Chapter 5: Sweets of Soldiers

Chapter 5: Sweets of Soldiers

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

"this isn't the first time we had to deal with demons and monsters. Before when we were young we traveled from village to village killing monsters for money. It wasn't an easy life.. but its ours"


 "I did alot of work and Elenel took care of the money. Of course she helped too but at times it was more me. Strange thing was.. it felt like each demon and monster I fought were all sent directly at me. This doesn't feel different.. just late"

*they gathered in a back room as Bax and Bee sat at a table while Blade pressed against a wall and looked at Elenel and the tiger. She stayed next to the tiger sitting down staring at it as Bax told more about it*

Bax: as I said before.. this was a little kitten when we first met it. That was only two years ago when we found it on the roadside. The little guy was dying but we nursed it back to health.

*Blade blinked*

Blade: two years? this tiger grew up in two years? no..not even normal monsters grow in two years.. whats more it steadily evolved when we saw it. Its rare for anything to live past its prime and this guy got to a thousand year evolution in two years.

*Bee looked to him*

Bee: you know a lot about monsters, are you some kind of monster maniac?

*He blinked looking to her*

Blade: n-not really.. just its good to know what your fighting right?

*she grinned*

Bee: that's a stalling answer! I bet your hiding something.

*he turned away*

Blade: no seriously.. that's all.

*Elenel looked to Bee as she blinked then smirked*

Bee: I bet you know what it is.

*she blinked staring at her as the two just stared then she sighed*

Bee: I give up.. your hard to read unlike him.

*Blade sighed*

Blade: quit picking on me.. my arms in crystal by a tiger..

*Bax smirked and looked to the tiger*

Bax: don't worry its not even permanent.

*he blinked*

Blade: huh?

*he smiled looking to him*

Bax: I said its not permanent. Its merely sweet crystal.

*He blinked looking to his arm*

Blade: Sweet Crystal?

*He nodded*

Bax: this tiger eats sweets and it makes its fire grow larger. Each thing it touches turns to a hardened version of sugar. All you have on your arm is probably a small cut from him and hardened sugar crystals.

*Blade looked as Bee walked over and licked his arm. he looked as she smiled*

Bee: yummy! Sugar!

*He looked to his arm and sighed*

Blade: so you mean I can break out of it right? hardened sugar.. why is it always sweets.. huh?

*Elenel looked to his arm. He blinked looking to her*

Blade: h-hold on! don't think about eating my arm! theirs flesh under that you know!

*he yelped seeing Bee grab a large mallet*

Bee: this sugar is our property! rah!

Blade: wait Bee!

*she banged on his arm right on the elbow as the hard crystal cracked and shattered letting his arm loose as he held it whimpering a bit*

Blade: oww! oww my arm! it was stiff! that hurts!

*Bax looked to them*

Bax: hm.. I did forget to mention that it causes stiff joints and numbness didn't I?

*He wiggled his arm a bit and sighed looking as the cut also shattered into pieces and healed up. Not even a drop of blood came out*

Blade: its sort of like a sweet cask, still that's pretty rare.. Ive heard that Lycuns are more into eating hazardous material than something like sweets.

*He blinked and closed his eyes*

Bax: well that's..

*Bee smiled*

Bee: Ive fed him sweets since he was a little kitten! I wanted to make him a mean lean sweet eating machine to show that even animals love my daddy's sweets! It would have been perfect for the market and we would have been rich!

*Blade looked to her*

Blade: that's... logical I guess... but you said you raised it right? then why was it angry and turned on you long ago?

*He nodded*

Bax: during our travels we had met many people and things. Somewhere along the way we lost him though. Bee was sad and we waited for him to come back but he never did.. then two years later he did come back but..

*Blade looked to the tiger as it softly rested with its eyes closed*

Blade: he came back as a Lycudra. Not only didn't you not recognize him but he went feral somehow.

