Chapter 9: Vain’s mind awakens and a Darkness rises.

Chapter 9: Vain’s mind awakens and a Darkness rises.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

(picture later)


*They flew far into the clouds and finally found the land of Lyre. One by one they flew down to the edge and landed safely on the ground.*

*Auno softly placed Marcus on the ground then transformed landing as Ulri placed Nailah near him and landed transforming and sighing*

Ulri: phew.. its good to be home.. just a little bit of that place goes a long way.

*Heit placed Sari on the ground and transformed sitting down*

Heit: no offense my Queen but.. that was tough. Ive never carried a person that long before.

*Auno smirked*

Auno: I suppose your used to carrying your own weight right? you should hold back on eating so much.

*Heit blinked and shook his head*

Heit: My father always taught me a full stomach will be ready than half a stomach for a full day.

*Sari smiled*

Sari: words to live by.

*Ulri shook her head*

Ulri: some of us dont have to worry about figures though.

*He blinked*

Heit: figure? well it looks like your way past worrying.

*she growled*

Ulri: what did you say? your the one who looks like flying pig!

*He growled*

Heit: what? excuse me then at least im not as light as a feather and skinnier than one!

*a voice came from above them*

Seitz: thats enough. No more bickering.

*he flew down and gently placed Vain down on the ground and transformed. Xalent transformed and looked to him*

Xalent: he’s been out for a while much more longer than I suspected.

*Seitz looked to him*

Seitz: he is dreaming.. no.. there’s something weird..

*he lifted Vains arm and blinked seeing a black claw mark on it*

Seitz: damn.. that person must have gotten him before we could pull him away from her.

*Sari growled*

Sari: that person.. Niar.. I wont forget her name.. right now is he..alright?

*Seitz nodded*

Seitz: look there.

*the wound started to heal quickly as the claw marks faded Marcus blinked*

Marcus: thats… wow ive never seen healing go that fast.. whats more we dont even heal that fast.

*Sari looked to him*

Sari: its usually a bit more slower.. something must have happened to him while he was gone.

*Nailah closed her eyes*

Nailah: still its odd.. how come we couldn’t get word to him. He has been gone for so long.

*Sari blinked as Vain groaned and lifted his hand in the air*

Vain: …Black void.. word..darkness.. fight..gotta find the light..

*She grabbed his hand and held it warmly*

Sari: Vain!.. please tell me are you alright..

*he gripped her hand*

Vain: s-sari… its so col.d.. the world here.. so cold… seven years thirty three days.. Sari…

*She blinked*

Sari: what? what are you talking about? other world? wake up please! tell me whats wrong?

*Seitz looked to her*

Seitz: he seemed to be more exhausted than I thought.

*Xalent closed his eyes*

Xalent: another world? black void?

*Auno blinked*

Auno: whats up? you found something out Xalent?

*He shook his head*

Xalent: no.. but I know you know what he means lady Sari.

*she blinked and looked to him*

Sari: huh?

*they looked to her*

Seitz: what does he mean?

*Xalent looked to her calmly*

Xalent: my Queen, what happened to Vain at the end when he fought Tyre.

*she closed her eyes*

Sari: that… that was..

*Xalent sat down*

Xalent: from what I could gather from what Lady Iris told me, you and Vain were the ones who fought Tyre. He was fused with Veerhah the Demon of darkness and his form could be seen even from Lyre.

*She nodded*

Sari: yes.. when he fused with Veerhah.. Vain and I took him down by entering the world they created inside of themself. At the last moment though Vain knocked me out of that world and was sucked into a void that happened due to Veerhah and Tyre’s destruction. I.. I dont know what happened but..he was gone then..

*Xalent: afterwards you came back to Lyre to tell them the news. I heard you cried for seven days straight and searched everywhere without even eating.

*She nodded*

Sari: I love him.. I love him more than anything. I was willing to sacrifice my life in his place.. but more than that.. I wanted to just let him know that I was waiting for him. I searched every spot over and over and nothing..

*Seitz looked to Xalent*

Seitz: Xalent.. what are you getting at?

