![]() Chapter 4: Roaring SweetsA Chapter by CzatoftheMoon![]() "I slept in her arms and she slept with them around me. We both didnt care about our fears about each other we just wanted to let the other know how we can overcome it together. I had no nightmares."![]() *he blinked a bit waking up and looking out to the sunlight hitting the side of the cliff. He then blinked and looked as she held onto him with one hand wrapped around his arm and the other the orb. He hesitated a bit and thought about last night* Blade: I feel like a fool.. Ive never cried so hard like that before. *he moved to slowly get up but she seemed to wrap around his arm more. He sighed looking to her* Blade: come on now.. your clinging to my arm so tightly.. ow! hey wuah?! *she started to bite on his arm still asleep seemingly dreaming. He then tugged a bit more to get away* Blade: does my arm look like food to you?... ow.. owww quit biting me! *he looked as she then bit him harder.* Blade: oww!!! *he slipped his hand out of her grip quickly as she woke up and started to fall a bit forward. He then grabbed her before she could fall as she looked to him focusing then seemed to hesitate and pull away turning away Blade rubbed his arm* Blade: ow.. thanks for dreaming of food while you were asleep.. but my arm isn't shortbread. *she stretched a bit gripping the orb in one hand and stretched her hands then got up and stretched her legs. He sighed and shook his head* Blade: last night was a close call.. thanks to you I didn't go nightmare.. but still we have to leave today. *she looked to him staring into his eyes. He blinked and turned away* Blade: i-im okay now.. don't worry for it, thanks for that and all.. *he blinked and looked to the village in the distance* Blade: we cant go back there.. but im sure their was a village a bit away from that one. *she then looked to the village and turned away. He nodded and closed his eyes* Blade: if they ever find out more about us.. we'd be killed for sure.. *she looked to him closely as he looked confused then nodded* Blade: I know.. it was me who did it. My little rampage caused trouble again.. maybe we should stick to hunting? *she blinked and bonked his head with her orb. He yelped and held his head* Blade: ow.. what did you do that for? *she pointed to the village below. He shrugged* Blade: don't look at me! its probably on lock down. I know how you like sweets but we just might have no choice. *she looked to him deeply staring as he blinked then sighed* Blade: alright alright.. before we go ill get some sweets.. but we only have about two hundred coins left. *she blinked and looked as he pulled out the satchel counting it then nodded* Blade: yep.. two hundred. *she then walked over to him and looked to the coins. He blinked and looked up at her as she gazed at him and her stomach growled. He groaned* Blade: your asking me to go there are you? I told you its on lock down! How can I get in a town full of those blue bugs snooping everywhere? *she sat down near the cliff seemingly curled up. He waved his hand and shook his head* Blade: ah whoa whoa no need to be down ill do it ill do it!.. gah but then we leave this forest. I have a bad feeling about today.. *she stood up and poked him. He agreed with her and picked up the cloak he gave her wiping it off a bit then wrapped it around himself. She looked to him again and rose her orb to him. He blinked and softly pushed it back to her* Blade: I know.. if I get in trouble you'll sense it and get me out right? then I wont stay long. Im as less interested as you are to stay. Its still early so they might not all be woken up anyhow. *she looked to him seemingly getting a bit close as he looked to her and into her eyes. The two stared for a little gazing a bit into the others eyes as he blinked and nodded slowly to her* Blade: I wont.. I wont kill anything. I promise and I will be careful so you don't have to worry. *she lowered her head to the orb then walked away a bit and looked back at him as he made his way down the cliff walking. As he faded in the distance she seemed to close her eyes sat quietly* *he huffed a bit making his way to the trail and looked around the forest* Blade: looks like the forest is clear. Still.. *he looked to spots from before still stained with blood but it looked like it was cleaned recently* Blade: someones been here doing this. I better be careful. *he decided to go through the forest thicket hopping and running through the forest fast. As he made