By: Johnny Westbrook
He lies on the ground, looking up at
the starlit sky; thinking of what he just did. Hearing the grass brush together
as the wind race between them, he lifted his hand and tried to get a good view
at it as his eyesight went out of focus. Beginning to sweat as his body grew
cold, he began breathing heavily as his sight continued to blur and dim. Looking
to his right as a cloud passed the moon, the moonlight revealed batch of purple
flowers swaying from the breeze.
Closing his eyes, he saw the image
of a fist pressed up against a white shirt stained with blood. Watching his
vision, he watched as the stain slowly went away and the fist pulled out the
knife. The stain was gone, so was the cut where the knife pierced through the
shirt. Watching through the eyes of the one in the white shirt, he watched as
the person sat up and then stood… in a field of grass and flowers.
The place seemed familiar to him as
he watched through the eyes, but something was different. Something confused
him about the place and time. It finally clicked in his head, it was noon, at
the same spot he laid now.
Quickly opening his eyes as he
struggled for a gasp of air, he used his left hand to pull up his white
bloodstained shirt as the blurriness went away long enough for him to see a
piercing hole through it. Feeling something in his right hand, he lifted his
hand and saw the same knife from when he closed his eyes.
As it got harder and harder for him
to take a breath, tears ran down his eyes as everything got darker and darker
around him. Starting to freeze as his body shivered, he grew more and more
tired. Not able to fight it, he closed his eyes and listened to the sound of
the wind and grass… until it completely stopped.