The soul is really two sided, for it can bring salvation but also sorrow and chaos but as long as the voice of the whisper is still inside your soul, one can still receive salvation and the hope that one deserves. This poem can generate hope, for the end of the poem is the moment that we can taste the sweet nectar named salvation. This poem must be heard in this world of us, for the truth is one of the truths that must be known and so, your poem will live forever in the hearts of the one who understands your message.
The soul is really two sided, for it can bring salvation but also sorrow and chaos but as long as the voice of the whisper is still inside your soul, one can still receive salvation and the hope that one deserves. This poem can generate hope, for the end of the poem is the moment that we can taste the sweet nectar named salvation. This poem must be heard in this world of us, for the truth is one of the truths that must be known and so, your poem will live forever in the hearts of the one who understands your message.
this collection of words does throw imagey into the brain and paint an atmosphere of desperation and resignation until the ubrupt end. I don´t really know what to think yet so I´will give it another pass after breakfast. Cheers!
I just read it again. And it reminds me of a short line from a movie. Lol. I don't know how the two come together...but hell, here it is.
A short line from the movie Rocky.
"And when you fall down, Get up you son of a b***h, get up cuz Micky loves ya" lol. Thats what the coach said. Lol. Anyways, 100 points.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Hehe.nice line.unfortunately I haven't seen the make sure I do that.: D
9 Years Ago
Lol. There are five parts of it. Silvester Stalone plays the main character. Rocky. Lol. Good movies.. read moreLol. There are five parts of it. Silvester Stalone plays the main character. Rocky. Lol. Good movies though, great story.
9 Years Ago
I know the movie. He's a boxer in it ri8?I've seen small parts of it but never the whole thing.
9 Years Ago
Yeah. I've seen it all. Must say that it is awesome.
9 Years Ago
I ain't a big sly Stallone fan. The only films I've seen of his are Rambo and all 3 of the expandabl.. read moreI ain't a big sly Stallone fan. The only films I've seen of his are Rambo and all 3 of the expandables
9 Years Ago
Seen all those too :)
9 Years Ago
But....all the shooting scenes are over done. Like the hero can shoot the bad guys with perfect accu.. read moreBut....all the shooting scenes are over done. Like the hero can shoot the bad guys with perfect accuracy, but twenty of them can't hit the hero a single time... Seriously...cartoons are more
9 Years Ago
I know ri8.we usually laugh it off during those scenes.if you think this is something u should watch.. read moreI know ri8.we usually laugh it off during those scenes.if you think this is something u should watch a Bollywood action movie.ul get to know what real action is😂😂
9 Years Ago
Lol. I know some real action...not a movie, but its a lot more realistic. Play a first person shoote.. read moreLol. I know some real action...not a movie, but its a lot more realistic. Play a first person shooter. Lol.
9 Years Ago
Hehe. Idñt play much of those kind of games.for some unknown reason I get a massive headache after .. read moreHehe. Idñt play much of those kind of games.for some unknown reason I get a massive headache after playing them.
Two possible reasons... One: extremely excited. Two: extremely bored.
9 Years Ago
Two I guess.but its not bcuz of the fact that I get really gives me a damn headache so I ki.. read moreTwo I guess.but its not bcuz of the fact that I get really gives me a damn headache so I kinda steer of from such games.
This makes me think. Think that you wrote about losing all hope, all strength...hitting rock bottom. And since you couldn't go lower...the only place you can go is up. Anyhow...thats my best guess. Rating 100
The last line reminded me of the line "The darkest hours of the night come just before the dawn",-The Alchemist,Paulo Coelho. This poem started with a desperate note ending with a hope... I was taken from abyss of dark to pinnacle of hope. I am glad i cam here to read it. Its not the final state of helplessness whs when you still have a hope. Remember chances are always second lasts.. So take heart. more is yet to come. *keep writing*
first of all Joel, it's hard to write poetry as an attentive or aggressive pursuit but easy
if you give consideration to circumstances or contingencies. And that's what jumps off the page
for me. That whispers are only whispers when the room is the quietist. But the soul
rarely speaks in a quiet voice my friend. It shouts and screams and bends your fingers backwards..
Others before me have said 'beautiful' and I agree. This is beautiful if beauty is that which
makes allowances for our permissible selves.
Thanks dana. But here I wanted to showcase a situation where hopelesness drowns out the screams of t.. read moreThanks dana. But here I wanted to showcase a situation where hopelesness drowns out the screams of the soul until only a whisper is that whisper , the feeble attempts by the soul to instill hope that I have shown here.
10 Years Ago
but I was at an art show my sister gave recently and the artist of this extreme abstraction
s.. read morebut I was at an art show my sister gave recently and the artist of this extreme abstraction
stood before his painting and said the exact same thing as you did. That his intention was
to convey a certain soulful interaction of hope. I mention that because paintings aren't poems.
And the durability of beauty is not limited by the purity of intention. I loved the poem because it was beautifully conveyed and not any personal mitigating circumstances. You write very well,
so why concern yourself with purpose.?...Just my own humble opinion.....dana
Joel: am stopping at oblivion (beautiful): I hear a whisper,as silent as if It never existed. I love it! I am trying to type something meaningful, but you have taken my soul to a new height - Joel, I am awestruck by the beauty - the theme and it's message. You have been blessed with a great gift and I am captivated. The ending is phenomenal as well. Thank you so much for this lovely writing I will not forget. Beautiful, amazing. Dale
I'm Joel. Reading , for has always been an escape for me into my own world, my imagination mingling with that of the author's. Writing on the other hand is a new dimension for me, one which I.. more..