his way out he blinked looking and seeing a group of soldiers near the exit he was at last night. He hid looking at them quietly as tents seemed to be set up and the area blocked. Soldiers walked around left and right as others looked to blood stained spots and the cut trees. He nodded* Blade: I expected as much.. still.. it doesn't look like ill be using that way.. guess ill go around. *he moved through the forest heading to another side and found the edge of the forest. He blinked looking seeing both villagers and soldiers. The soldiers seemed to be yelling out to them. He breathed a bit and then approached the villagers blending in and listened to the soldiers* Solder: at this time we would like to alert you about a recent threat, their are reports of demons being seen her and the Telgram Kingdom will assist you! *He sighed* Blade: demons? I guess their making me look like a bad guy as usual.. but why not tell them the truth? *he listened more as the villagers clamored a bit. One spoke up to him* Villager: what are you talking about? Their hasn't been demons since fifteen years ago! *he looked to the man and nodded* Soldier: that is true but recently.. well.. *a man yelled to him* Villager: spit it out! *He hesitated then nodded* Soldier: ah.. yes! umm recently we were transporting a large cargo through the Sebaskin woods just a bit away from here and demons attacked it. They can increase or decrease their size and are on all fours. They like dark comers as well so please travel in the day. *The all chattered a bit as Blade blinked confused* Blade: eh? what are they talking about? Thats just insulting me.. then again maybe it is demons.. but why haven't I sensed them? Ive got a feeling theirs more to this than their letting on.. *a voice came from behind him* ???: psst! hey kid.. that you? *He shivered and turned to look. He slowly looked up to the mans seeing his face and recognizing him* Blade: ah.. mister Bax! *he smiled looking down to him as the girl waved to him on his shoulder* Bee: dont forget Bee! *he smiled nodding to her* Blade: hello Bee! good to see you too! *She smiled as Bax looked to him* Bax: I can see that look in your eyes that your no ordinary lad, you've been through alot haven't you? *he blinked looking to him then turned a bit away* Blade: um.. I cant really.. *he nodded patting Blade's shoulder causing him to shake a bit* Bax: I understand young man, but you dont look like a bad guy, heck your wife loves sweets! you must have done somethin sweet to get her! *He blushed and looked to him shaking his head* Blade: ah h-hold up! shes just traveling with me were not like that! *He smirked looking to him* Bax: oh really? hah well I see, then she must have sent you out to get some sweets didnt she? *he blinked looking to him surprised* Blade: h-how did you know? *he grinned and looked up to the sky as a bit of an aura came around him. Blade looked on blinking* Bax: a woman's love is strong on sweets lad! just showing she can send you to get them successfully shows she has deep trust in you! as deep and tasty as the greatest of sweets in all the land! *He looked on a bit dazed and confused* Blade: ah.. err.. umm.. I.. *he shook his head* Bax: say no more son! I can get you what you need! just tell me what it is and we will go after this! *He blinked and thought back to Elenels signs. She first blinked and stared at him for a whole minute or so and seemed to nudge him six times. He gasped realizing how many she wanted and almost fell over* Blade: oowahh ahhh! you spoiled little.. sixty!? she sent me here for sixty of those pastry thingies! she intended to make me use half my money from the start! I feel like ive been conned.. *Bax looked to him griping along with Bee. She giggled and smirked* Bee: hes kind of weird papa! *He nodded* Bax: that he is my dear! *He looked to them and sighed* Blade: I can hear you.. *Bax nodded looking to him* Bax: at any rate! seems that you have made your mind up for more of my special Jelly Sweet rolls and sixty of them at that! *Blade sighed and nodded more* Blade: yes.. yes I do.. *He nodded* Bax: then ill see to it! however I may need your help though. *he blinked looking to him* Blade: my help? im no baker. *he shook his head* Bax: nonsense kid! this isnt about that, you see this monster may be after my sweets! Recently my daughter and I have heard growls coming from around our shop when we bake. It tends to drive away costumers! *Blade looked to the soldiers and pointed* Blade: