Chapter 7: The Impulsive Lover

Chapter 7: The Impulsive Lover

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

(picture of Sari)


(they flew far from the volcanic mountain towards the edge of the desert south. The mountains were tall but had a great view of the endless desert in front of it. It was on one small mountain near a small shack that everyone landed..)

*Marcus was slowly placed down on the top of the mountain followed by Nailah who sighed. Auno and Ulri were the first to arrive*

Marcus: phew.. flying.. its scary..

*Auno transformed and smirked*

Auno: this? scary? I couldnt imagine what it feels like to be without wings now thats scary.

*Nailah huffed*

Nailah: well excuse us for not having feathers and beaks. We do the best we can on solid ground though thank you very much.

*Auno smiled*

Auno: still upset? I said I was sorry didnt I?

*She growled*

Marcus: no! no you didnt!

*he blinked and scratched his head*

Auno: thats odd. I thought I told you when we were flying.

*Ulri transformed and sighed*

Ulri: she couldnt hear that old bird! Cats dont have refined ears to keep wind from blowing in and deafening them to talk. The wind was against us so even I had a hard time.

*Auno laughed*

Auno: ah I knew that..

*Heit flew down beside the group and transformed sitting down*

Heit: hah..hah… whew man.. that wind is against us.. thats what it feels like eh.. this is some world.

*Ulri nodded*

Ulri: I know right? On Lyre the wind was made for us.. but here its like its trying to knock us down!

*Auno shook his head smirking*

Auno: if you two baby chicks are blown away by a little pressure then im sure the commander would send you back.

*they blinked and growled*

Ulri: come again? me? I can hear you panting as if you were dying under your breath.

*Heit nodded*

Heit: and you were losing feathers trying to stay in the air.

*Auno blinked and looked at his wings*

Auno: what?! you two have lost it. Your the ones who are making weak remarks.

*Ulri grinned*

Ulri: oh? well we are just commenting on the wind. I guess your too numb from all those berrys to feel it!

*Seitz flew down softly placing Vain on the ground then transformed*

Seitz: enough. I could hear your squawking from the volcano. You three should get along.

*Nailah nodded*

Nailah: you all were raised together and are friends but you fight like you want to kick some teeth out of eachothers mouth.

*Marcus shook his head*

Marcus: no I dont think its that.. I think its close friends care so much that they tend to show it by fighting.

*the three of them looked to Marcus.*

Auno: ehh? what? me? care for them?

Ulri: not in a million years!

Heit: not even if Ulri lost her feathers.

*she glared*

Ulri: what did you say?

*Seitz shook his head*

Seitz: enough. Seriously. If there IS somone in the shack im surprised they havent heard you three by now.

*They closed their eyes and went to three seprate corners of the area. Seitz looked around*

Seitz: Xalent?.. where are you?

*He appeared behind all of them and looked to Seitz*

Xalent: commander? you called.

*Nailah blinked and shook her head*

Nailah: gah whats with you? being so quiet that no one knows your there! thats really creepy.

*Xalent smirked*

Xalent: its a habit. It also helps to keep certain cats out of trouble.

*She blinked*

Nailah: your talking about us? who died and made you our godess?

*Xalent laughed*

Xalent: you can ask me that AFTER you clean up your act and hold back your urges.

*Nailah smirked*

Nailah: just claw your eyes out and dont look.

*Xalent sighed*

Xalent: humph.

*Seitz looked to them then to Xalent*

Seitz: Xalent.. I want you to search the area. Auno and Heit go with him.

*The two of them blinked*

Auno: what? why me?

*Heit nodded*

Heit: im sure Xalents better at scouting than we are for godess sake he was hiding and not even I noticed him.

*Ulri giggled*

Ulri: because your eyes are as bad as your flying.

*He growled*

Heit: im not the one who almost crashes into trees and gets blinded by clouds.

*Seitz sighed*

Seitz: enough.. forget it I will go with Xalent then and Ulri Auno, and Heit stay here. Marcus and Nailah scout around the area of the cabin.

*Nailah smiled*

Nailah: heheh me and Marcus? no Xalent?

*Seitz sighed*

Seitz: dont think of any ideas, Xalent and I will scout the air and you the ground focus on the task at hand!

*Marcus shivered and nodded*

Marcus: y-yes sir!

*Nailah smiled and blinked then nodded*

Nailah: ah errhm yes sir!

*Seitz transformed and flew into the air along with Xalent. Marcus and Nailah hopped down from the side of the mountain closer to the shack. As they approached the two transformed and sniffed the ground. Nailah coughed and transformed then fell over rubbing her nose as Marcus transformed and blinked looking to her*

Marcus: Nailah? whats wrong?

Nailah: gah the ground it smells terrible! its like some sort of repellent. bug spray.