*Xalent looked to him*

Xalent: commander, it is a theory but I believe Vain crossed over to another world. He might have been thrown into a rift or something but.. based on just that mumbling he was there longer than anything. If thats the case then I beleve that worlds time was much longer than our normal time.

*Marcus blinked*

Marcus: another world?

*Nailah shook her head*

Nailah: thats the weirdest theory ive heard.

*Auno nodded*

Auno: but it would be likely. Considering she searched every part of this land.

*Seitz closed his eyes*

Seitz: this is just a theory though. We dont know until he tells us.

*Ulri blinked*

Ulri: what I want to know is how come he was acting like that before.

*Heit nodded*

Heit: yeah the whole memory thing and all.

*Xalent shook his head*

Xalent: the real question is how did he come back to this world.

*a voice spoke out to them*

???: you guys are rude! you left me out of the conversation and didnt even bother in telling me you found him or got back.

*Seitz blinked and looked to Iris who walked over and proceeded to check Vain for his injuries*

Seitz: ah.. I am sorry Iris.. we were just talking about where he could have been.

*She smiled*

Iris: its alright. Theres alot to talk about I bet. For now though he seems to be in a high state of exhaustion. Just looking at him I can tell he didnt get any rest and all these nicks on his body mean like he was fighting. Hes even outgrown his clothes. The sewing’s on his shirt are practically ripping off. Still whats getting me is that mark here

*she pointed to a mark on his neck shaped like a dark wing*

*Sari examined the mark and looked*

Sari: hmm? thats weird ive never seen anything like that.

*Rain appeared behind her*

Rain: that mark.. it looks like something ive seen before in a dream..

*Iris blinked and turned around*

Iris: gyahh! what!? oh.. sheesh Rain you appear and dissapear like that and you scare everyone.

*She frowned*

Rain: oh.. im sorry I didnt mean to..

*She shook her head*

Iris: no problem.. more importantly what was that about the mark?

*she shivered and closed her eyes*

Rain: well.. I had a dream one day.. the dream was so strong it rained and thundered..

*Auno blinked*

Auno: ah the thunderstorm a few days back?

*Ulri shivered*

Ulri: I was wondering what was going on.. that was scary!

*Heit nodded*

Heit: I was blown almost off Lyre from that!

*Nailah smirked*

Nailah: what? I slept through that easily.

*Marcus smiled*

Marcus: thats because you were exhausted.. you remember?

*Nailah giggled*

Nailah: it was from what we did that day right? I really got my claws into you hehehe.

*He shook his head*

Marcus: no.. auctually.. that was a dream you probably had.. you chased me all around Lyre till the afternoon then fell asleep near the fountain.

*Nailah blinked*

Nailah: what? no I didnt! it wasnt a dream was it? aww!

*She wimpered*

*Xalent shook his head and sighed*

Xalent: honestly…

*Iris growled*

Iris: everyone be quiet! its not polite to interrupt!

*Nailah and Marcus blinked and stood silent*

*Iris smiled to Rain*

Iris: now then. Continue please.

*She nodded*

Rain: well.. that night I dreamed of all of my mother with all of you. We all were in the temple talking about a growing change. Suddenly something happened to one Mair the Czat who likes to play tag with me and the children. He groaned and was in pain.. but I shivered. I ran to him along with my mother but we were knocked back by some sort of power.. he was evolving.. or changing.. he transformed and grew larger and larger until he was a long scaly lizard. The rest of the Czats started to change too as if they all were reacting to something inside them. They suddenly started to transform and grew till the temple began to shake. I closed my eyes and held my head down afraid of what was happening as mother held me close and looked on.. then when I opened them.. everyone was a scaly lizard thing. It stood on two legs and had large horns and a long slender snout like a lizard. All of their tails were scaly and long. Everyone started roaring and fighting each other then the temple started to collapse.. thats when I woke up..

*They all stood silent as Iris blinked*

Iris: come you never told me this before.

*She frowned*

Rain: I was afraid.. I was afraid if I started to tell it it would happen..

*Xalent shook his head*

Xalent: my goddess.. please dont be afraid. You are still young but know that every one of us here will never hurt you. We will protect you and believe in you like we always have just as your mother believed in us.