why not ask them? they seem to be ready for it. *he shook his head* Bax: they may be strong to fight wars against human, but I know this is not human! This monster they talk of sounds like Lycudra! *Blade blinked and thought hearing that name before. A memory came through his head of he and Elenel looking through scrolls at a strange place. Inside one scroll a large dark crystal monster on four legs seemed to appear on the page* Blade: if my demon facts are correct. A Lycudra is a monster cat that stalks around sweets and mainly stays in forest and mountains. It eats sweets to harden its hard crystal body and can shape shift to sneak up on prey. Hah.. looks like im hunting a demon after all! *He nodded* Bax: this particular Lycudra I know. It was here back in the beginning of my shops founding days! back then this was a small village and I was just leaving to retire from my other job. Long story short I settled near the forests on the other side and made sweets but then that monster came and tried to attack my shop! *Blade blinked looking to him* Blade: you fought a Lycudra? wow how in the world did you survive? their fierce if what the records say. *Bee smiled and looked to him* Bee: daddy is stronger than many people, hes a champion! That mean old kitty tried to take the sweets daddy made for me and he punched it into pieces. *Blade blinked* Blade: shattered it?.. ah! that's right.. they can be shattered like glass and melt into water. *Bax nodded* Bax: exactly! I did just that! The monster seemed like it was gone too. The trees I smashed it into absorbed all the water into separate trees around it. Then another strange thing happened recently. The trees that were near the edge of the opening trail I fought it at had been cut clean down. I can only assume the monster was let free! *Blade blinked remembering last night. The area he cut down with the soldiers must have been the area where the Lycudra was freed. He frowned then nodded and looked to Bax* Blade: ah.. umm Bax.. I am gladly willing to help you but I cant do it alone.. you see me and my friend we have hunted demons and monsters most of our lives. If you can keep a few secrets ill be able to help. *He blinked then nodded* Bax: given the circumstances that sounds like a good idea! What do you say Bee? *she nodded looking to him* Bee: yes daddy! im great at secret keeping! *they agreed as Blade nodded and looked around* Blade: for now we should probably get somewhere away from this crowd. *they agreed and made their way to the back of the crowd. far behind them though a cloaked man followed keeping his distance as they left. As they moved far from the crowd to the outskirts of the forest Blade looked to them* Blade: you both promise right? *the two of them nodded* Bax: a gentlemen and daughter promise! *He nodded then sighed closing his eyes and started to glow a bit red but it seemed controlled. In his mind he called out to Elenel.* Blade: El.. come lets meet.. *far at the mountainside cliff El sat looking to the village then blinked looking to her orb and stood up and rose it high glowing and vanishing. She quickly appeared beside him lowering her orb and looked to him. She blinked then looked to Bax and Bee who looked on surprised then stepped back. Blade looked to her* Blade: its okay! they promised they wont tell anyone.. besides they need our help. *she stared to him deeply as he stared back then turned to them. The two looked on at Blade and Elenel* Bax: well now! seems you do have many mysteries. *Blade looked to them* Blade: she umm said she will help.. she already figured out everything and she may not look like it.. but shes mad.. at me. *The two blinked as Blade looked to her. She softly kicked his knee as he nodded closing his eyes softly speaking to her* Blade: I know.. my fault from last night too.. that's why we should help right? *she looked to him again and rose her hand opening it once and then again. She then looked to them as Blade blinked* Blade: free? how are they going to make a living and it was my fault! *she nudged him and kicked his leg again harder as he yelped* Blade: ow.. ow.. alright alright ill ask.. geez... its just not nice to take advantage of this but alright.. *He looked to them and sighed a bit* Blade: El umm.. she wants me to ask for the Jelly rolls to be free of charge. *the two of them blinked as Bee waved her hand* Bee: hold on! no freebies! Its a trade! Besides we know things now! *Bax looked to her* Bax: Bee! we are not going