*Marcus blinked and sniffed the ground then gagged and coughed*

Marcus: ah what is that smell!? eww..

*Nailah nodded*

Nailah: ah.. its gonna be stuck in my nose forever..

*Marcus sighed*

Marcus: were probobly in some sort of trap.. eww the smell is on my clothes too.

*Nailah nodded then smirked*

Nailah: oh you too? lets just take them off then.

*she started to lift her shirt when Marcus blushed*

Marcus: w-what?! wait we cant do that here. The others are only a few steps above.

*She stopped and nodded*

Nailah: true.. hmm

*she looked to the shack and grabbed his hand pulling him behind the shack then smiled*

Nailah: there.. this way no one can see us.

*Marcus shook his head*

Marcus: w-wait Nailah.. we just cant..

*She looked to him*

Nailah: what? whats wrong you said your clothes smell didnt you?

*he nodded*

Marcus: well yeah but..

*she pounced on him and started to take his shirt off. He blushed and pulled it down*

Marcus: huh!? wait its okay the smell isnt so bad besides were on a mission.

*she slid her hands up his shirt and looked to him grinning as she stared into his eye*

Nailah: its alright ill even go first if you like hehehe.

*she started to pull up her shirt again. Marcus blinked and grabbed the end of her shirt pulling it downward*

Marcus: no its okay! …wah?

*Nailah blinked and looked at him*

Nailah: what? whats gotten you distracted?

*she looked over to the side where Marcus looked to see a long purple haired woman stare down at them. Her fuzzy purple ears twitched as she looked at them with a grin and waved her long purple tail across the grass*

???: wow your both in heat here? sorry but this is my nesting spot.. you two wildcats are gonna have to leave.

*Nailah and Marcus looked to her silently*

Nailah: ….

Marcus: ….

*She sighed and facepalmed*

???: what? Czats got your tounge? honestly speak already you act like im gonna bite. Depending on who you are I may or may not.

*they pulled back and looked to her then spoke quietly to themselves*

Nailah: umm… Marcus.. who is that?

*He blinked*

Marcus: huh? I dont know.. but dont you feel a weird feeling from her?

*Nailah nodded*

Nailah: its like her emotions are flying into me.. its strong kind and powerful.. but more.. like love..

*Marcus nodded*

Marcus: yeah I feel it too but.. what does it mean?

*Nailah growled*

Nailah: wait she might be an enemy. she might be like those other things we saw on the mountain after the king.

*Marcus shivered*

Marcus: wh-what? but she doesnt seem like one of them. shes not even clothed like them. err are you sure?

*Nailah nodded*

Nailah: I am. Remember what the godess told us? not to talk to strange beings and fall for their tricks? everyone down here is either something freaky or a human. I may feel calm around her but shes still strange and ive never seen her.

*Marcus slowly nodded*

Marcus: well… yeah but..

*She growled and turned toward the woman*

Nailah: you better leave us alone! your not taking the king! We wont let that happen.

*Marcus blinked*

Marcus: Nailah? we cant just go attacking..

*Nailah looked to him*

Nailah: Marcus think! she might hurt you or the king or even me! remember down here there is all sorts of tricks.

*the woman frowned and lowered her ears but looked confused*

???: what the hell are you talking about? down here? you mean your… wait.. you do seem familliar..

*Marcus sighed and nodded. The two of them transformed and roared at her. She blinked looking in surprise*

???: I knew it you two are Czats!

*Nailah rushed forward and slashed at her but she leaned over dodging the hit easily. Marcus hopped over her with his front claws out aiming at her head. She ducked the hit and turned around looking to them*

???: who taught you manners? honestly? and whats that fighting? do you guys even know how to?

*Nailah growled and looked to the woman*

Nailah: wha? who the hell do you think you are? your pissing me off!

*Marcus growled lowly and looked to Nailah*

Marcus: Nailah this doesnt feel right. She’s not even transformed. Remember we cant kill humans..

*she looked to him*

Nailah: what? shes not human shes one of those things we saw on the mountain that attacked us! there like imitation Czats. They will just melt either way we attack. Dont hold back cause of that.

*Marcus closed his eyes and nodded. The womans long locks of hair waved in the wind as she shook her head*

???: imitation Czats? this is all some sort of trick? dont call me a cheap knockoff.

*Nailah blinked*

Nailah: ah she even understands our growl talk. See? but thats not a Czat. No Czat woman could have breasts that big for starters! looks like shes carring melons on her chest.

*The woman growled*

???: how dare you! I happen to take pride in my breasts! at least their not cantalopes!