*he nodded*

Bax: Bee saw him and move to go to him but he wasn't happy he roared and tried to kill her. As she cried out I rushed out of the shop and confronted him. I felt like it was him but he was mad, his eyes were pure red and he snarled like a feral beast. I assumed he was just another tiger but then as I knocked him into the trees where he was sealed i could see the water was sugary.

*Blade blinked*

Blade: you noticed that?

*He looked to Bee she turned away*

Bee: I was curious.. I wanted to taste the water that's all.

*Blade shook his head*

Blade: that could have been anything you know!

*she shook her head*

Bee: you don't have to tell me! I know now!

*Bax nodded*

Bax: at any rate, it was then I knew it was him.. still he was feral and I had no choice.

*Blade shook his head*

Blade: two years.. he came back as a full grown Lycudra and now he has evovled into a Lycun. It doesnt make sense.. nothing can manipulate growth that fast.. i remember reading in a few books about Lycudra's and their base versions. Their almost immune to all drugs, poisons, and even bites. Him turning feral dosnt match up either.

*Elenel looked to the tiger then blinked and poked at its back leg. She then looked to Blade and tugged his leg. He looked to her as she pointed to the leg*

Blade: what is it El?... hmm?

*Bee and Bax moved for a closer look. On the Tigers leg looked like a small burn shaped like an X was fading away. Blade gasped looking surprised to it*

Blade: that X.. that means.. this guy was an experiment..

*Bee and Bax looked to him confused*

Bee: experie-what?

*Bax nodded*

Bax: he must have escaped when he was young. I remember seeing this mark on him. But experimentation on monsters is outlawed. With their unstable bodies it could be dangerous.. who would do things like this?

*Blade shook his head*

Blade: im not sure who.. but I do know about that X.

*He looked to Blade as he closed his eyes and sat down next to the tiger with Elenel*

Blade: that's meant to signify a war asset.

*Elenel looked to it focusing as Bax looked to him surprised*

Bax: this guy.. a war asset? then hes a weapon..

*Blade shook his head*

Blade: maybe an experimental weapon that escaped.. also the only one who uses X's to mark their war assets are Gandrike forces..

*Bax blinked*

Bax: Gandrike... the nation against Telgram.

*Blade nodded*

Blade: as me and El traveled we stayed away from both, the country side still talked about them though. Ive heard that on the border three towns away their was an old machines factory.. it makes sense that they used it as a lab to make this guy..

*Elenel closed her eyes softly patting the tigers fur as Blade sighed

Blade: we've had alot of meetings in the past with soldiers from both sides.. but nothing major.. at once.. we were on Gandrikes side too believe it or not.. but we..

*memories flashed in his mind. He was bloody huffing and looked as in a pod Elenel could be seen surrounded by scientists who looked to him. In a rage it he lashed out and killed them all. His thoughts shifted back to the tiger*

Blade: this guy.. he must have wanted to escape them too..

*Bax nodded and stood up looking to Blade*

Bax: so then.. you were a soldier? both of you?

*Blade and Elenel looked to him. He nodded slowly*

Bax: I understand then.. as a former soldier.. Ive seen a lot too.

*Blade blinked looking to him*

Blade: for Telgram?

*He nodded*

Bax: that's right. I retired though mid way through the last war.. my wife passed away and no one could take care of my daughter.

*Blade looked to Bee who was now focusing on gathering the crystal sugar and placed them in a bag. Bax looked to her and smiled*

Bax: that war was only a chance to grow strong for them.. but instead I lost them.. I decided to stay with my daughter and pursue my wife's dream of opening a bakery. Hah now were known for our sweets in many lands! hahaha!

*Blade closed his eyes*

Blade: i didnt think anyone.. was allowed to leave war. especially mid way in.

*He nodded looking to Blade*

Bax: no one is.. however me, I decided not only for my daughter but for my self.. that war isnt the way to go.