to blackmail them, think of what truly matters! If this monster is not stopped it could destroy many towns, We can at least do one freebee. *she looked to him and shook her head* Bee: daddy your too soft! they will ask for other ones next! *He shook his head and looked to her* Bax: come now dear, they dont look like the same tricksters we met in the city's do they? They also fight these monsters and save many people for free. *She blinked and nodded* Bee: mmm thats true.. but ive got a feeling that its somehow their fault. *Blade yelped a bit as Elenel blinked looking to them. Bax smiled and waved his hand to her* Bax: nonsense my dear! this is our fault after all! This isn't the first time we've drawn monsters to our shop. *Blade and Elenel looked to them quietly as she pressed her tiny hand on his mouth and looked around* Bee: shh! daddy! you'll get us kicked out of this town saying secrets! *Blade blinked* Blade: umm.. wait your saying you.. have had this trouble before? *they blinked looking to him. Bee waved her hands and shook her head* Bee: no no.. he said umm we got attacked as we traveled to sell them! *Elenel looked to her then to Blade. He nodded looking to her as Bee growled* Bee: hey what are you two saying! Stop whispering! *Blade nodded to Elenel then looked to them* Blade: we changed our mind! we will do it for a hundred sweet jelly rolls. *she yelped looking to them* Bee: whaaat! a hundred! your trying to pull one over us because of our past situation?! *She looked to Elenel who blinked looking to her. Then sighed* Bee: so shes the brains of your little operation.. fine then we can do that but you better make sure it doesn't come back then! *Blade smirked and nodded to her* Blade: trust me. It wont. *he then looked to Bax who nodded* Bax: I am happy over this predicament to find such wonderful a wonderful warrior couple! With you two handling that I can make my sweets in peace! I feel such a strong peace now.. yes! *he glowed more seemingly tearing up in joy as Blade,Elenel and Bee looked to him quietly* Blade: umm.. yes.. its great.. *Bee sighed* Bee: daddy dont be so dramatic.. we have to get to work now right? lets go hyah hyah! *she softly kicked his arm as he nodded and walked back heading to the village. Blade sighed and looked to Elenel* Blade: those two are something.. hey wait.. he called us a couple again! *Blade yelled to them* Blade: were not a couple! *as he focused on them Elenel turned away a little not changing her expression but blushed a little.* *He nodded turning back to her as she looked to him returning to her normal look* Blade: now then.. if I recall the Lycudra tends to only transform when its discovered. When Bax starts cooking sweets it will most likely appear around his shop. I can only guess that its disguised as something right now. Any ideas? *he looked to her as she stared to him and blinked. He then sighed and shook his head* Blade: we cant use a human as bait, the Lycudra only likes sweets besides thats kind of heartless isnt it? *He looked as she pointed to the town. He yelped and shook his head waving his hands* Blade: you cant use the whole town as a hostage either! the shop is the key right? so why not just stick around the alleyways and look for things there? *she queitly stared to him as he nodded* Blade: alright then. Lets do it. *he made his way towards the other side of town where the villagers had been and in cloaks the two of them snuck past the soldiers and into the town. It was as busy as before and now a few soldiers patrolled and looked through the stands. The two made their way to Bax's bakery and looked around the alleyways. As they finally were out of sight Blade sighed and looked to her* Blade: you always helped me in handling problems that I make haven't you? even back then when we first began as thief's. *she sat against the wall of the shop and looked to him. He turned away a bit* Blade: nothing its nothing.. im just saying nonsense.. hmm? *she slid one hand to his face and made him look to her eyes as he stared deeply into them. He then shivered a but and spoke softly* Blade: u-um.. El.. I know.. its not my fault right?.. anyone else around is at fault? *she placed her finger on his mouth and seemed to be ready to speak as he looked on surprised then a noise came from behind them of a trashcan rattling. The two looked over and saw a cat on top of the can. Blade sighed and huffed a bit* Blade: ah.. that scared me.. crazy stray.. *She focused on the cat more as