Chapter 9: The Art of Uvel

Chapter 9: The Art of Uvel

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

One hidden now awakens. As Igar's mysterious skills return to him, the next match begins..

*From the viewing screen Duke Val watched and nodded*

Duke Val: hm his technique is awkward yet terribly accurate. The speed is also incredible. His movements seem like something of legend.

*Duke Ranning appeared on a small viewing screen next to Duke Val*

Duke Ranning: dont overestimate him now Duke Val, he is still a boy.

*He shook his head*

Duke Val: I am not.. I do see that he purposely missed several spots that could be considered vitals on humans.

*A view screen came up as Duke Salva nodded*

Duke Salva: so you saw it as well, as expected from the White Knight. Still I could see he was holding back.

*Duke Rosarade appeared on a screen*

Duke Rosarade: huh what holding back?! there can be no mercy in this battle!

*Duke Salva nodded*

Duke Salva: my thoughts exactly.. however it seems he needs to be taught the hard way.

*Duke Val blinked*

Duke Val: your not suggesting he be forced to do your extreme test are you? Duke Salva.

*He smirked and nodded*

Duke Salva: if our daughters can do it then so can he. This one is a male and the test has never been trialed on him however I am interested to see if he can do it.

*Duke Ranning frowned*

Duke Ranning: your tests have caused quite some trouble in the past Duke Salva, what if this one loses his mind or much worse.. declines to stay as our fighter?

*He laughed and shook his head*

Duke Salva: that wont happen dear Duke Ranning, your love for the commoners is well known and I will make sure he at least has seventeen percent life expectancy.

*Duke Ranning shook his head as Duke Rosarade spoke*

Duke Rosarade: at any rate he must pass this for us. Once we have the preliminary settled then no one will question our familys power in this region!

*the group nodded as they looked on from another room at Igar. In the other room Igar seemed to think deeply on his skills*

(*Igar: how did I know.. how to do that? but whats more.. I cant understand why I would want to kill someone.. who would even teach me something like that?*)

*A voice came over a speaker in the wall as the floor started to rumble.*

Duke Salva: the time has come finally!

*the floor seemed to open up as a square ring seem to rise up. Igar blinked looking to it confused*

Igar: A ring? were fighting here?

*the ring finally set and stood up as Duke Salva began to speak*

Duke Salva: the first match will be under my guidance. I will decide who wins and loses!

*Igar frowned*

Igar: him?..

*Vira looked to Igar*

Vira: stop complaining! its not like he has true power!

*Igar blinked*

Igar: huh what do you mean?

*Vira sighed*

Vira: didnt you know? Hes only an official he can call the match and announce it. However if a duel is called thats all thrown out the window. He cant stop duels.

*Igar nodded*

Igar: I know about that..

*Duke Salva's voice rung out*

Duke Salva: Silence! I am announcing the first match now! It shall be..

*Everyone looked on in anticipation as a grin came across Duke Salva's face*

Duke Salva: the House of Taul verses the House of Bost.

*Uvel blinked*

Uvel: Eh?!

*In one of the four corners of the room a man stood up along with his team holding his sword on his hip*

???: hmm.

???: Master Luke. It seems to be time.

*He nodded*

Luke: ill finish this fast. I dislike the Bost family.

*the man looked to him calmly*

???: remember not to let yourself fall to your anger my master.

*he looked to the man with a small glare but simple expression*

Luke: Biel I am in complete control dont tell me what to do.

*the man shivered and nodded*

Biel: ah y-yes sir! Forgive me.

*He looked to the other two men*

Luke: Tid and Malc, you guys take the stragglers. I want the head.

*Uvel shook his head*

Uvel: I refuse!

*Luke blinked*

Luke: huh?

*Duke Salva smirked a bit*

Duke Salva: is that so? on what grounds young lord of Bost?

*He glared*

Uvel: see here Duke Salva! I will not sully my skills and honor fighting the unworthy skills of Taul!

*Luke glared and walked forward as Biel moved next to him*

Biel: my master.. hes trying to taunt you.

*Luke looked to him now a bit angry*

Luke: Biel, silence. You there Bost rat! youve got alot of nerve calling us unworthy!

*Uvel laughed*

Uvel: your skill was the lowest of this foolish band. You couldnt hurt anything with that dullards blade, whats your of a lower nobility. The fact you in this royal challenge is an offense to all other names!

*Luke roared*

Luke: ive had enough!  your going down!

*He pulled out his blade and rushed for Uvel. Uvel smiled widely*

Uvel: three strokes of my blade.

*as Luke rose his blade Uvel struck piercing his arm straight through with his fencing blade.*

Luke: u...uahghhhh ahhhh!!

*Uvel laughed*

Uvel: one you are trash.

*he pulled the blade out quickly and thrusted in Lukes shoulder as a loud pop could be heard*

Luke: gahhh!

*Uvel shook his head*

Uvel: seems that ive broken your shoulder too bad for you.

*the three of his group rushed to help only to be stabbed in their back and stumble down on their knees.*

Tid: gah..

Malc: ugh!

Biel: grhhhgh wh-when did they..

Gurn: you should watch from your stands. Our lord is showing his excellency in swords.

Avon: something you fools know nothing about.

Orin: look on in awe fools look at the glory of Bost Technique and skill!

*Luke groaned and kneeled down on his knee's*

Luke: guh.. d-damn it.. this is.. impossible.. not one strike..

*Uvel closed his eyes and sighed*

Uvel: kneeling down should have been what you did in the first place, you are unworthy.. unworthy unworthy unworthy!!!

*he swiped across luke's face several times with his rapier carving cuts into him*

*Vira blinked as Igar growled a bit*

Igar: this is horrible..

*She nodded*

Vira: hes down already! is he some kind of sadist!

*Luke finally passed out in blood as Uvel smiled with an evil grin. Duke Salva's voice could be heard again*

Duke Salva: this battle is decided. Uvel of the House of Bost has won! Return to your corner!

*He looked to Igar and Vira and laughed as his group kicked down the remaining people of Luke's group and walked back to their corner. Soon the doors opened up and stretchers came with nurses carrying the group off. Igar sighed in disgust*

Igar: this is horrid.. such things to do..

*Vira looked to him*

Vira: if thats all it takes to turn your stomach then youll never win this. Uvel is cold and calculating hes a boaster and a taunter for good reason. That sword skill as well.. its not something anyone can easily take.

*Igar shook his head*

Igar: I get the feeling he was showing off more to us.. he wanted to show you and mostly me just what he was capable of.. all you nobles really hate commoners that much?

*Vira blinked and glared to him*

Vira: whats that supposed to mean? are you saying were alike?! My hate for commoners have reasons! his is purely due to mislead thoughts and idiocy!

*Igar blinked and shook his head*

Igar: no.. I didnt mean it like... gugh!

*she jabbed her sheathed swords grip into his stomach as he pulled back a bit then gave him an intense cold glare*

Vira: youll never know what happened.. your nothing but a blind fool.. your just a tool for us here got it? now stay away until its time to fight.

*she walked into the corner and sat calmly closing her eyes with her sword on her shoulder. Igar shivered and shook his head*

Igar: (way to make friends Igar.. such a cold glare.. what could have made someone like her so cold I wonder..)

*as the last of the stretchers and maids left, the doors shut behind them. Duke Salva's voice could be heard again*

Duke Salva: humph now then the next match is.. House of Boon verses the House of Rosarade!

*Igar blinked as Vira nodded*

Igar: here we go..

Vira: about time..

© 2013 CzatoftheMoon

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Added on November 8, 2013
Last Updated on November 8, 2013
Tags: fantasy, romance



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
