke Renning: is that right? hah well you should understand that descions based on all of us should be with all of us. Whats more im sure you know this but hes no longer
your property.

*he blinked and looked to him surprised*

Duke Rosarade: what did you say?! what have you done with him?

*He smirked and closed his eyes then gave Duke Rosarade a small glare*

Duke Renning: Duke Rosarade.. far be it me to threaten you on your own lands, But listen well. That child is special, and he will serve us to the bitter end if you treat him
with some small respect. So I say this out of friendship and mutual intrest. Dont go against us all again, or you will find out how it feels to be "common".

*He blinked and stood up from his chair growling to Duke Renning and readied his gem. The Duke smirked and held his own gem up as they both started to glow white and blue*

Duke Rosarade: you have insulted me Duke Renning, anyone and anything that insults me will be put in their place, If I duel you now I know you will... hhghh... what?!

*Duke Rosarade shivered a bit kneeling down as Duke Renning smirked. Strings appeared from the ground holding down Duke Rosarade as Duke Tolm appeared behind Renning. Duke Renning shook his head*

Duke Renning: Dearest Duke, remember your place! you are the weakest of the four of us! more than that, you lands are small and your funds very little compared to us all.

*He growled and looked to DUke Renning*

Duke Rosarade: ungh.. you b******s!... you treat me like I am nothing.. how dare you...grahh!

*Duke Tolms strings pulled him down further pressing his head on the granite floor. He moved walking up to Duke Renning as his yellow gem glowed in his gloves.*

Duke Tolm: you foolish man, you are nothing you are a laughingstock of the four of us. If it wasnt for the fact that you are the direct descendant to the benevolent King then we would have
killed you and your entire family! Do remember though, We are also in control of the Elegant royale. We have ears and eyes everywhere, your lands and more.

*Duke Renning nodded smirking*

Duke Renning: now im not trying to be cruel to you descendant of the Benevolent King, but do know this, just because you are a noble doesnt make you any less of a weakling. Your name wouldnt
have rose up so high if we hadnt used our network to assist you. All were asking is that you dont do anything that can mess up our plans. Like selling someone of value to us as a whole.

*He growled and pulled up as Duke Tolhm rose his hands to hold him down. He groaned hitting the granite more*

Duke Rosarade: grr... say what you want.. you three.. you and that wretched child... you are nothing to me... you are just tools to me.

*He blinked as a long spear smashed down beside his head breaking the granite floor. DUke Renning looked down to him with an evil grin*

Duke Renning: you can call us what you like, but you are just tools to us as well. Once all this mess is over, you and your family are going to be shoved back into the dark.
Your only noble to us as long as you push your bravado around to the others and make a big scene. We are the true ones in charge you fool. I will say this one last time.

*he slid the blade of the spear through the ground next to the Dukes neck*

Duke Renning: dont decide for us again, or youll be taking a long trip to another land.

*he growled but was released from Duke Tolhms powers. He quickly stood up and pulled back then sat in his chair giving them both a glare. The two Dukes smirked and left the room leaving
him alone. He smashed his fist on the arm of his chair breaking it a bit and gritting his teeth in full anger*

Duke Rosarade: damn them... damn the child.. damn them all... but I will put up with this for a little more.. just a few more days and ill have the ultimate gem..

*he looked to his gem then placed it on his wrist cuff.*

Duke Rosarade: with the drills digging into this lands core, the star gem will be mine soon. Then ill rule the entire land and make them beg for mercy.

*He smirked and laughed to himself.*

© 2015 CzatoftheMoon

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Added on September 22, 2015
Last Updated on September 22, 2015
Tags: Fantasy, Shonein, action, adventure



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
