![]() Flight of the Confederate FireflyA Poem by Joe M.![]() A firefly secreted in my home died upside down as I gazed from above, spirits of the Charleston 9 resting momentarily in my broken heart. The firefly died as the 9 believing I am pure. Not truth.![]() Some late night trip ago I slipped into my plastic home unto a lone firefly dying lying gravely against the dirty oak floor trapped on its back in the split between floor boards and door jams glowing coldly at me over and over knowing soulfully every flash of disdain ends his way
I sat with him against the dirty oak floor As I should have knowing not what is mercy here nor whether I am of Richard or of Saladin marching a righteous banner granting me vitality of the right hand, bringing peril to the left.
We prayed with him against the dirty oak floor Salem, Doodle and I, three proper children sat in big church squirming uncomfortable on hard wooden pew penance for the flight of the firefly bleating as animals will do lines from a good book, “What fault of you Luciferian to land all askew?” “Exorcise your wicked alchemies!” “Repent! Repent! Repent!” The noble firefly squirmed uncomfortably on its winged back, 3 pair of claws signing futility towards me, emitted a quantum retort to which I was only singularly privy as if to say I am prime You are not. Gazing up at me digitally with his bell curve stare, the eunuch Salem asks, “How do I know sign language?” “Go ask Yoda. I have no time for emptiness.” A moment of silence “There are dead to bury.”
“Do not bury these dead Lo, under hot blue sky lay the linens peaceful among the warm red rock and scenting asphodel Anoint the feet with oils of fishes but do not rest the eyes Charon’s purse yet lays empty”
We waited with him against the dirty oak floor 12 of us now And the firefly doomed to holy whims and currents from winds of some one persuasion or another powerless is behind our denials The b***h Doodle lays splayed wagging her dock and reciting excitedly, “Bullets kill people. Words kill people. Color kills people. Flags kill people. F**s kill people.” “Get rid of bullets. Get rid of words. Get rid of color. Get rid of flags. Get rid of F**s.” (Some dogs just won’t hunt!) The fateful firefly flashes now slowly, slowly now still, still wasting ATP to telegraph me in binary semaphore of a fashion only a finalized firefly could glow…
Await Light. Light. Await Light. Light. Await Light. Light.
Salem sitting upright rests his red ever too long tongue on his flat black face grins justly at me as animals will do knowingly translating yapping over and over and over all Yodaesque “Genome glows. Darkness grows. Genome glows. Darkness grows. Genome glows. Darkness grows.” Eventually he begins to chase his curled tail I never understand the first word that God damn dog says.
I stayed with him against the dirty oak floor storied souls taken flight since tolerating again an asynchronous end Salem and Doodle attack out back the unknown whispers black and white “I know why the angels sigh” So do I winks the firefly over over slower slower And thus I begin to cry When the firefly dies for the horrors of an epiphany set free - The flags of our once and future beings Are sewn now by him and me - is greater than I can tailor. © 2015 Joe M.Author's Note
1 Review Added on June 21, 2015 Last Updated on November 27, 2015 Author |