it looked to her then began to hiss and rise up. Blade blinked looking to her* Blade: I don't think that cat likes you.. *she nudged him in his side with her elbow then pointed to it. He blinked looking a bit more carefully at its eyes* Blade: wait a moment.. theirs something wrong with that cat... could it be?! *it suddenly got cold as the cat began to transform into a white tiger. Its eyes glowed light blue as it grew larger and blue flames jutted out its back causing anything it touched to freeze. He yelped as it growled and roared. He looked to Elenel who focused on it* Blade: this is the one! but its not an ordinary Lycudra.. its evolving fast into a crystal flame Lycun! *it hopped off the walls and made its way on the top of the shop as he blinked* Blade: ah its getting away lets go El! *the two of them jumped up hopping to the top of the roof of the shop quickly and followed it as it looked back at them then made its way hopping to rooftop after rooftop causing a disturbance as the villagers looked on* Villager: what the heck?! its a monster! *they started to run quickly as soldiers moved to rush in and watched it being chased by Blade and Elenel. He looked to the troops and sighed* Blade: so much for doing this quietly.. *she moved in front of him as he looked over seeing the large tiger beast jumped at him and bounce off her shield. He yelped but looked as it shook its head and continued again hopping on houses. He then looked to her* Blade: that was close.. thanks El.. but if this keeps up were going to get tired. We have to lead it back to us.. it was looking in the shops trashcans before.. so maybe its waiting for a chance to eat the sweets.. if that's the case.. El ill chase it and you stay at the roof of the shop. *she blinked and moved back to the shop as soldiers rushed up beside the house Blade was on and yelled to him* Soldier: what are you doing up there?! get down here! your under arrest for.. *He shook his head looking to them* Blade: shut up! your breaking my focus! *they blinked and looked as the tiger had jumped from across a far rooftop into the air and dived down at Blade. He turned looking as it did and quickly blocked the attack with a small iron rod but the roof collapsed as they fell inside the house. Blade stumbled and pulled away as the tiger was buried in the rubble he then looked around and found a small stick then nodded* Blade: this will do.. lucky this house is empty! still here we go.. *flames jutted from the rubble as they quickly froze it into hard crystal and the tiger broke out roaring and hopping to him. He rose up the stick as it transformed into a large scythe and blocked it but fell back as the tigers claws hit the hilt and it gnawed at the bark biting it being held off by it. Blade growled and pushed it back pulling up as the tiger lept away into the corner then started to run on the wall becoming more inflamed and crystallizing the side. It then ran upside down and back to the hole out of the top. He blinked surprised* Blade: its really smart! ive never seen a smart Lycun like this one.. better do it quick.. *he jumped up to the top but the scythe broke in two and it reverted to a stick again broken as he landed on the side of the roof that wasn't crumbled then looked as the tiger made its way to another rooftop and turned around seemingly taunting him as it roared* Blade: you making fun of me? *he rushed forward hopping on the rooftop after it and grabbed a small brick then leaned to the side with the brick in hand as it transformed into a rock like scythe. The tiger growled running forward and was smashed into the scythe as it crumbled onto it and sent it flying off the roof to the ground. Blade looked to it as it started to get up again and then to the reverted brick and sighed* Blade: cant I get something metal here?! *he blinked smelling the air and sniffed then turned to the bakery* Blade: their finished?.. uh oh. *he looked as the tiger seemed to sniff too and purred a bit mixed with growls and ran toward the bakery through the streets.* *he hopped off the roof and ran after it as the villagers scattered for both of them* Blade: get back here! *as he chased the cat soldiers started to appear and chased the two of them. A few tried standing in the cats way but it roared and tackled them aside as other tried grabbing the cat and had their hands turned into crystal.