*She smiled and cried a bit*

Rain: im sorry.. its just.. its been so hard..

*Nailah wrapped her arms around her and softly hugged her*

Nailah: its alright. We are here for you. All of us are.

*Iris nodded and looked to her smiling*

Iris: shes right Rain. We wont leave you and we all know how it feels at times. More than that we will live up to your mothers name and we will never forget anything. I promise we will always be there for you like your mom was for us.

*everyone nodded. She smiled happily*

Rain: mmm. I.. thank you everyone.

*Sari smiled*

Sari: im glad to see your just as passionate and caring as your mother Rain. You should know that your not alone either. We are your children just as we are your mothers.

*Rain nodded*

Rain: I know.. I am grateful to see you again Sari. More than that we have to work together now than ever.

*She nodded*

Sari: yep especially with all thats going to be happening soon.

*Iris blinked*

Iris: huh? whats up?

*Sari sighed*

Sari: I’ll tell you when we get somewhere to rest. Lets go to the square shall we? I think all the Czats will have to hear this too.

*Iris nodded as Seitz picked up Vain and carried him on his back. Everyone walked heading to the square*

(Quick jump to the square)

*at the square everyone was gathered as the entire lands Czats stood watching and looked to Vain. Sari, Iris, Seitz and Rain stood in the middle of it all as everyone stood around them*

*Sari began to speak*

Sari: ah wow you’ve all gotten bigger since I saw you last time. I think I still see Saeon and it looks like you got children!

*a yellow old Czat smiled and nodded*

Saeon: ive gotten old and got me some children. Frisky cats all the time. Thanks to you my Queen they can live safe.

*the Czats nodded and agreed*

*she blushed*

Sari: oh please! no need to flatter me. Iris did alot of work too. I see you’ve remade the land too. All your hard work has made Lyre even more beautiful.

*they cheered and nodded*

Czat: its thanks to everyone and you too Iris!

*Iris smiled and sighed blushing*

Iris: please just stop! its not even done yet! remember we still have to fix the foundations on Ariri’s house!

*a pink haired female Czat smiled*

Czat: its fine its not like anyone’s complaining. I can still sleep in many places and my children are fine as well as my husband.

*they laughed a bit and agreed*

*Sari spoke again*

Sari: well im glad to hear that your doing fine without me! hah well still I think you all know why were here. I went to the land of Rulan and there are again talks of war.

*They mummer amongst themselves*

Czat: not war.. the last one was terrible..

Czat: my children shouldnt see war.. why do the humans have to fight?

Czat: its inevitable for any species I guess.. we might all fight wars someday.

Czat: pah your kiddin right? I aint fightin no war unless its threatening my land!

Sari: its alright to worry but dont. I promise we wont let anything happen. We made this land and we are this land. With our godess we still have strength. Just know that I dont want anyone in war and wont! Ive seen war with my own eyes and so has your king.. its horrible.. and I wont let it happen to all of you!

*they cheered and wag their tails*

Czat: the Queen is right! we are strong together!

Czat: yeah I am not gonna let anyone take this land!

Czat: still what about the King..

Czat: I know he doesnt even look like hes awakened.

*Sari looked to Vain and then to them*

Sari: I know everyone. I am worried for him too. Still the other news is their are people who want to take our King away from us.

*Seitz growled*

Seitz: I wont let them take away Vain. Hes my friend. Hes been there for me ever since we fought in the war.

*Iris nodded*

Iris: I dont think id ever really be alive if it wasn’t for him.. he saved the world.

*they mummer*

Czat: its no wonder the Kings not awaken.. he must be tired.

Czat: hes done so much for everyone too..

Czat: we shouldnt let those humans have their way though.

Czat: ill defend my King even if it means fighting!

*they all agreed*

*Sari shook her head*

Sari: No. The last thing we need is for Lyre to be attacked like before.

*Nailah walked through the crowd*

Nailah: what?! hold up! after what I saw down there your not saying we just let it all happen right?!

*Marcus stood by her*

Marcus: I dont like fighting either my Queen.. but we just cant let them attack us at our home..