*Nailah growled and rushed for her attempting to bite her left arm. The woman simply jumped over her and shook her head. Marcus blinked and rushed forward attempting to claw at her. She dodged his hit pulling back and easily*

*Marcus blinked*

Marcus: how can it dodge so easily? I know were no experts but we should be able to hit it.

*Nailah growled*

Nailah: damn it! its just playing with us.. and that cantalope remark.. damn you! I happen to love my breasts too!

*she rushed forward at the woman with her fangs out. The woman turned around to her. Marcus blinked and rushed forward after her. The woman blinked and sighed and shook her head then used her back hand to slap both of them on their cheeks and send them tumbling back.*

*Nailah transformed and held her cheek which was red she wimpered*

Nailah: ow.. owwww! by the godess that hurts! what the hell is this thing?

*Marcus let out a small wimper and held his cheek softly rubbing it*

Marcus: nnnnhn… oww.. its like that time I crashed into the wall.. oww… theres no way.. whats going on.

*She shook her head*

???: you two have frail bodies. Just a back hand slap hurts then you may want to run away now. I am not even serious.

*Nailah growled and looked up then smiled.*

Nailah: finally took them long enough.

*Marcus blinked looking to the sky to see Auno Ulri and Heit charge down at the woman. She looked up in the air and smiled*

???: ah reinforcements? and their Czats too no doubt. Whats going on here.. why am I suddenly being attacked by you guys?

*Heit rushed down attempting to claw her but she grabbed his talon and pulled him down so quick he stumbled and crashed. Auno growled and rushed forward aiming to hit her with his wings but she dodged and pulled out some of his tail feathers to which he yepled and transformed holding his tail and hopping around. Ulri blinked and flew downward but shivered and looked at them. The woman smiled*

???: good move.. its wise not to attack after seeing that right?

*Heit groaned and stood up looking to the woman*

Heit: augh.. what the hell?.. A Czats supposed to be stronger than anything.. this aint right.

*Auno patted his tail and looked to her*

Auno: ugh.. I knew that would hurt.. but that hurt like hell!

*She shook her head*

???: another batch of weaklings. You fight like pigeons over pieces of bread. Since when do you think its gonna be easy?

*Ulri transfomormed and blinked*

Ulri: this woman.. she feels.. so fun.. but at the same time.. its an odd feeling.. could she really be an enemy?

*She blinked and turned around then smiled*

???: how long will you hide? I can tell your in those skys. My nose never lies.

*Xalents call came out from the sky above. He flew down with Seitz behind him and looked around to everyone. He growled and stared at the woman*

Xalent: what have you done to my comrades? Your wont live long now.

*Seitz blinked and held him back*

Seitz: stop.

*Xalent growled*

Xalent: commander? why are you stopping me?! she did this to all our friends!

*He looked to Xalent*

Seitz: first off judge the enemy and know the enemy without fighting.

*Xalent nodded and sighed then looked at her*

Xalent: she does seem formidable. I was taught by you commander so I am not afraid of her though. We can take…

*Seitz shook his head*

Seitz: no we cant. The Czat Queen is stronger than all of us combined and more. She might be even stronger than me. Isnt that right Sari?

*everyone blinked and looked to her in shock*

Nailah: what?! s-shes… shes…

Marcus: the Queen… its really the Queen! woah!

Heit: I knew it all along.. I should have stopped and think.. man that hurt..

Auno: gah she had to be rough though? really?

Ulri: I knew the feelings wernt wrong she seemed so kind.

Xalent: The Czat Queen.. considering she could have done more damage.. I should have known.

Seitz: She tested you. I should have known. Still its not nice to pick on the newblood Sari.

*She laughed throwing her head back as her breasts shook*

Sari: ahaha you all are so “smart” why didnt you trust your senses?

*Seitz shook his head*

Seitz: you didnt realize them either did you Sari?

*She pulled back and softly chuckled*

Sari: ah.. ehehehe well I knew they were Czats.. but I had no idea who they were.. been a long time after all.

*Seitz smirked*

Seitz: you should know the children we saved all those years ago. They all got big.

*Sari blinked and looked shocked*

Sari: wh-wh-wh-whaaaaaat?! these are those snot nosed kids?! how long have I been gone? geez I dont beleve this.

*she walked up to Marcus and looked into his eyes. he stared back into her eyes noticing the different colors and blushed*

Marcus: ..u-um..

Sari: look at this one. He looks almost like him Seitz.. whats your name?

*He blushed and lowered his head a bit staring at her breast then yelped and looked into her eyes*

Marcus: I-I am Marcus! err my queen ah.. err.

*She smiled*

Sari: well Marcus. I hope I didnt hit you too hard.

*she looked to him smiling. He blushed more and shook his head*

Marcus: n-n-not at all!..

*Nailah moved next to Marcus and grabbed him pushing his face into her breasts and growled to Sari*

Nailah: y-you may be the Queen but hes mine! no touching!

