Chapter 24: Swapping out.

Chapter 24: Swapping out.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

A southeast wind is blowing.. It feels like no wind I've felt before.. But at the same time it feels nostalgic.. Someone's comeing ,..

*a breeze hits his face as he lays on the ground. The grass feels so soft and kind like a bedsheets just washed. A voice seems to break his calm though..*

???: niichan! Wake up mom wants us to come home now!

*Hisao blinks and shakes rolling over*

???: just a little more Yuhiko.. 

*the voice growled and shoved him shaking him*

???: eh? Whose Yuhiko! Come on Asunii! Wake up! 

*he shook his head and stood up with his eyes still closed and yawned* 

Hisao: I'm up what's the problem? ...hmm eh.. 

*he blinked opening his eyes to see a small child huff at him and shaking her head*

???: Asunii forgot about me and thought about this Yuhiko! Your heartless!

*he blinked and pulled back surprised*

Hisao: gwah!   

*she blinked as he looked around and noticed the tall trees and large forest he was in even more surprise*

Hisao: wh-what the? Where am I? This doesn't look like home!

*she growled crawling on his knees and pouted angrily *

???: neechan is being stupid! Did you eat a bad mushroom again? I'm telling mom you did!

*he blinked looking to her in surprise then seemed to speak a name he never even knew*

Hisao: Aiko.. 

*the girl shook her head* 

Aiko: that's my name but you can't say it, you made me mad.

*Hisao blinked then thought for a moment*

Hisao: (umm.. Okay I'm not sure what's going on.. I was fighting

 for my life then I'm out cold and here.. Wait.. Its quiet..)

*he looked around* 

Hisao: Asuga? ..hey Asuga! 

*it was silent. Asuga was neither in his mind or to be seen. He blinked as Aiko chucked then laughed*

Aiko: Asunii is saying his name wrong did you hit your head on a rock again? Hehehe!

*Hisao blinked surprised at her words then looked to her* 

Hisao: Huh? Asuni? Me? ...ah! No am I?.. Asuga?..

*She sighed and pulled his nose*

Hisao: oww! Hey!

Aiko: niichan quit with the games! We need to go home!

*he rubbed his nose and whimpered a bit thinking* 

Hisao: (if I'm Asuga where is he?.. More importantly.. Where am I?.. )

*she shoved him a bit to get his attention* 

Aiko: listen to Aiko! Time to go home.

Hisao: ah alright Aiko quit shoving I'm listening.. Umm but I think I did hit a rock.. Could you lead the way?

*she blinked*

Aiko: Asuni must got a real owie.. Okay! Aiko will lead the way! Keep up Asunii.

*she moved to stand up and started to walk as Hisao stood up a bit wobbly but followed her thinking* 

Hisao: (if I really am Asuga.. Then maybe this is some kind of dream of his.. But its so real.. Could I be in a memory? any rate I don't know anything right now.. I guess I'll just go along with things.. Still.. Where are you

*as Hisao walked off with Aiko leading the way,another voice had started to awake. This time back at the dojo*

???: nngh...

???: Hisao! 

*Yukina's voice was heard*

???: Hisao? Your up? 

*Ighi's voice called to him as well*

*he growled and looked to the two of them standing over him* 

???: the hell are you calling Hisao? 

*the two blinked surprised as he rose up and looked to them* 

Yuhiko: no your not...

*Ihgi frowned then blinked* 

Ihgi: Asuga.. 

*he stretched his arms and looked at them blinking then shook his head* 

Asuga: eh?.. What are Hisao's puny arms...

*Yuhiko shook her head*

Yuhiko: this isn't right.. You sound like Asuga but.. Look like Hisao.

*he blinked* 

Asuga: I what?..!

*he looked to himself then yelped and whimpered* 

Asuga: gwaaah! What kind of curse is this!?!

*Ihgi closed her eyes* 

Ihgi: I had a feeling this would happen .. Now I'm sure of it.. This is an after effect of using demon and holy arts together.. It seems your minds have swapped places temporarily..

*Asuga blinked looking to her then yelped* 

Asuga: Gah! No no no no no!  What the hell! If you knew this why didn't you.. 

*Ihgi shook her head* 

Ihgi: that was a thing I couldn't stop. I was hurt badly because of you.. Now in more ways than one I'm hurt worse.. 

*Asuga blinked remembering the fight on the tower*

Asuga:  grrah.. That was.. Nothing to think on.. Right now I want my body back! Where is Hisao?

*she frowned at his words then angrily turned her head and looked away from him. *

Ihgi: I don't know.. Its not important to me either!

*Asuga glared to her* 

Asuga: you little!.. You knew about this so I know you know more! Tell me everything!

*she ignored him and faded away he glared to her as she disappeared. Yuhiko blinked and nodded looking to him* 

Yuhiko: okay.. I'll tell him that much for Hisao's sake.. But you are right.. He doesn't need to know anything else.

*he growled looking to her* 

Asuga: what are you two talking about? Have you forgotten who I am?!

*Yuhiko sighed a bit then glared to him* 


*he pulled away looking surprised and shock* 

Asuga: y-you little... Owww!

*she grabbed his ear and shook her head with her eyes shut and growled* 

Yuhiko: it may hurt Hisao a little but this is for your own good you selfish demon! Your gonna follow orders or I'll
 make sure you won't ever get back to your body. 

*he slapped her hand away and shook his head smirking* 

Asuga: no. Its not gonna work that way. I can hold him hostage and..
*she slapped him across his face as he growled and held his cheek* 

Yuhiko: you selfish idiot! You think you can? No you can't I won't let you. You see.. Asuga, your at your weakest and in a delicate situation. Right now I could use my charms to purify you and make his body empty then guide  him back myself using the Soul Spirit Ritual.

*he blinked and growled* 

Asuga: you.. This can't be..

Yuhiko: but.. I could save you if you show some truth in your words. In other words.. You have to be nice and honest for the day till I get things in order to save my beloved. Do that, and you may get your body and spirit back to normal. 

*Asuga blinked a bit confused and speechless*

Asuga: your kidding right? I'm the Demon of Manipulation. Not some eye of truth! 

*she smirked and shook her head* 

Yuhiko: oh? But I only see Hisao with your voice, you can't even use your powers because Hisao and you are bound like that. Your just a demon trapped in a human body. Hehehe!

*Asuga growled to her and rushed to choke her but struggled unable to touch her* 

Asuga: damn you! If this boy didn't care so deeply for you I'd ring your cocky little neck! Grr damn kid!

*she smiled* 

Yuhiko: love can be a powerful strength, too bad you only see hate. No wonder you can't understand her feelings.

*Asuga growled* 

Asuga: damn spirit hunter girl! Even after I thought I got rid of my emotions and created her, this boys emotions gave me all I sought to rid myself of! That's why I also can't hold my forms for a long time! 

*she laughed at him*

Yuhiko: you were in such a rush to be out of the seal, you didn't even care for what it would do to you. How sad and selfish. 

*Asuga growled then sighed*

Asuga: eugh.. Such a fall..  When I was so close to fully courrupting him.. I suppose I have no choice.. I'll obey  you. For now. 

*she smirked* 
Yuhiko: of course you will.

© 2014 CzatoftheMoon

Author's Note

Picture of Asuga as Hisao.

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Added on May 21, 2014
Last Updated on June 6, 2014
Tags: yakuza, demons, adventure, fantasy



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