*they nodded and agreed*

*She closed her eyes*

Sari: I dont plan to. I dont even plan to leave it to our so called “friends” to defend us. We will not fight but we wont let them attack us either. Right now I want a group to be prepared because I want to go down there and hit them first! there are factions of Tyre still alive down there that have done horrible things just to get their hands on our dna and lives! I want to make sure that we control our own lives. We wont be wiped out or made fun of like some sort of common animal you hear me!

*Nailah huffed*

Nailah: big talk Queen. You must have saw all the stuff they did down there. How can you just ignore it and not attack them?

*She growled*

Sari: oh I want to attack them alright. I wouldnt mind making sure that they’d never be stupid enough to do anything to us again. I plan to stomp them out even if I have to do it alone. However we cant do anything till the King is alright can we?

*she nodded*

Nailah: true.. good point.

*they all mummer*

Seitz: I took a team to find Vain and ill take a team to find the Xpearios as well but not until Vain is awake. Until then all we can do is keep working to better ourselves and Lyre for the storm.

*Iris nodded*

Iris: everyone knows that the war will come and everyone knows that it will be humans fighting themselves. I feel as if its my fault tho..

*a light brown Czat walked forward*

???: you shouldn’t  feel bad. Iris you are a human yes, but here you are a Czat. No one cares for looks or anything. We were saved by them everyone. We were raised and lived with them. There is nothing to be afraid of. We can swing our own tails and sharpen our own claws by ourselves now. We know what to do and what not to do too.

*they mummer*

Czat: Nual is right we have to stay strong for the king and our Queen and our godess and everyone. My lady we will do as you say.

*they all nodded and cheered*

*Sari smiled and sighed*

Sari: hah.. you all thank you..

*she kneeled over as Seitz and Iris went beside her. The crowd mummer*

Iris: Sari?

Seitz: Sari? whats wrong?

*she huffed and closed her eyes*

Sari: hah…just.. just a little cold thats all..

*Iris placed her hand on Sari’s head and blinked*

Iris: huh? a fever! your burning up!

*she waved her hand*

Sari: no its alright..ive dealt with it..

*She shook her head*

Iris: no its not alright! you should take care of…

*the crowd mummer more looking as Iris looked behind her and saw Vain began to stand. He seemed to give off an aura around him and kneeled down to Sari*

Iris: wh-what? Vain?! whats going on?

*he softly nudged Iris aside and picked up Sari. She blinked and looked a bit to him*

Sari: …V..Vain?…

*he smiled to her*

Sari: nnnmm.. I can hear your voice.. Vain.. I hear it in my head..

*she wrapped her arms around him as he carried her and closed his eyes. The two were wrapped in a glowing blue and purple aura and embraced eachother. Iris Seitz, and everyone looked on. He looked to everyone*

Vain: I can feel it coming back.. slowly.. I feel my memories.. I know you Sari.. I know all of you.

*Seitz blinked*

Seitz: Vain? are you remembering? so quickly.

*He smiled*

Vain: I feel your care for me.I know that I cant afford to waste time either.. I am so proud of my people.. its been so long since ive seen you all. I have missed everyone.

*Sari snuggled more in his arms and fell asleep as he looked to them. Iris moved to him and blinked*

Iris: V-Vain wait! dont rush yourself you just woke up and all.

*He smiled*

Vain: dont worry I had a long time of rest.. right now theres something important that I want to discuss with everyone.

*He looked to the Czats and everyone*

Vain: everyone.. you all know war is coming.. but there is something more dangerous than that, its going to happen to us. The other god is awakening.. I feel it in my body and so does Rain. When I was trapped in the space between this world.. I saw images of what would happen. A roaring army of monsters that looked like us.. Friends dying without warning.. and most of all giant lizards burning our home to ash. I saw your faces in those monsters…

*one Czat blinked*

Czat: what… my lord? we are those monsters?

*A grey cat shook its head*

Czat: we dont fight though. We dont even do things that cause all that rage and hate.

*He nodded*

Vain: I know it sounds confusing but I know why its happening.

*Rain blinked*

Rain: wait.. then what my mother told me.. the other god and the other land is real?

*They looked to her*

Nual: Goddess Rain? what is it?

