the struggle of the heart. Sometimes I wonder If I am destined for love.
Always playing second fiddle
Always a option but never a priority
Sometime I wonder am I really this bad of a person that god continues to torture me with disappointment and heartache
Or am I just unlucky in love
You were the only constant thing in my life
You still are the only person that I continue to let in, I give you chance after chance but always knowing that you will never change… maybe you can change
Or maybe I’m just that desperate to think that one day you will finally make me your priority
It may happen or it may not, and love doesn't generally serve as a good follower of rules. And yet, it's what a woman is encouraged to seek from an early age. But, it's a rocky road to true love; with many twists and potential pitfalls. Then, suddenly it can be found unexpectedly. Other times, it can be thrown back in your face; just a short period after you think you've just found it? Meanwhile, it's normal to find whatever connections work. After all, you're only human; and everyone has needs. So, why take the worry and stress, which playing second fiddle in a committed relationship; tends to involve? It's not for everyone, after all. And, people are increasingly choosing; to live in ways which feel right for them. Towards the end of this piece, you sadly seem to blame yourself; saying how you want to change. But, then expressing the unlikely prospect that the man might change. So, stop beating up on yourself. Instead, be yourself; and make the most of opportunities when they arrive. After all, life's too short to keep looking backwards; or constantly putting the future on hold. Otherwise, you will end up always thinking "if only" or "what if"; when you could be just enjoying whatever opportunities come your way..? We have never lived in a perfect world. Never have, and never will. Life is never fair, and even when it temporarily seems so; you never know what's just around the corner.
Posted 4 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Months Ago
thank you… i needed this and i completely agree with you. time to live more and care less
It may happen or it may not, and love doesn't generally serve as a good follower of rules. And yet, it's what a woman is encouraged to seek from an early age. But, it's a rocky road to true love; with many twists and potential pitfalls. Then, suddenly it can be found unexpectedly. Other times, it can be thrown back in your face; just a short period after you think you've just found it? Meanwhile, it's normal to find whatever connections work. After all, you're only human; and everyone has needs. So, why take the worry and stress, which playing second fiddle in a committed relationship; tends to involve? It's not for everyone, after all. And, people are increasingly choosing; to live in ways which feel right for them. Towards the end of this piece, you sadly seem to blame yourself; saying how you want to change. But, then expressing the unlikely prospect that the man might change. So, stop beating up on yourself. Instead, be yourself; and make the most of opportunities when they arrive. After all, life's too short to keep looking backwards; or constantly putting the future on hold. Otherwise, you will end up always thinking "if only" or "what if"; when you could be just enjoying whatever opportunities come your way..? We have never lived in a perfect world. Never have, and never will. Life is never fair, and even when it temporarily seems so; you never know what's just around the corner.
Posted 4 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Months Ago
thank you… i needed this and i completely agree with you. time to live more and care less
Sometimes, crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can’t explain how broken your heart is...
I write what comes to mind, and what i feel in that moment.