* Soldier: gwaah! my hand! Soldier 2: keep back don't touch it its dangerous! Soldier 3: get a net we can trap it! *they blinked seeing Blade rush through them and quickly caught up with the tiger. The two seemed to rush over to the bakery and matched their pace but Blade pulled back and yelled to Elenel who appeared in front of it* Blade: now we got it! *she rose the orb as it launched to her intending on getting to the bakery at all costs but clashed with her barrier. It tried to force its way in as the villagers and soldiers looked on but was blasted far into the air as it roared wiggling around trying to slow itself down.* Blade: sorry about this kitty.. *he quickly took as soldiers spear and rushed forward jumping with all his might into the air at the tiger and yelled transforming the spear into an iron scythe and aimed to cut it in two in the air but blinked looking as Elenel stared at him from far away. He then nodded and twirled the scythe and smashed down at the cat hitting it in its side. It roared out and vigorously clawed scratching his arm a bit causing it to crystallize up. Blade yelled grabbing his arm and fell with the cat.* *just then Elenel looked to him blinking and held out her hand. Below them soldiers gathered up with nets ready to take them but they suddenly faded halfway down and both the cat and Blade dissapeared much to both the soldiers and the villagers surprise* Soldier: they dissapeared! Soldier 2: but we just saw them! they cant have! Soldier 3: find them scout the area! *they scattered as Elenel hid away and looked seeing Blade huffing a bit dropping the scythe that reverted to a spear and looked to her* Blade: hah.. thanks.. thought that would be bad.. *She looked to his arm which had crystallized into clear blue crystal. He shook his head* Blade: that's not important yet.. what about the Lycun? *she rose her orb as it glowed a bit showing a small blue flame that seemed to roar. He smiled and nodded* Blade: good.. got him.. but why not kill it? *she pointed to his arm then looked to the blue fire gazing into it. Blade looked to her then to the blue flame as it seemed to settle down* Blade: your thinking we can use it to fix my arm? honestly that might work.. but I don't know a single thing about.. h-hey what are you doing?! *she pointed her orb beside her and seemingly released the tiger from the orb as it poured out as blue flame hurt and growled a bit. She then looked into its eyes getting close as it started to settle down more staring to her. Blade blinked looking at them* Blade: huh?.. did you tame it? *she looked to him and closed her eyes. He looked to the tiger then back at Elenel* Blade: wait.. it was already tamed? then why did it go crazy? *a voice came from behind them of a familiar person* ???: maybe because its been trapped in the trees for some time. *he turned and looked seeing Bee and Bax with a large satchel* Blade: huh? Bax and Bee! im guessing that is all our "payment" right? *he nodded setting it down as Elenel focused on the bag then looked to him. He smiled looking to her and him* Bax: in truth.. it wasnt always bad, that Lycan used to be just a kind little rock kitten, but one day something happened and it grew up quicker than most. *Blade looked to it then to him* Blade: whats the deal with this thing anyway? whats the whole story. *Bee looked to Bax* Bee: hey papa secrets aint free! *he shook his head* Bax: just this one time. Maybe they can help it. *she looked to the tiger as it started to slowly huffed and lay its head down quietly growling but was still weak* Bee: well I do feel sorry for mister kitty.. but only this once. *He nodded smiling to her then looked to Blade* Bax: I think we should go into the bakery, it may be a little of a long story. Besides that this little trouble has caused the watch guard to come in with more soldiers. *Blade nodded hearing the soldiers yell out in a distance* Blade: your right.. El.. is their a way we can.. huh? *she looked to the tiger as its flames were now little to none seemingly calmed but wounded. She then looked to him as he blinked* Blade: wait.. me? carry it? but im already crystal! want me to go fully crystal? *she pointed to the flames going out only its tail lit he then nodded* Blade: alright I got it.. dont touch the flames. *Bax opened a back door to a room as Bee walked in with him and Blade picked up the tiger watching its tail as he carried it in the room with Elenel following. To Be Continued © 2014 CzatoftheMoonAuthor's Note
Author![]() CzatoftheMoonWinnie , TXAboutI am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..Writing