*She closed her eyes*

Rain: my mother… my mother was not the only god of Lyre.. and Lyre used to be much bigger..

*They mummer as Vain looked on*

Rain: I.. I always thought it was a tale.. seeing as my mother only told me it once.. I never dove into it. she seemed afraid to even speak about it..

*Iris looked to Rain*

Iris: Rain.. are you alright?

*she nodded*

Rain: yes its okay.. I will tell you.. its just its hard for me to believe its real.. heres how the tale went though.

*she sat down on the ground. One by one the Czats sat down around them as Iris as well as the group sat down*

*Vain kneeled down holding Sari close and looked on to Rain*

Rain: My mother told me to never forget her words. She told me that Lyre used to be a giant land the size of a continent. Its full name was Lyreantha.

*Iris blinked*

Iris: what.. no way.. Lyre used to be the size of a continent?!

*Rain: yes. My mother could only keep part of it afloat. My father held the other part together.

Auno: another god and another part of the land..

*Xalent nodded*

Xalent: it makes sense, if the population is to grow more then another land was needed or at least more.

*she nodded*

Rain: when the land was one the population of Lyre was over a million. She said it thrived well for at least two hundred years. Father and mother made the first Czat like beings calling them Aiens. Aiens had many traits and personalities different from each other. They were the first of the being on the land.

*the Czats talked amongst each other amazed.*

Heit: beings before us… why wasnt anyone told? why did things get held back?

Ulri: shh! let her explain!

*Rain closed her eyes*

Rain: they lived before humans.. they had different forms than the human shape you have. The Aiens were a mixture of beings that father and mother thought of. Only animals were there back then so they made many from them.

*Vain nodded*

Vain: that means my visions were right.. beings before the Czats..

*Iris shook her head*

Iris: I dont know how all this could escape unnoticed for so long though.. why didnt she tell us.

*Rain frowned*

Rain: it was because of the Chaos Heart. A trait that Aiens developed.

*Xalent closed his eyes*

Xalent: chaos heart…

*she nodded*

Rain: this at first seemed natrual and went with desire in their hearts. Where they were only made as one like cats couldn’t fly or birds could never have the powers of cats. The Aiens seemed to desire more and more what the other had so they began to develop wings or a tail like cats or birds. Mother and father were puzzled by this they were happy but confused and each time they talked with the Aiens they said they want to go further. Soon the first Aien created by mother and father named Siin began to develop new things. His skin turned into a hard rough like bit mixed with hair. It was scales.. he developed scales.

*the crowd gasped and chatted*

Czat: scales? like lizards?

Czat 2: amazing.. their desire morphed their body..

*Nailah shivered*

Nailah: s-scales… new things..

*Marcus looked to her*

Marcus: Nailah? are you alright?

*she blinked and looked to him*

Nailah: huh? heheh yes I am fine!

*Marcus smiled and nodded as she frowned a bit*

Iris: I didnt even know that they could do that!

*Seitz shivered*

Seitz: that power..

*Vain nodded*

Vain: Tyre was able to touch that power.. and so was I..

*Rain shook her head*

Rain: no.. you and Tyre.. the power you had was just a speck.. it was sparked by anger and rage.. this was pure desire gone wrong..

*Iris blinked*

Iris: gone wrong? it sounds like it took a turn..

*she nodded and frowned*

Rain: seeing nothing wrong Mother and Father ignored it and after a while more and more Aiens transformed into different types of mixes until they too had the scales.. then one night seventy three hundred years ago… a red moon filled the sky and all the Aiens roared out.. no one slept they roared into the sky for four minutes then stopped.. Mother and father looked upon them from a tall tower they lived in.. suddenly the houses they lived in crumbled as the first growl of a new being filled the air.. A shadow of a dragon..

*everyone gasped and chattered*

Auno: d…dragon?!

Heit: whaa?! Dragon? you mean the mythical beasts thing?

Ulri: thats not possible! Czats cant have powerful traits like that.

Xalent: you forget.. these re Aiens.. they must have had a much more stronger trait structure..

Nailah: ….

Marcus: thats.. thats crazy..