*Blade smiled a bit*

Blade: so your AWOL huh..yeah so am I.. in a sense..

*he looked to Elenel*

Blade: I had to get out of there.. it wasn't anything we thought it would be as kids..

*Bax nodded*

Bax: it never is, is it? I guess she felt the same way?

*He nodded smiling*

Blade: she did.. and im glad that to them were dead..

*He looked to Blade curiously*

Bax: dead?.. now that I think about it.. Gandrikes forces did have a general in the east known as the Reaper.. wait... then you?!

*He looked to Bax and shook his head*

Blade: like I said.. hes dead.

*He nodded closing his eyes*

Bax: its good then.. ive heard that many men survived the war on both fronts due to him leaving.

*Blade nodded*

Blade: good for them.. still.. ask for this guy..

*Elenel softly gripped the tigers paw it seemed to purr and looked to her. Blade looked to Bax*

Blade: umm.. I think he'd enjoy going with us..

*He looked to Bee then to the tiger and nodded*

Bax: if you can keep him out of trouble I don't mind. And besides.. my daughter learned a lot that day he left.

*Blade nodded. He looked to Elenel who simply looked to him quietly then up to Bax and bowed he head a bit He nodded waving his hands*

Bax: no need to thank me! im sure he will keep you two out of trouble too! hahaha

*Blade looked to him growling a bit*

Blade: stop that.. I know what your thinking. Were not a couple!

*He smirked*

Bax: not what I see in your eyes! haha

*Blade growled*

Blade: come on! im telling you stop that!

*Bee looked to them then pointed to Blade*

Bee: aha! so you are a couple! hah i know your secret!

*Blade looked to her blushing*

Blade: cut it ouuuuut!

*the tiger suddenly shook a bit and opened his eyes standing up. They blinked looking to him as he growled and moved to the door. Blade blinked and slowly crept to the door hearing footsteps fading. Then nodded*

Blade: ...someone was there..

*the group stayed quiet a bit as the tiger shook and yawned then moved next to Elenel Blade looked to him*

Blade: need to think of a name to call him..

*Bee looked to Blade*

Bee: he has a name! he likes it too.

*Blade blinked as she waved her hand at the tiger*

Bee: Garus! hey Garus! remember me?

*the tiger stood up and blinked then slowly walked over to her purring and licked her palm as it softly seemed to become sugar. Blade blinked*

Blade: Garus?..

*Bee nodded as Bax smiled*

Bax: its simple really, its sugar rearranged, hahaha!

*Blade looked to the tiger and sighed*

Blade: wow.. another sweets lover.. Im glad I have all these sweets..

*Elenel blinked remembering them and slowly moved to them. Blade shook his head*

Blade: hold on.. don't eat them all yet. Theirs still something I want to know.

*He looked to Bax and calmly spoke*

Blade: have you heard of a land called Leikis?

*he pointed to Elenel's orb*

Blade: when we were in the army.. I heard their was a land called leikis in Telgram. I cant ask the army directly but have you any idea about it?

*Bax looked to him curiously*

Bax: hmm.. Leikis.. I don't know about it.. but their is a city not too far from here past the mountains called. Aesum they have library open to the public about lands in Telgram.

*Blade blinked and smiled a bit*

Blade: Aesum, and a library.. that will be useful..

*Bax looked to him*

Bax: I take it your still new to the lands of Telgram right? their are not many maps of the land you might want to pick up a marker and make one from there as a starting point.

*He nodded and pulled out a map folded up in a side pocket. Half of the map was complete labeled "lands of Gandrike" as the other side was blank with "Telgram" written on it.*

Blade: I know.. ive done this for a long time.. sir.

*He blinked and nodded approvingly*

Bax: you are a very resourceful man also very intelligent.. I do hope you find what your looking for. Hopefully you will find peace and so will your wife.

*Blade blinked and growled*

Blade: heyyy! I get it alright..