*Sari blinked and laughed a bit*

Sari: are you serious? your acting like how I was.. let me get a look at you.

*She patted her head and looked closely in her eyes. Nailah blinked and looked to her confused*

Sari: its a first time ive seen a green Czat.. whats more somone so pushy and like me. You look too cute!

*she pinched Nailahs cheek as Nailah yelped*

Nailah: whet gho! mah cheek! ow ow!

*she swiped at Sari. Sari smiled and let go and laughed. Then walked over to Heit and looked to him. He pulled back and shook his head*

Heit: hold on! I dont go for cheek pinching! that hurts and pain is bad you know. Youll give me a break right? you did almost kill me.

*She blinked and grinned*

Sari: I almost killed you? you were charging at me first. I could have stopped you and plucked out all of your feathers.

*He shook his head*

Heit: no no no.. okay so you didnt almost kill me but after seeing Auno have it happen I dont want to feel that. Thats slow and painful death!

*she laughed*

Sari: oh Auno.. so thats his name.

*she looked to Auno who shivered a bit and looked to her*

Auno: honestly.. that hurt.. I want an apology.. you dont do that to the older one. The younglings need to feel that pain and caw not the older ones. I would even have perfered to be knocked into a tree than that.

*She grinned and frowned playfully*

Sari: sorry about that! well think of it this way. You got the young ones pain so youll feel young again.

*Auno blinked*

Auno: huh? is that the Queens logic? thats.. scary.

*Ulri stood behind Sari quietly. She blinked and looked to her. Ulri pulled back a little and yelped*

Ulri: I….I…I am a big fan of you my Queen!

*Sari blinked*

Sari: a fan? me? have a fan hah.. that makes my tail waggle.. wait im not that old am I? when did I grow up?

*Ulri smiled looking to her*

Ulri: I.. I knew it was you when I felt your presence.. my lady.. I am happy to see you. I wanted to see you..

*Sari smiled and wrapped her arms around Ulri giving her a hug and catching her off gaurd*

Ulri: wahh!

Sari: well I am happy to see you my fan! You seem like one who thinks with your brain.

*She smiled and giggled a bit*

Ulri: hehehe its like being hugged by a mother.. err my name is Ulri my Queen.

*Sari smiled*

Sari: this is just fantastic. I havent had many women Czat’s to talk to for starts. I would be happy to talk to you sometime. hmm wait now that I think about it. Why are all you down here?

*Xalent looked to her*

Xalent: we all came down here in search on a mission.

*Sari looked to him then blinked and sniffed the air*

Sari: hmm.. you smell a bit different then the others..

*He blinked*

Xalent: different?

*She shrugged*

Sari: oh I see how it is. Never mind about it. Tell me about this mission.

*Seitz looked to her*

Seitz: before we do anything I suggest we move from this place and back to the mountain tops side.

*Nailah blinked*

Nailah: oh thats right she needs to know we found him.

*Seitz looked to Nailah*

Seitz: not yet. Not in the opening..

*Sari blinked*

Sari: found him? Vain… you… you mean…

*she shivered as her tail riled up and she shook getting goosebumps all over her skin. Her eyes seemed a bit teary. Everyone looked to her*

Sari: ah… *sniff* did you really? did you find him really?

*Seitz smiled and sighed*

Seitz: hes on the mountain near here.. we should go quickly though we may have company..

*Sari snapped out of it and sniffed the air then growled*

Sari: hrrrhmm… Xpearios.. those guys.. and hmm… Siar? ….wait a moment SIAR?! That damn flat chesting four eyed bimbo?! no way im gonna let her have him!

*she transformed and yowled in the air then rushed to the other side of the mountain. Nailah and Marcus blinked seeing her leave a large dirt trail behind her*

Nailah: wow… shes fast! shes impulsive too.

Marcus: she reminds me of you Nailah.

*She grumbled and shook her head*

Nailah: shes not like me! dont compare me to her and I saw you looking at her breasts Marcus!

*he blushed and shook his head*

Marcus: I didnt do…

*She wimpered and poked her breasts frowning*

Nailah: I didnt know you liked them that big… I gotta eat more and get bigger!

*Marcus sighed*

Marcus: this is sounding perverted..

*Seitz shook his head*

Seitz: we have to go after her. I do smell enemys on the air everyone lets go. Top speed.

*Everyone nodded and transformed then followed after Sari.*

© 2012 CzatoftheMoon

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Added on November 26, 2012
Last Updated on November 26, 2012
Tags: czat, adventure



Winnie , TX

I am a writer of fanfiction and anime type storys but I could probobly write about anything I wanted. Dont expect much from me folks I dont think im any good at writing. more..