Vain: just like Tyre.. he wanted that power so badly..

Seitz: it was that desire that killed him in the end. When he got Veerhah apparently he got the trait too but by that time his body was too old.

*Vain nodded*

Vain: yeah.. he couldnt handle Veerhahs power.. my body could only handle so much of it.. when I took the form of the gaurdian when I fought with Sari so long ago that was also a trait.

*Iris closed her eyes*

Iris: if what your saying is true.. then that means alot of traits are based on emotion combinations and plain emotions..

*Rain nodded*

Rain: oh yes I forgot to mention that.. Aiens name means “All” in Czat. Ah but.. let me continue please. The first dragon appeared and started going crazy. Mother and father went to find out what it was and was immediately attacked by it. They were of course stronger but they didnt want to kill it.. they knew who it was right away and it hurt.. it was Siin. Siin had lost control and transformed whats worse his roaring was attracting the other Aiens. They roared at Siin coaxing him to fight and had pure red eyes. Their fur and feathers were ruffled up and they were out of control as well. The day would be known as Chaos Moon.

*the group all stood silent as everyone hung on every word she said*

*she shivered more and continued on closing her eyes*

Rain: it.. it was horrible.. my mother said she was never so afraid in her life.. but what was even worse was the solution.. My father found out that the traits that the fact they had so many traits in them caused them to go crazy and develop the Chaos trait. a trait that combined alot of other traits into one. He had to take it out of them but in doing so it would kill them and the trait itself could not just fade.. it needed a host.. so he chose himself. My mother teared up and cried so much holding him tightly and begging him to find another way but.. he said there was no other choice.. so they started their plan.. He would lure the Aiens toward him and keep them busy while my mother was to hide away and sleep for the next years to regain the power that would be loss. She of course went to the sacred grounds and slep there as the night went on and more and more Aiens transformed into dragons.. then my father ripped out the traits of them all as they screamed in pain and transformed to normal dying. over a million traits fused inside him darkening his soul and causing storms to come up.. after he got the final one.. Siin, he was almost fully form destruction and chaos himself. His love for my mother was the only thing that kept him strong.

*Iris shivered*

Iris: the only other powerful emotion as all that would be love..

Vain: the love of a god..

*Rain nodded*

Rain: he knew as long as he was awake and strong then the power would only cause chaos even he wouldnt be able to control so easily so he did the next thing.. he stabbed his heart and cleaved a bit of it off severely weakening him almost to death but at the same time weakening the traits. He then made his way to the tower and began to sleep. with the power weakened, Lyreantha couldnt stay and tore into two. That part drifted off somewhere deep and far away in a storm made by the chaos. The chaos was so strong that even while he slept severely weakened the storm stayed. He was able to contain most of it but a shadow form of it was able to escape. It was a being of destruction and rage.. it was angered at losing all the power but confused about the other emotions it had. It then silently creeped out of the storm and hid inside my mothers womb.. it hid away disguised as she slept and when it woke.. it would go into the first being it could. The First Czat.

*they all stood silent*

Vain: …the first..

Seitz: yes..

Nailah: the first one? no way!

Marcus: thats crazy the first was pure though..

Xalent: nothing is pure truly. Everything has a darkness or there wouldnt be a balance.

Auno: a darkness huh?

Ulri: even us..

Heit: but that being.. who was it?

*Rain shivered*

Rain: a being that would suck away emotion and create chaos like a vortex with its echoing laughter.. it was Veerhah.

*Vain closed his eyes and turned away*

Vain: ….

*Iris gasped as her eyes widened*

Iris: Veerhah…

Seitz: that thing.. that monster.

*Rain nodded*

Rain: alot of people thought that Veerhah was a god too because it had similar things like my father but if what Vain is saying.. a repeat of the Chaos Moon might happen again.. if thats the case.. we should act first. I have a feeling I know what we can do to prevent it too!

*they looked to her*

Iris: whats your plan Rain?

*she breathed deep and looked to them seriously*

Rain: we should find my father and awaken him!

© 2012 CzatoftheMoon

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Added on November 27, 2012
Last Updated on November 27, 2012
Tags: czat, adventure



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