*He laughed a bit then blinked hearing knocks at the front room.*

Solder: Telgram watch! we have reports of suspicious fugitives here! Please open up and ready for a search!

*He grumbled a bit*

Bax: I suppose their isnt much time now is there?.. well then allow me to help you one last time. Their is a caravan leaving from the west gate to Aesum if you hurry you may be able to make it there.

*Blade nodded then looked to Garus*

Blade: how are we going to deal with him?

*He nodded and moved to a shelf pulling out a large backpack*

Bax: this is large enough to fit him. but youll have to carry him.

*Blade blinked looking at the backpack then to the sack of sweets and sighed*

Blade: b-both the sack and the cat.. alright..

*he looked to Elenel as she stood up and walked beside him. Bee looked to the backpack and then to Garus*

Bee: Garus! hey piggyback ride!

*Garus looked to the bag then seemed to purr and rushed into it fitting snug inside. Blade looked to him in the bag as he looked back at Blade turning his head a bit as if saying "lets go!". Blade shook his head somewhat whimpering*

Blade: geez... I cant even.. believe he got in the bag..

*Bee nodded*

Bee: daddy took him and me for rides in it many times! he loves it.

*Blade sighed dejectedly*

Blade: lucky him..

*they blinked as the soldiers banged again on the door in the other room. Blade shrugged and moved to the bag sliding his arms in the straps then groaned pulling up with the tiger on his back and huffed standing up*

Blade: grrgh.. ah. whew.. hes a little heavy..

*he then gripped the bag of sweets and carried it in one hand. Elenel looked to him as he waved with his other hand*

Blade: don't worry. I got it.

*the tiger moved around a bit in the bag as Blade wobbled a little then looked to him*

Blade: k-keep still I haven't gotten my balance fully..

*he finally steadied himself as the tiger got comfortable. Blade sighed looking a little back to the backpack*

Blade: ah.. after this your walking buddy..

*Bax smiled looking to the three of them*

Bax: it brings back memories.. times when me and my wife walked around with my child. hahaha.. good memories.

*Bee pulled his pants a bit*

Bee: daddy!.. stop going down memory lane! we have costumers!

*He blinked and nodded. Blade then looked to him and nodded*

Blade: thank you.. thank you for all your help sir.. and you too Bee.

*She shook her head*

Bee: no thank you.. Ive got wind of your little traveling.. your going to places Ive never seen right? then tell them about our shop!

*Blade blinked*

Blade: im a traveling stand now?.. great..

*She grinned*

Bee: consider it the final part of the "freebie" deal.

*Blade sighed*

Blade: that's not very free..

*She shook her head and opened the side door*

Bee: oh hush! nothings free without a price! now get out there and get us costumers!

*Blade smirked a bit then nodded as Bax opened a door leading to the kitchen heading to the front desk. Bee followed behind him waving to them as they closed the door. Blade sighed and then walked out the door holding the bag in his hands with Elenel following behind him into the alley slowly shutting the door behind them. He then looked around the alley and moved walking behind the shop into the streets heading to the west gate. Elenel looked to the sweets then to him. He shook his head*

Blade: don't worry for them El, their not going anywhere. If anything lets focus on getting to the caravan at the end of the village.

*she looked to him blinking a bit then focused forward as they walked through a small crowd heading west with the tiger in the backpack quietly watching from a small hole*

To Be Continued.

© 2017 CzatoftheMoon

Author's Note

*Mini skit!* Chibi mode!

*Blade thinks*
Blade: hmm..Garus is a Lycun that makes anything he eats into sugar hmm.. then does the opposite work.. everything that comes out..
*he blinked looking in the distance at Elenel looking to a dark sugar block. He yelped and took it away*
Blade: d-dont eat that!.. ah im touching it! ew ew.. Garus!!!

Picture of Garus made by my love Ciera.

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Added on July 14, 2014
Last Updated on March 28, 2017
Tags: action, adventure



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
