Full Metal Alchemist: Full Blooded
A Book by Johnny Westbrook
This is a fan fiction story (from one of my favorite anime series, Full Metal Alchemist) that I started back in 2006 and plan on finishing by the end of the year. I feel that this is a fun story and you can even read this without even knowing anything abo 
© 2008 Johnny Westbrook
Author's Note
This is an old story of mine that I haven't edited just yet and might have a good few grammar problems. If so, I'd still like to know. Plus what did you think of the dialogue? Please Review.
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Added on February 24, 2008
Johnny WestbrookIL
Hello, first and foremost, thank you for stopping by my page and taking interest in my work. My name is Johnny, also known as Static, (Jay Balor is my Pin name) I have a fur child name Matrix who love.. more..