February 6, 2012: Fear & Frustration

February 6, 2012: Fear & Frustration

A Chapter by Jiyuu

Just a day of me ranting about my college roommate and her actions, friends, etc. Please deal with me.


February 6, 2012

Fear & Frustration


Today, on February 6, 2012, I really understood how precious life is.

During my Anatomy class this morning, a young woman had a went through a seizure.

I had never seen a live seizure right before my eyes.

It terrified me; I actually became mute for a short period of time today.

My Algebra teacher even noticed how I was and asked how I was feeling.

She hugged me, along with Cody, who happened to be there.

People who actually care for me notice when I'm in pain.

It's mainly my friends and family back home.

However, others here notice as well.

It's kind of upsetting sometimes.

Well, that's what happens when you screw up in high school.

You get put into some dinky community college.

It's poor as heck, to an extent.

The school's full of immature men and women alike.

It's pathetic in so many levels.

Especially the men.

But I digress.


Recently (as of yesterday), I have been getting quite annoyed with my roommate, Leslie, along with her buddies who like to drop in.

Basically, it's nothing more than a repeat of first semester.

People come in.

Things are all over the place.

They never want to leave (worst part).

When they do leave, the room smells of cigarete smoke.

Just the other day, Leslie had two of her guy friends in the room.

They smelt like a*s, since they're smokers.

Not only that, they decided to use my bed as a resting spot for their crap.

Oh, and another thing that gets me, is when Steve, her boyfriend, doesn't put my chair back to where it's supposed to be.


If you're going to use it, at least have the decency to put it back by my desk.

At least Trey did it last night.

Ugh, what can I expect from here?

I've already said some of the worst things about this school.

I'm sure I don't need to go any further, though I certainly could.

Well, right now, all I want to do is sleep.

However, I have this really nagging feeling in the back of my head of my head, warning me about what could happen tonight.

From the very beginning, my mom told me to not let anyone control me.

I've been letting Leslie do that, since whenever she had company over, I never could build the courage to tell them, and her, to leave.

I was always the one to leave.

Well, not anymore.

I need my freakin' sleep; can't these losers understand that?

This semester is a very serious one.

I cannot just goof off like...


I'm requesting a solo room as soon as possible.

I can't handle Leslie and her little visitors any longer.

Here I am, trying to sleep, but their loud mouths are louder than my music!

Oh, and they're still talking.

He likes her.

Take her to your room, idiot.

I have a class at 8:30 A.M.

It's already part 11 P.M.

It's so ridiculously obvious that I'm irritated by their actions, but since they're a******s who know know the meaning of the word "respect," I'm not surprised.

Like I had said earlier, this is a repeat of first semester.

Can't she just get sick again or go away?

My mom was right all along with Leslie.

I'm sure it isn't too late to request a solo, even thouh it's February.

School ends the first week of May; that's another 3 months.

Plenty of time, in fact.

I need to find out who is in charge of dorm rooms and ask if I can get a solo room.

Not only that, but I need to talk to my mom about this.

I know I'm going to get the "I told you so" comment, but I so deserve it.

Mom was right, like always.

She warned me about her from the get-go, but I didn't listen, like always.

I know she won't mind spending an extra thousand or however much it is.

Leslie is a hinderance to my education, as well as her friends.

The sooner I get away from her, the better.

So this is my plan for tomorrow:

Find a person that can get me a solo room.

Talk to my mom about it.

Get my friends to help me move out.



Seriously, I can't take this anymore.

Perhaps I should talk to Brittney as well.

Well, whoever can get it done.

Now I am curious as to if I'll even sleep tonight.

With the idiot in here, that won't be possible.

Instead of yelling, I'll simply do things mt way.

I'll request a single room, no big deal.

I need my speace.

Oh, and I especially don't need my room smelling like a*s and cigarete smoke.

I need to be around sophisticated, smart, and civilized people.

Like, uh, my friends?


Living in this is like living in a hell.

My own personal Hell.

Well, guess what?

I'm not having that.

I dealt with it long enough.

I'm sick of it and I'm through.

I have absolutely no regrets with doing this.

If anything, the only thing I really regret is not doing this sooner.

Gah, Mom.

Why didn't I listen to you?

I suffered the consequences, and now I'm ready to correct one of the biggest wrongs I've ever committed.

I don't care that I'm moving.

Hell, I'd rather be the one leaving.

Get rid of all the annoying memories of this room.

The sooner, the better.


30 minutes to Midnight.

He's still here.

What the hell?

Plus, I'm starving.

I'm not eating a microwave dinner at almost midnight.

I want them to leave, shut up...


I want to sleep.

I'm tired.

Why do they hate me?

A good roommate would know when she's pissing the other off.

Obviously, Leslie doesn't.

I told her I was mad (for obvious reasons) and all she did was shrug and say, "Okay...?"

Really, Leslie?

Are you joking right now?

Well, it doesn't matter anymore.

I would like to move out by tomorrow night, but that won't happen.

Give it a week.

Will I last that long, given what's happened the past couple of nights?

Well, if not, I'm going to enjoy being a b***h for the next week.

15 minutes left.

Still chatting away.


Simply amazing.

Oh, they're going to smoke.

Oh, but they'll be back.


I'm seriously tempted to just cook a TV dinner, go in the study room, and just work all night.

I cannot take this right now.

The fact that this is even happening to me is sickening.

Actually, I'm going to do that right now.

No joke.

Bye bye~

© 2012 Jiyuu

Author's Note

I seriously did go to the study room and work. I didn't get any sleep until 1:30 AM.
Sad, isn't it?
I still live with her, since we talked about my feelings.
The issue is still going on, but they leave and don't come back, so it's all good with me.
Next semester, though, I'm getting a solo room, no doubt about that.

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Added on February 15, 2012
Last Updated on February 15, 2012